Kunci Gitar Ed Sheeran - Magical

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2023-10-01T16:36:23+00:00 Kunci Gitar Ed Sheeran - Magical
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Ed Sheeran - Magical - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Ed Sheeran - Magical" yang dibawakan oleh Ed Sheeran. "Kunci Gitar Ed Sheeran - Magical" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Ed Sheeran - Magical" oleh Ed Sheeran. Kunci Gitar Ed Sheeran - Magical

Capo ♪ fret 3

Am   G       F       C/E
 one touch, electric shock,
     Am           G
eyes locked, like did 
    F         C/E
you feel that too?

Am     G           F
 world stops, just us,
     C/E   Am
here under dots,
       G        F      C/E
in the darkness of the blue
out of the blue..

Reff :
         C           C/E
 is this how it feels
 F         G
  to be in love?
         C      C/E
 this is magical,
 F              G
 this is magical

         C           C/E
 is this how it feels
 F         G
  to be in love?
         C      C/E
 this is magical,
 this is magical

Int. Am G F C/E

Am   G        F      C/E
 our lips barely one inch,
      Am          G     F     C/E
your skin brushed by my fingertips

Am  G           F        C/E  Am
 mornings white mist, so delicate,
  G       F    C/E         G
covers as we begin, as we begin..

Reff :
         C           C/E
 is this how it feels
 F         G
  to be in love?
         C      C/E
 this is magical,
 F              G
 this is magical

         C           C/E
 is this how it feels
 F         G
  to be in love?
         C      C/E
 this is magical,
 this is magical

Music : G C C/E F
        G C C/E F

Am  G        F          C/E        Am
 silence is filled, as time stands still,
    G               F    C/E
our thoughts in the open room

Am   G      F       C/E   Am        G
 lay here until the sun distils its light
        F       C/E                G
for the perfect view, now i'm with you

Reff :
         C           C/E
 is this how it feels
 F         G
  to be in love?
         C      C/E
 this is magical,
 F              G
 this is magical

         C           C/E
 is this how it feels
 F         G
  to be in love?
         C      C/E
 this is magical,
(F)          (C)
 this is magical


Cm   A#      G#      D#/G
 one touch, electric shock,
     Cm           A#
eyes locked, like did 
    G#        D#/G
you feel that too?

Cm     A#          G#
 world stops, just us,
     D#/G  Cm
here under dots,
       A#       G#     D#/G
in the darkness of the blue
out of the blue..

Reff :
         D#          D#/G
 is this how it feels
 G#        A#
  to be in love?
         D#     D#/G
 this is magical,
 G#             A#
 this is magical

         D#          D#/G
 is this how it feels
 G#        A#
  to be in love?
         D#     D#/G
 this is magical,
 this is magical

Int. Cm A# G# D#/G

Cm   A#       G#     D#/G
 our lips barely one inch,
      Cm          A#    G#    D#/G
your skin brushed by my fingertips

Cm  A#          G#       D#/G Cm
 mornings white mist, so delicate,
  A#      G#   D#/G         A#
covers as we begin, as we begin..

Reff :
         D#          D#/G
 is this how it feels
 G#        A#
  to be in love?
         D#     D#/G
 this is magical,
 G#             A#
 this is magical

         D#          D#/G
 is this how it feels
 G#        A#
  to be in love?
         D#     D#/G
 this is magical,
 this is magical

Music : A# D# D#/G G#
        A# D# D#/G G#

Cm A#       G#         D#/G        Cm
 silence is filled, as time stands still,
    A#              G#   D#/G
our thoughts in the open room

Cm   A#     G#      D#/G  Cm        A#
 lay here until the sun distils its light
        G#      D#/G               A#
for the perfect view, now i'm with you

Reff :
         D#          D#/G
 is this how it feels
 G#        A#
  to be in love?
         D#     D#/G
 this is magical,
 G#             A#
 this is magical

         D#          D#/G
 is this how it feels
 G#        A#
  to be in love?
         D#     D#/G
 this is magical,
(G#)         (D#)
 this is magical

Chord Ed Sheeran - Magical

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Ed Sheeran

