Kunci Gitar Ed Sheeran - Bad Habits

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2021-06-26T09:21:25+00:00 Kunci Gitar Ed Sheeran - Bad Habits
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Ed Sheeran - Bad Habits - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Ed Sheeran - Bad Habits" yang dibawakan oleh Ed Sheeran. "Kunci Gitar Ed Sheeran - Bad Habits" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Ed Sheeran - Bad Habits" oleh Ed Sheeran. Kunci Gitar Ed Sheeran - Bad Habits

Capo ♪ fret 2

(one, two, three, four)

Intro : Am C -Em F..-G
        Am C -Em F..-G
         ooh, ooh..

Am                   C
every time you come around
          -Em    F     -G
you know i can't say no..
Am                       C
 every time the sun goes down
         -Em   F      -G
i let you take control..
Am                  C
 i can feel the paradise
         -Em    F       -G 
before my world implodes..
    Am          C        -Em    F
and tonight had something wonderful..

Reff :
 my bad habits lead to late nights
 endin' alone
      -Em             F
 conversations with a stranger
 i barely know
         -G                Am
 swearin' this will be the last
 but it probably won't
      -Em              Dm
 i got nothin' left to lose,
 or use, or do

        G              Am 
 my bad habits lead to wide eyes
 starin' at space
      -Em                F
 and i know i'll lose control of
 the things that i say
               -G          Am
 yeah, i was lookin' for a way out
 now i can't escape
           -Em         Dm
 nothin' happens after two
 it's truе, it's true
        G              Am
 my bad habits lead to you..

     C   -Em   F
 ooh-ooh.. ooh-ooh..
       -G              Am
 my bad habits lead to you..
     C   -Em   Dm  F
 ooh-ooh.. ooh-ooh..
        G             (Am)
 my bad habits lеad to you..

Am                   C
every pure intention ends
        -Em   F          -G
when the good times start..
Am                C
fallin' over everything
            -Em    F        -G
to reach the first-time spark..
   Am                 C
it started under neon lights
           -Em  F      -G
and then it all got dark
  Am   C          -Em     Dm -G
i only know how to go too far..

Reff :
 my bad habits lead to late nights
 endin' alone
      -Em             F
 conversations with a stranger
 i barely know
         -G                Am
 swearin' this will be the last
 but it probably won't
      -Em              Dm
 i got nothin' left to lose,
 or use, or do

        G              Am 
 my bad habits lead to wide eyes
 starin' at space
      -Em                F
 and i know i'll lose control of
 the things that i say
               -G          Am
 yeah, i was lookin' for a way out
 now i can't escape
           -Em         Dm
 nothin' happens after two
 it's truе, it's true
        G              Am
 my bad habits lead to you..

     C   -Em   F
 ooh-ooh.. ooh-ooh..
       -G              Am
 my bad habits lead to you..
     C   -Em   Dm F G
 ooh-ooh.. ooh-ooh..

Am           C   -Em   F    -G
we, took the long way 'round..
    Am              C  -Em  Dm   F
and burned 'til the fun ran out, now..

Reff :
        G              Am          
 my bad habits lead to late nights
 endin' alone
 conversations with a stranger
 i barely know
         -G                Am
 swearin' this will be the last
 but it probably won't
 i got nothin' left to lose,
 or use, or do

 my bad habits lead to wide eyes
 starin' at space
      -Em                F
 and i know i'll lose control of
 the things that i say
            -G             Am
 yeah, i was lookin' for a way out
 now i can't escape
           -Em         Dm
 nothin' happens after two
 it's truе, it's true
        G              Am
 my bad habits lead to you..

     C   -Em   F
 ooh-ooh.. ooh-ooh..
       -G              Am
 my bad habits lead to you..
     C   -Em   Dm F
 ooh-ooh.. ooh-ooh..
       -G              Am 
 my bad habits lead to you..


(one, two, three, four)

Intro : Bm D -F#m G..-A
        Bm D -F#m G..-A
         ooh, ooh..

Bm                   D
every time you come around
          -F#m   G      -A
you know i can't say no..
Bm                       D
 every time the sun goes down
         -F#m  G       -A
i let you take control..
Bm                  D
 i can feel the paradise
         -F#m   G        -A 
before my world implodes..
    Bm          D        -F#m   G
and tonight had something wonderful..

Reff :
 my bad habits lead to late nights
 endin' alone
      -F#m            G
 conversations with a stranger
 i barely know
         -A                Bm
 swearin' this will be the last
 but it probably won't
      -F#m             Em
 i got nothin' left to lose,
 or use, or do

        A              Bm  
 my bad habits lead to wide eyes
 starin' at space
      -F#m               G
 and i know i'll lose control of
 the things that i say
               -A          Bm
 yeah, i was lookin' for a way out
 now i can't escape
           -F#m        Em
 nothin' happens after two
 it's truе, it's true
        A              Bm
 my bad habits lead to you..

     D   -F#m  G
 ooh-ooh.. ooh-ooh..
       -A              Bm
 my bad habits lead to you..
     D   -F#m  Em  G
 ooh-ooh.. ooh-ooh..
        A             (Bm)
 my bad habits lеad to you..

Bm                   D
every pure intention ends
        -F#m  G           -A
when the good times start..
Bm                D
fallin' over everything
            -F#m   G         -A
to reach the first-time spark..
   Bm                 D
it started under neon lights
           -F#m G       -A
and then it all got dark
  Bm   D          -F#m    Em  -A
i only know how to go too far..

Reff :
 my bad habits lead to late nights
 endin' alone
      -F#m            G
 conversations with a stranger
 i barely know
         -A                Bm
 swearin' this will be the last
 but it probably won't
      -F#m             Em
 i got nothin' left to lose,
 or use, or do

        A              Bm  
 my bad habits lead to wide eyes
 starin' at space
      -F#m               G
 and i know i'll lose control of
 the things that i say
               -A          Bm
 yeah, i was lookin' for a way out
 now i can't escape
           -F#m        Em
 nothin' happens after two
 it's truе, it's true
        A              Bm
 my bad habits lead to you..

     D   -F#m  G
 ooh-ooh.. ooh-ooh..
       -A              Bm
 my bad habits lead to you..
     D   -F#m  Em  G -A
 ooh-ooh.. ooh-ooh..

Bm           D   -F#m  G     -A
we, took the long way 'round..
    Bm              D  -F#m Em   G
and burned 'til the fun ran out, now..

Reff :
        A              Bm          
 my bad habits lead to late nights
 endin' alone
 conversations with a stranger
 i barely know
         -A                Bm
 swearin' this will be the last
 but it probably won't
 i got nothin' left to lose,
 or use, or do

 my bad habits lead to wide eyes
 starin' at space
      -F#m               G
 and i know i'll lose control of
 the things that i say
            -A             Bm
 yeah, i was lookin' for a way out
 now i can't escape
           -F#m        Em
 nothin' happens after two
 it's truе, it's true
        A              Bm
 my bad habits lead to you..

     D   -F#m  G
 ooh-ooh.. ooh-ooh..
       -A              Bm
 my bad habits lead to you..
     D   -F#m  Em  G
 ooh-ooh.. ooh-ooh..
       -A              Bm
 my bad habits lead to you..

Chord Ed Sheeran - Bad Habits

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  • Chord Ed Sheeran

