Kunci Gitar Mark Tuan - imysm

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-08-29T19:30:22+00:00 Kunci Gitar Mark Tuan - imysm
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Mark Tuan - imysm - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Mark Tuan - imysm" yang dibawakan oleh Mark Tuan. "Kunci Gitar Mark Tuan - imysm" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Mark Tuan - imysm" oleh Mark Tuan. Kunci Gitar Mark Tuan - imysm

Capo fret 5

Intro : Am C F G
        Am C F G

Reff :
 Am     C
 i'm so different when you're gone
     F       G
 and i don't wanna be alone
      Am       C
 it's too much wherever you are 
   F           G
 i miss you, i miss you so much..

Int. Am C F G

Am            C
we used waste time
                 F      G
we would do it together..
   Am             C
if i could rewind back
               F    G
i would do it again..

now i bleed from my heart
cause it hurts to lose
sleep in the day
       G                  Am
in the night i search for you
C                     F   G
 looking all over for you..

     Am                          C
no i never knew that i would get this low..
i guess i should've loved you more

Reff :
 Am     C
 i'm so different when you're gone
     F       G
 and i don't wanna be alone
      Am       C
 it's too much wherever you are 
   F           G
 i miss you, i miss you so much..

 Am     C
 i'm so different when you're gone
     F       G
 and i don't wanna be alone
      Am       C
 it's too much wherever you are 
   F           G
 i miss you, i miss you so much..

Int. Am C F G

Am            C                    F
i can't let myself think of nobody other..
(than you)
Am               C
scared when i'm alone
                 F              G
hiding under the covers.. (it's true)

now i cry from my eyes
cause it hurts to lose
dream in the night
       G                Am
in the day i search for you 
C                     F   G
 looking all over for you..

     Am                          C
no i never knew that i would get this low..
i guess i should've loved you more

Reff :
 Am     C
 i'm so different when you're gone
     F       G
 and i don't wanna be alone
      Am       C
 it's too much wherever you are 
   F           G
 i miss you, i miss you so much..

 Am     C
 i'm so different when you're gone
     F       G
 and i don't wanna be alone
      Am       C
 it's too much wherever you are 
   F           G
 i miss you, i miss you so much..


Intro : Dm F Bb C
        Dm F Bb C

Reff :
 Dm     F
 i'm so different when you're gone
     Bb      C
 and i don't wanna be alone
      Dm       F
 it's too much wherever you are 
   Bb          C
 i miss you, i miss you so much..

Int. Dm F Bb C

Dm            F
we used waste time
                 Bb    C
we would do it together..
   Dm             F
if i could rewind back
               Bb   C
i would do it again..

now i bleed from my heart
cause it hurts to lose
sleep in the day
       C                  Dm
in the night i search for you
F                     Bb C
 looking all over for you..

     Dm                          F
no i never knew that i would get this low..
i guess i should've loved you more

Reff :
 Dm     F
 i'm so different when you're gone
     Bb      C
 and i don't wanna be alone
      Dm       F
 it's too much wherever you are 
   Bb          C
 i miss you, i miss you so much..

 Dm     F
 i'm so different when you're gone
     Bb      C
 and i don't wanna be alone
      Dm       F
 it's too much wherever you are 
   Bb          C
 i miss you, i miss you so much..

Int. Dm F Bb C

Dm            F                    Bb
i can't let myself think of nobody other..
(than you)
Dm               F
scared when i'm alone
                 Bb             C
hiding under the covers.. (it's true)

now i cry from my eyes
cause it hurts to lose
dream in the night
       C                Dm
in the day i search for you 
F                     Bb C
 looking all over for you..

     Dm                          F
no i never knew that i would get this low..
i guess i should've loved you more

Reff :
 Dm     F
 i'm so different when you're gone
     Bb      C
 and i don't wanna be alone
      Dm       F
 it's too much wherever you are 
   Bb          C
 i miss you, i miss you so much..

 Dm     F
 i'm so different when you're gone
     Bb      C
 and i don't wanna be alone
      Dm       F
 it's too much wherever you are 
   Bb          C
 i miss you, i miss you so much..

Chord Mark Tuan - imysm

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Mark Tuan

