Kunci Gitar Mark Tuan - let u go

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-08-29T19:10:18+00:00 Kunci Gitar Mark Tuan - let u go
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Mark Tuan - let u go - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Mark Tuan - let u go" yang dibawakan oleh Mark Tuan. "Kunci Gitar Mark Tuan - let u go" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Mark Tuan - let u go" oleh Mark Tuan. Kunci Gitar Mark Tuan - let u go

Capo fret 4

Intro : C D Em..
        C D Em G

C D                      Em
   if you're refusing to make amends..
then i might never come back again..
 cause you're the only thing
Em              G
here that's left..

C D                        Em
   i barely know why we're trying it..
i think we're both getting tired of it..
D                   Em           G
 so baby tell me is this the end..

i brought you flowers today
i know you threw them out
D                       Em
 i got that one picture frame
i know you took it down
and when it's just a mistake
but you get mad anyway
i wonder if i should stay
but i know we'd fall apart

Reff :
         C                 D
 yeah we try and we try it gets worse..
 when i drink and i mix all of my words..
 C            D
  you take it personal
 Em                         G
 maybe we'll do better if i let you go..

         C                     D
 and you lie and you lie its repeated..
 you're in love well it's hard
 to believe it..
 C                 D
  i wonder if it's worth it all
 Em                         G
 maybe we'll do better if i let you go..

C D                         Em
   quit telling me that you want me back..
oh girl you showed me your words don't last.. 
D                      Em    G
 got me feeling like a maniac..

C D                     Em
   you got me doing the run around..
you only call when the sun comes down..
D                      Em          G  
 if i was stronger i'd shut you out..

i brought you flowers today
i know you threw them out
D                       Em
 i got that one picture frame
i know you took it down
and when it's just a mistake
but you get mad anyway
i wonder if i should stay
but i know we'd fall apart

Reff :
         C                 D
 yeah we try and we try it gets worse..
 when i drink and i mix all of my words..
 C            D
  you take it personal
 Em                         G
 maybe we'll do better if i let you go..

         C                     D
 and you lie and you lie its repeated..
 you're in love well it's hard
 to believe it..
 C                 D
  i wonder if it's worth it all
 Em                         G
 maybe we'll do better if i let you go..

C         D     Em
you watch me destroy myself..
C     D         Em         G
all i need is a little help..

Reff :
         C                 D
 yeah we try and we try it gets worse..
 when i drink and i mix all of my words..
 C            D
  you take it personal
 Em                         G
 maybe we'll do better if i let you go..

         C                 D
 yeah we try and we try it gets worse..
 when i drink and i mix all of my words..
 C            D
  you take it personal
 Em                         G
 maybe we'll do better if i let you go..

         C                     D
 and you lie and you lie its repeated..
 you're in love well it's hard
 to believe it..
 C                 D
  i wonder if it's worth it all
 Em                         G
 maybe we'll do better if i let you go..

Outro : C D Em..
        C D Em G


Intro : E F# G#m..
        E F# G#m B

E F#                     G#m
   if you're refusing to make amends..
then i might never come back again..
 cause you're the only thing
G#m             B
here that's left..

E F#                       G#m
   i barely know why we're trying it..
i think we're both getting tired of it..
F#                  G#m          B
 so baby tell me is this the end..

i brought you flowers today
i know you threw them out
F#                      G#m
 i got that one picture frame
i know you took it down
and when it's just a mistake
but you get mad anyway
i wonder if i should stay
but i know we'd fall apart

Reff :
         E                 F#
 yeah we try and we try it gets worse..
 when i drink and i mix all of my words..
 E            F#
  you take it personal
 G#m                        B
 maybe we'll do better if i let you go..

         E                     F#
 and you lie and you lie its repeated..
 you're in love well it's hard
 to believe it..
 E                 F#
  i wonder if it's worth it all
 G#m                        B
 maybe we'll do better if i let you go..

E F#                        G#m
   quit telling me that you want me back..
oh girl you showed me your words don't last.. 
F#                     G#m   B
 got me feeling like a maniac..

E F#                    G#m
   you got me doing the run around..
you only call when the sun comes down..
F#                     G#m         B 
 if i was stronger i'd shut you out..

i brought you flowers today
i know you threw them out
F#                      G#m
 i got that one picture frame
i know you took it down
and when it's just a mistake
but you get mad anyway
i wonder if i should stay
but i know we'd fall apart

Reff :
         E                 F#
 yeah we try and we try it gets worse..
 when i drink and i mix all of my words..
 E            F#
  you take it personal
 G#m                        B
 maybe we'll do better if i let you go..

         E                     F#
 and you lie and you lie its repeated..
 you're in love well it's hard
 to believe it..
 E                 F#
  i wonder if it's worth it all
 G#m                        B
 maybe we'll do better if i let you go..

E         F#    G#m
you watch me destroy myself..
E     F#        G#m        B
all i need is a little help..

Reff :
         E                 F#
 yeah we try and we try it gets worse..
 when i drink and i mix all of my words..
 E            F#
  you take it personal
 G#m                        B
 maybe we'll do better if i let you go..

         E                 F#
 yeah we try and we try it gets worse..
 when i drink and i mix all of my words..
 E            F#
  you take it personal
 G#m                        B
 maybe we'll do better if i let you go..

         E                     F#
 and you lie and you lie its repeated..
 you're in love well it's hard
 to believe it..
 E                 F#
  i wonder if it's worth it all
 G#m                        B
 maybe we'll do better if i let you go..

Outro : E F# G#m..
        E F# G#m B

Chord Mark Tuan - let u go

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Mark Tuan

