Kunci Gitar Dua Lipa - Dance The Night (From Barbie The Album)

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2023-05-27T15:53:57+00:00 Kunci Gitar Dua Lipa - Dance The Night (From Barbie The Album)
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Dua Lipa - Dance The Night (From Barbie The Album) - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Dua Lipa - Dance The Night (From Barbie The Album)" yang dibawakan oleh Dua Lipa. "Kunci Gitar Dua Lipa - Dance The Night (From Barbie The Album)" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Dua Lipa - Dance The Night (From Barbie The Album)" oleh Dua Lipa. Kunci Gitar Dua Lipa - Dance The Night (From Barbie The Album)

Dua Lipa - Dance The Night ✓ Chords
Capo ♪ fret 2

Intro : Am D C F
        Am D

C     F       Am
baby, you can find me under the lights
diamonds under my eyes
turn the rhythm up, don't you wanna just
come along for the ride?

uh, my outfit so tight
you can see my heartbeat tonight
i can take the heat, baby, best believe
that's the moment i shine

cause every romance shakes and it bends
don't give a damn..
when the night's here, i don't do tears
baby, no chance..

F       G              Am
i could dance, i could dance,
i could dance..

Reff :
         Am   D   C                F
 watch me dance.. dance the night away
 Am                D
 my hеart could be burning
               C            F
 but you won't see it on my face

         Am   D   C                F
 watch me dancе.. dance the night away
 Am                  D
 i'll still keep the party running
     C               F
 not one hair out of place

lately, i been moving close to the edge
still be looking my best
i stay on the beat, you can count on me
i ain't missing no steps

cause every romance shakes and it bends
don't give a damn..
when the night's here, i don't do tears
baby, no chance..

F       G              Am
i could dance, i could dance,
i could dance..

Reff :
         Am   D   C                F
 watch me dance.. dance the night away
 Am                D
 my hеart could be burning
               C            F
 but you won't see it on my face

         Am   D   C                F
 watch me dancе.. dance the night away
 Am                  D
 i'll still keep the party running
     C               F
 not one hair out of place

        Am          D
when my heart breaks..
            C             F
(they never see it, never see it)
        Am          D
when my world shakes..
         C             F
(i feel alive, i feel alive)

        Am       D
i don't play safe.. (uh)
          C          F
don't you know about me? (ahah)
Am      D              C
i could dance, i could dance
i could dance..

Am            D
even when the tears are flowing,
        C              F
they're diamonds on my face
Am                  D       
i'll still keep the party going,
    C               F
not one hair out of place (yes, i can)

Am            D
even when the tears are flowing,
        C              F
they're diamonds on my face
(yes, i can, yes, i can)
Am                  D       
i'll still keep the party going,
    C               F
not one hair out of place

Reff :
         Am   D   C                F
 watch me dance.. dance the night away
 Am                D
 my hеart could be burning
               C            F
 but you won't see it on my face

         Am   D   C                F
 watch me dancе.. dance the night away
 Am                  D
 i'll still keep the party running
     C               F
 not one hair out of place

        Am          D
when my heart breaks..
            C             F
(they never see it, never see it)
        Am          D
when my world shakes..
         C             F
(i feel alive, i feel alive)

        Am       D
i don't play safe.. (uh)
           C         F
don't you know about me? (ahah)
Am      D              C
i could dance, i could dance,
        F                 Am
i could dance.. dance the night..


Intro : Bm E D G
        Bm E

D     G       Bm
baby, you can find me under the lights
diamonds under my eyes
turn the rhythm up, don't you wanna just
come along for the ride?

uh, my outfit so tight
you can see my heartbeat tonight
i can take the heat, baby, best believe
that's the moment i shine

cause every romance shakes and it bends
don't give a damn..
when the night's here, i don't do tears
baby, no chance..

G       A              Bm
i could dance, i could dance,
i could dance..

Reff :
         Bm   E   D                G
 watch me dance.. dance the night away
 Bm                E
 my hеart could be burning
               D            G
 but you won't see it on my face

         Bm   E   D                G
 watch me dancе.. dance the night away
 Bm                  E
 i'll still keep the party running
     D               G
 not one hair out of place

lately, i been moving close to the edge
still be looking my best
i stay on the beat, you can count on me
i ain't missing no steps

cause every romance shakes and it bends
don't give a damn..
when the night's here, i don't do tears
baby, no chance..

G       A              Bm
i could dance, i could dance,
i could dance..

Reff :
         Bm   E   D                G
 watch me dance.. dance the night away
 Bm                E
 my hеart could be burning
               D            G
 but you won't see it on my face

         Bm   E   D                G
 watch me dancе.. dance the night away
 Bm                  E
 i'll still keep the party running
     D               G
 not one hair out of place

        Bm          E
when my heart breaks..
            D             G
(they never see it, never see it)
        Bm          E
when my world shakes..
         D             G
(i feel alive, i feel alive)

        Bm       E
i don't play safe.. (uh)
          D          G
don't you know about me? (ahah)
Bm      E              D
i could dance, i could dance
i could dance..

Bm            E
even when the tears are flowing,
        D              G
they're diamonds on my face
Bm                  E       
i'll still keep the party going,
    D               G
not one hair out of place (yes, i can)

Bm            E
even when the tears are flowing,
        D              G
they're diamonds on my face
(yes, i can, yes, i can)
Bm                  E       
i'll still keep the party going,
    D               G
not one hair out of place

Reff :
         Bm   E   D                G
 watch me dance.. dance the night away
 Bm                E
 my hеart could be burning
               D            G
 but you won't see it on my face

         Bm   E   D                G
 watch me dancе.. dance the night away
 Bm                  E
 i'll still keep the party running
     D               G
 not one hair out of place

        Bm          E
when my heart breaks..
            D             G
(they never see it, never see it)
        Bm          E
when my world shakes..
         D             G
(i feel alive, i feel alive)

        Bm       E
i don't play safe.. (uh)
           D         G
don't you know about me? (ahah)
Bm      E              D
i could dance, i could dance,
        G                 Bm
i could dance.. dance the night..

Chord Dua Lipa - Dance The Night (From Barbie The Album)

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  • Chord Dua Lipa

