Kunci Gitar Imagine Dragons - Fire In These Hills

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2024-07-07T09:07:56+00:00 Kunci Gitar Imagine Dragons - Fire In These Hills
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Imagine Dragons - Fire In These Hills - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Imagine Dragons - Fire In These Hills" yang dibawakan oleh Imagine Dragons. "Kunci Gitar Imagine Dragons - Fire In These Hills" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Imagine Dragons - Fire In These Hills" oleh Imagine Dragons. Kunci Gitar Imagine Dragons - Fire In These Hills

Capo ♪ fret 1

C                       Am      G    F
 i don't think that i'm strong enough..
G                      Am  Em   F
 i don't think that i'm.. enough..

and i know you think about everything
           Am          G     F
that i did wrong but i do too..
stayin' up these nights,
drinkin' everything
      Am        Em       F
i got nothing without you..

C              Am       G
i fear i might die alone..
i fear i might knock and no one's home..
stayin' up these nights
thinkin' everything
           Am          Em
that i did wrong to you..
 i don't think that i'm strong enough..
i'm never enough..

Reff :
               C                  Am
 cause there's fire in these hills..
 G     F
 and i think i've lost the will..
 the more we try, the more we fail..
 Am         Em
  but after everything,
 you're here with mе still..

               C                  Am
 cause there's firе in these hills..
 G     F
 and i think i've lost my will..
 the more we try, the more we fail..
 Am         Em
  but after everything,
 you're here with me still..

gonna turn this car around
open up and sit down
Am               G    F
tell you all the truth..
gonna fade myself out
talkin' myself down
Am               Em F
lightin' up this fuse..

C                    Am       G
i fear i might wreck this home..
i fear i might knock and no one comes..
and i know you think about everything
           Am          Em
that i did wrong but i do too..
 i don't think that i'm strong enough..

Reff :
               C                  Am
 cause there's fire in these hills..
 G     F
 and i think i've lost the will..
 the more we try, the more we fail..
 Am         Em
  but after everything,
 you're here with mе still..

               C                  Am
 cause there's firе in these hills..
 G     F
 and i think i've lost my will..
 the more we try, the more we fail..
 Am         Em
  but after everything,
 you're here with me still..

Int. C Am -G F..
     G Am -Em F..

C      Am      G     F
i'm so tired.. can i please come home..?
     G      Am
i've run so far..
Em   F
can i, can i come home..?

C      Am      G     F
i'm so tired.. can i please come home..?
     G      Am
i've run so far..
Em   F
can i, can i come home..?
C      Am      G     F
i'm so tired.. can i please come home..?
     G      Am
i've run so far..
Em   F
can i, can i come home..?

C      Am    G       F
i'm so tired.. can i please..?


C#                      A#m     G#   F#
 i don't think that i'm strong enough..
G#                     A#m Fm   F#
 i don't think that i'm.. enough..

and i know you think about everything
           A#m         G#    F#
that i did wrong but i do too..
stayin' up these nights,
drinkin' everything
      A#m       Fm       F#
i got nothing without you..

C#             A#m      G#
i fear i might die alone..
i fear i might knock and no one's home..
stayin' up these nights
thinkin' everything
           A#m         Fm
that i did wrong to you..
 i don't think that i'm strong enough..
i'm never enough..

Reff :
               C#                 A#m
 cause there's fire in these hills..
 G#    F#
 and i think i've lost the will..
 the more we try, the more we fail..
 A#m        Fm
  but after everything,
 you're here with mе still..

               C#                 A#m
 cause there's firе in these hills..
 G#    F#
 and i think i've lost my will..
 the more we try, the more we fail..
 A#m        Fm
  but after everything,
 you're here with me still..

gonna turn this car around
open up and sit down
A#m              G#   F#
tell you all the truth..
gonna fade myself out
talkin' myself down
A#m              Fm  F#
lightin' up this fuse..

C#                   A#m      G#
i fear i might wreck this home..
i fear i might knock and no one comes..
and i know you think about everything
           A#m         Fm
that i did wrong but i do too..
 i don't think that i'm strong enough..

Reff :
               C#                 A#m
 cause there's fire in these hills..
 G#    F#
 and i think i've lost the will..
 the more we try, the more we fail..
 A#m        Fm
  but after everything,
 you're here with mе still..

               C#                 A#m
 cause there's firе in these hills..
 G#    F#
 and i think i've lost my will..
 the more we try, the more we fail..
 A#m        Fm
  but after everything,
 you're here with me still..

Int. C# A#m -G# F#..
     G# A#m -Fm F#..

C#     A#m     G#    F#
i'm so tired.. can i please come home..?
     G#     A#m
i've run so far..
Fm   F#
can i, can i come home..?

C#     A#m     G#    F#
i'm so tired.. can i please come home..?
     G#     A#m
i've run so far..
Fm   F#
can i, can i come home..?
C#     A#m     G#    F#
i'm so tired.. can i please come home..?
     G#     A#m
i've run so far..
Fm   F#
can i, can i come home..?

C#     A#m   G#      F#
i'm so tired.. can i please..?

Chord Imagine Dragons - Fire In These Hills

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Imagine Dragons

