Kunci Gitar Imagine Dragons - I Don't Like Myself

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-07-10T17:04:54+00:00 Kunci Gitar Imagine Dragons - I Don't Like Myself
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Imagine Dragons - I Don't Like Myself - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Imagine Dragons - I Don't Like Myself" yang dibawakan oleh Imagine Dragons. "Kunci Gitar Imagine Dragons - I Don't Like Myself" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Imagine Dragons - I Don't Like Myself" oleh Imagine Dragons. Kunci Gitar Imagine Dragons - I Don't Like Myself

Capo fret 2

Intro : Am Em F C
        Am Em F C

Am              Em
 one day.. i'll change my ways..
F                C
 till then, i'm stuck in this space..
Am             Em
 shut down and hiding my face..
F              C
 tuned out and losing my faith..

      Am                     Em
stand up, tired of being the victim
you only on the outs, if you with them
C                          Am
only hurts if you give 'em credence.. (ah)
give 'em reasons.. (ah)
they're not better than you
they're just a figment of imagination

Reff :
 Am         Em
  there are times
      F       C      Am
 when i don't like myself..
     Em            F
 i believe all the things
 that they say about me.. ('bout me)

 Am       Em
  i wanna love myself..
 F             C
  just likе everyone еlse..
 Am             Em
  but there are times
      F       C
 when i don't like myself..

(Am)          (Em)
  this life is beating me down..
F             C
 but karma is coming around..
Am                Em                  F
 tongue-tied, and you got the best of me..
a nightmare that's filling my dreams..

      Am                     Em
stand up, tired of being the victim
you only on the outs, if you with them
C                          Am
only hurts if you give 'em credence.. (ah)
give 'em reasons.. (ah)
they're not better than you
they're just a figment of imagination

Reff :
 Am         Em
  there are times..
      F       C      Am
 when i don't like myself..
     Em            F
 i believe all the things
 that they say about me..

 Am       Em
  i wanna love myself..
 F             C
  just likе everyone еlse..
 Am             Em
  but there are times
      F       C
 when i don't like myself..

Am   Em         F       C      Am
 i dada.. dada, i don't like myself..
    Em         F       C      Am
i dada.. dada, i don't like myself..
  Em     F            C        Am
i i'll.. walk through fire for this..
       Em            F              C
i will be the one to turn this car around..

           Am           Em
cause it's headed for disaster..
   F            C
no happily ever after..
    Am               Em
and i've got so much more to live for
(F)           (C)
 than what you think of me..

Reff :
 Am         Em
  there are times (there are times)
      F       C      Am
 when i don't like myself..
     Em            F
 i believe all the things
 that they say about me.. ('bout me)

 Am       Em
  i wanna love myself..
 F             C
  just likе everyone еlse..
 Am             Em
  but there are times
      F       C
 when i don't like myself..

Am   Em         F       C      Am
 i dada.. dada, i don't like myself..
    Em         F       C      Am
i dada.. dada, i don't like myself..
    Em              F
i dada.. dada.. da, i don't, i da
C           Am     Em
li li li li like myself..
      F      C
i da, like myself..
      Am     Em
i da, like myself..
      F      C
i da, like myself..


Intro : Bm F#m G D
        Bm F#m G D

Bm              F#m
 one day.. i'll change my ways..
G                D
 till then, i'm stuck in this space..
Bm             F#m
 shut down and hiding my face..
G              D
 tuned out and losing my faith..

      Bm                     F#m
stand up, tired of being the victim
you only on the outs, if you with them
D                          Bm
only hurts if you give 'em credence.. (ah)
give 'em reasons.. (ah)
they're not better than you
they're just a figment of imagination

Reff :
 Bm         F#m
  there are times
      G       D      Bm
 when i don't like myself..
     F#m           G
 i believe all the things
 that they say about me.. ('bout me)

 Bm       F#m
  i wanna love myself..
 G             D
  just likе everyone еlse..
 Bm             F#m
  but there are times
      G       D
 when i don't like myself..

(Bm)          (F#m)
  this life is beating me down..
G             D
 but karma is coming around..
Bm                F#m                 G
 tongue-tied, and you got the best of me..
a nightmare that's filling my dreams..

      Bm                     F#m
stand up, tired of being the victim
you only on the outs, if you with them
D                          Bm
only hurts if you give 'em credence.. (ah)
give 'em reasons.. (ah)
they're not better than you
they're just a figment of imagination

Reff :
 Bm         F#m
  there are times..
      G       D      Bm
 when i don't like myself..
     F#m           G
 i believe all the things
 that they say about me..

 Bm       F#m
  i wanna love myself..
 G             D
  just likе everyone еlse..
 Bm             F#m
  but there are times
      G       D
 when i don't like myself..

Bm   F#m        G       D      Bm
 i dada.. dada, i don't like myself..
    F#m        G       D      Bm
i dada.. dada, i don't like myself..
  F#m    G            D        Bm
i i'll.. walk through fire for this..
       F#m           G              D
i will be the one to turn this car around..

           Bm           F#m
cause it's headed for disaster..
   G            D
no happily ever after..
    Bm               F#m
and i've got so much more to live for
(G)           (D)
 than what you think of me..

Reff :
 Bm         F#m
  there are times (there are times)
      G       D      Bm
 when i don't like myself..
     F#m           G
 i believe all the things
 that they say about me.. ('bout me)

 Bm       F#m
  i wanna love myself..
 G             D
  just likе everyone еlse..
 Bm             F#m
  but there are times
      G       D
 when i don't like myself..

Bm   F#m        G       D      Bm
 i dada.. dada, i don't like myself..
    F#m        G       D      Bm
i dada.. dada, i don't like myself..
    F#m             G
i dada.. dada.. da, i don't, i da
D           Bm     F#m
li li li li like myself..
      G      D
i da, like myself..
      Bm     F#m
i da, like myself..
      G      D
i da, like myself..

Chord Imagine Dragons - I Don't Like Myself

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Imagine Dragons

