Kunci Gitar Ed Sheeran - Curtains

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2023-05-07T17:30:49+00:00 Kunci Gitar Ed Sheeran - Curtains
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Ed Sheeran - Curtains - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Ed Sheeran - Curtains" yang dibawakan oleh Ed Sheeran. "Kunci Gitar Ed Sheeran - Curtains" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Ed Sheeran - Curtains" oleh Ed Sheeran. Kunci Gitar Ed Sheeran - Curtains

Reff :

 can you pull the curtains,
        F       C        Am
 let me see the sunshine?
             G              F
 i think i'm done with my hiding place
         C           Dm
 and you found me anyway

 it's been forever
         F       C      Am
 but i'm feeling alright
       G                  F
 tears dry and will leave no trace
       C                Dm
 and tomorrow's another day

Am    Em      F
 hide and seek
     G                 Am
i am somewhere closed away
            Em   F
you won't believe
how long it's been
since i started the game

        Em     F
i can't be seen
        G               Am
and you won't find me today
     Em      F
i've not been
     G                Am
this low but i'll be okay

are you alright? maybe don't ask 
coz you know i never like
to talk about that
keep it inside,
yeah, you say i always hold back
      F                G
and i always wear long sleeves

is it in your childhood?
something happen in your past?
well the sadness,
yeah, i promise that it won't last
and if i could
i would try to take it all back
            F               G
but there's still more underneath
and it's when you say to me 

Reff :

 can you pull the curtains
        F       C        Am
 let me see the sunshine?
             G              F
 i think i'm done with my hiding place
         C           Dm
 and you found me anyway

 it's been forever
         F       C      Am
 but i'm feeling alright
       G                  F
 tears dry and will leave no trace
       C                Dm
 and tomorrow's another day

               C        Dm     Em     F
let me see the sun shine, shine, shine
               C        Dm     Em     F
let me see the sun shine, shine, shine
               C        Dm     Em     F
let me see the sun shine, shine, shine
let me see the sun shine

Int. Am Em F G

Am    Em      F
 hide and seek
         G                  Am
count to ten and close your eyes
    Em       F
try to breath
      G                   Am
see a message and don't reply

     Em     F
nice to meet
         G             Am
but in reality say goodbye
     Em    F
life can be
     G              Am
so beautiful if you try

are you okay? yeah, i guess so
but on some days
i feel like i'm trapped in a hole
but i keep quiet so the ones
around me don't know
         F                  G
that the mountains feels so steep

and i'll say that i'm here 
to help to carry the load
and the outside rays,
they are good for the soul
so let's step out of the dark
coz in here it's so cold
    F                G
the day's not out of reach
and it's when you say to me 

Reff :

 can you pull the curtains
        F       C        Am
 let me see the sunshine?
             G              F
 i think i'm done with my hiding place
         C           Dm
 and you found me anyway

 it's been forever
         F       C      Am
 but i'm feeling alright
       G                  F
 tears dry and will leave no trace
       C                Dm
 and tomorrow's another day

               C        Dm     Em     F
let me see the sun shine, shine, shine
               C        Dm     Em     F
let me see the sun shine, shine, shine
               C        Dm     Em     F
let me see the sun shine, shine, shine
let me see the sun shine

Outro : Am Em F G
        Am Em F G Am


Reff :

 can you pull the curtains,
        D       A        F#m
 let me see the sunshine?
             E              D
 i think i'm done with my hiding place
         A           Bm
 and you found me anyway

 it's been forever
         D       A      F#m
 but i'm feeling alright
       E                  D
 tears dry and will leave no trace
       A                Bm
 and tomorrow's another day

F#m   C#m     D
 hide and seek
     E                 F#m
i am somewhere closed away
            C#m  D
you won't believe
how long it's been
since i started the game

        C#m    D
i can't be seen
        E               F#m
and you won't find me today
     C#m     D
i've not been
     E                F#m
this low but i'll be okay

are you alright? maybe don't ask 
coz you know i never like
to talk about that
keep it inside,
yeah, you say i always hold back
      D                E
and i always wear long sleeves

is it in your childhood?
something happen in your past?
well the sadness,
yeah, i promise that it won't last
and if i could
i would try to take it all back
            D               E
but there's still more underneath
and it's when you say to me 

Reff :

 can you pull the curtains
        D       A        F#m
 let me see the sunshine?
             E              D
 i think i'm done with my hiding place
         A           Bm
 and you found me anyway

 it's been forever
         D       A      F#m
 but i'm feeling alright
       E                  D
 tears dry and will leave no trace
       A                Bm
 and tomorrow's another day

               A        Bm     C#m    D
let me see the sun shine, shine, shine
               A        Bm     C#m    D
let me see the sun shine, shine, shine
               A        Bm     C#m    D
let me see the sun shine, shine, shine
let me see the sun shine

Int. F#m C#m D E

F#m   C#m     D
 hide and seek
         E                  F#m
count to ten and close your eyes
    C#m      D
try to breath
      E                   F#m
see a message and don't reply

     C#m    D
nice to meet
         E             F#m
but in reality say goodbye
     C#m   D
life can be
     E              F#m
so beautiful if you try

are you okay? yeah, i guess so
but on some days
i feel like i'm trapped in a hole
but i keep quiet so the ones
around me don't know
         D                  E
that the mountains feels so steep

and i'll say that i'm here 
to help to carry the load
and the outside rays,
they are good for the soul
so let's step out of the dark
coz in here it's so cold
    D                E
the day's not out of reach
and it's when you say to me 

Reff :

 can you pull the curtains
        D       A        F#m
 let me see the sunshine?
             E              D
 i think i'm done with my hiding place
         A           Bm
 and you found me anyway

 it's been forever
         D       A      F#m
 but i'm feeling alright
       E                  D
 tears dry and will leave no trace
       A                Bm
 and tomorrow's another day

               A        Bm     C#m    D
let me see the sun shine, shine, shine
               A        Bm     C#m    D
let me see the sun shine, shine, shine
               A        Bm     C#m    D
let me see the sun shine, shine, shine
let me see the sun shine

Outro : F#m C#m D E
        F#m C#m D E F#m

Chord Ed Sheeran - Curtains

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Ed Sheeran

