Kunci Gitar Dua Lipa - We’re Good

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2021-02-12T04:01:19+00:00 Kunci Gitar Dua Lipa - We’re Good
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Dua Lipa - We’re Good - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Dua Lipa - We’re Good" yang dibawakan oleh Dua Lipa. "Kunci Gitar Dua Lipa - We’re Good" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Dua Lipa - We’re Good" oleh Dua Lipa. Kunci Gitar Dua Lipa - We’re Good

Intro : Dm G Dm G

          Dm     G
i'm on an island
                 Dm    G
even when you're close
               Dm      G
can't take the silence
               Dm   G
i'd rather be alone

  Dm                G
i think it's pretty plain and simple
   Dm             G
we gave it all we could..
     Dm              G
it's time i wave goodbye from the window
      C                C7
let's end this like we should
and say we're good..

Reff :
 F          G
  we're not meant to be like
 C              F
 sleeping and cocaine.. 
 F            G
  so let's at least agree
       C            F
 to go our separate ways..

 not gonna judge
 you when you're with 
 somebody else
 as long as you swear
 you won't be pissed
 when i do it myself let's
 F              G
 end it like we should
               Dm   G
 and say we're good..

           Dm     G
no need to hide it
                Dm   G
go get what you want
                Dm           G
this won't be a burden if we both
             Dm     G
don't hold a grudge..

  Dm                G
i think it's pretty plain and simple
   Dm             G
we gave it all we could
     Dm              G
it's time i wave goodbye from the window
      C                C7
let's end this like we should
and say we're good..

Reff :
 F          G
  we're not meant to be like
 C              F
 sleeping and cocaine.. 
 F            G
  so let's at least agree
       C            F
 to go our separate ways..

 not gonna judge
 you when you're with 
 somebody else
 as long as you swear
 you won't be pissed
 when i do it myself let's
 F              G
 end it like we should
 and say we're good..

Dm                 G
now you're holding this against me
Dm              G
like i knew you would..
    Dm                G
i'm trying my best to make this easy
   C             C7
so don't give me that look
and say we're good..

Reff :
 F          G
  we're not meant to be like
 C              F
 sleeping and cocaine.. 
 (like sleeping and coca a a ine)
 F            G
  so let's at least agree
       C            F
 to go our separate ways..
 (to go our separate ways, oh)

 not gonna judge
 you when you're with 
 somebody else
 as long as you swear
 you won't be pissed
 when i do it myself let's
 F              G
 end it like we should
               Dm   G
 and say we're good..


Intro : G#m C# G#m C#

          G#m    C#
i'm on an island
                 G#m   C#
even when you're close
               G#m     C#
can't take the silence
               G#m  C#
i'd rather be alone

  G#m               C#
i think it's pretty plain and simple
   G#m            C#
we gave it all we could..
     G#m             C#
it's time i wave goodbye from the window
      F#               F#6
let's end this like we should
and say we're good..

Reff :
 B          C#
  we're not meant to be like
 F#             B    -Badd9
 sleeping and cocaine.. 
 B            C#
  so let's at least agree
       F#           B
 to go our separate ways..

 not gonna judge
 you when you're with 
 somebody else
 as long as you swear
 you won't be pissed
 when i do it myself let's
 B              C#
 end it like we should
               G#m  C#
 and say we're good..

           G#m    C#
no need to hide it
                G#m  C#
go get what you want
                G#m          C#
this won't be a burden if we both
             G#m    C#
don't hold a grudge..

  G#m               C#
i think it's pretty plain and simple
   G#m            C#
we gave it all we could
     G#m             C#
it's time i wave goodbye from the window
      F#               F#6
let's end this like we should
and say we're good..

Reff :
 B          C#
  we're not meant to be like
 F#             B    -Badd9
 sleeping and cocaine.. 
 B            C#
  so let's at least agree
       F#           B
 to go our separate ways..

 not gonna judge
 you when you're with 
 somebody else
 as long as you swear
 you won't be pissed
 when i do it myself let's
 B              C#
 end it like we should
 and say we're good..

G#m                C#
now you're holding this against me
G#m             C#
like i knew you would..
    G#m               C#
i'm trying my best to make this easy
   F#            F#6
so don't give me that look
and say we're good..

Reff :
 B          C#
  we're not meant to be like
 F#             B    -Badd9
 sleeping and cocaine.. 
 (like sleeping and coca a a ine)
 B            C#
  so let's at least agree
       F#           B
 to go our separate ways..
 (to go our separate ways, oh)

 not gonna judge
 you when you're with 
 somebody else
 as long as you swear
 you won't be pissed
 when i do it myself let's
 B              C#
 end it like we should
               G#m  C#
 and say we're good..

Chord Dua Lipa - We’re Good

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Dua Lipa

