Kunci Gitar Shawn Mendes, Tainy - Summer Of Love

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2021-08-22T09:50:37+00:00 Kunci Gitar Shawn Mendes, Tainy - Summer Of Love
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Shawn Mendes, Tainy - Summer Of Love - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Shawn Mendes, Tainy - Summer Of Love" yang dibawakan oleh Tainy. "Kunci Gitar Shawn Mendes, Tainy - Summer Of Love" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Shawn Mendes, Tainy - Summer Of Love" oleh Tainy. Kunci Gitar Shawn Mendes, Tainy - Summer Of Love

Intro : F Dm Am C

  F                             Dm
kisses on your body were like heaven
                   Am  C  
we were taking it slow..
 F                                 Dm
tangled in the sheets until the evening
                     Am      C
there was nowhere to go.. yeah..

F                          Dm
 we were in a daze learning each other shapes
          Am                      C     
tracing shadows of rain down your back.. oh..
kisses on your body 
       Dm                        Am   C
in my memory baby nothing comes close..

Reff :
                       F  Dm  
 it was the summer of love..
            Am      C  
 a delicate daydream..
                       F   Dm  
 and for a couple of months..
                       Am           C
 it felt like we were eighteen.. yeah..
 it was the summer of..

 F          Dm
  la la a a love
           Am      C
 la la a a love yeah..
 it was the summer of..
 F          Dm
  la la a a love
           Am  C
 la la a a love

meditation and tequila..
calling you my senorita..
didn't know how much I need ya
hate it when I have to leave ya

I've been taking mental pictures..
for when I miss you in the winter..
staying up until the sunrise..
praying it won't be the last time..

Reff :
                        F  Dm  
 it was the summer of love..
             Am     C  
 a delicate daydream..
                      F     Dm  
 and for a couple of months..
                           Am       C
 it felt like we were eighteen..yeah..
 it was the summer of..

 F          Dm
  la la a a love
           Am     C
 la la a a love yeah..
 it was the summer of..
 F          Dm
  la la a a love
           Am  C
 la la a a love

  F                             Dm
kisses on your body were like heaven..
                   Am       C  
we were taking it slow.. yeah..
   F                                Dm
tangled in the sheets until the evening..
                     Am    C
there was nowhere to go.. no..

Reff :
                         F  Dm  
 it was the summer of love..
             Am     C  
 a delicate daydream..
                      F    Dm  
 and for a couple of months..
                      Am         C
 it felt like we were eighteen.. yeah..
 it was the summer of..

 F          Dm
  la la a a love
           Am    C
 la la a a love yeah..
 it was the summer of..
 F            Dm
  la la a a love
           Am  C
 la la a a love
 it was the summer of..

 F          Dm
  la la a a love
           Am       C
 la la a a love yeah..
 it was the summer of..
 F          Dm
  la la a a love
           Am  C
 la la a a love
 it was the summer of..


Intro : B G#m D#m F#

  B                             G#m
kisses on your body were like heaven
                   D#m  F# 
we were taking it slow..
 B                                 G#m
tangled in the sheets until the evening
                     D#m     F#
there was nowhere to go.. yeah..

B                          G#m
 we were in a daze learning each other shapes
          D#m                     F#    
tracing shadows of rain down your back.. oh..
kisses on your body 
       G#m                       D#m  F#
in my memory baby nothing comes close..

Reff :
                       B  G#m 
 it was the summer of love..
            D#m     F# 
 a delicate daydream..
                       B   G#m 
 and for a couple of months..
                       D#m          F#
 it felt like we were eighteen.. yeah..
 it was the summer of..

 B          G#m
  la la a a love
           D#m     F#
 la la a a love yeah..
 it was the summer of..
 B          G#m
  la la a a love
           D#m F#
 la la a a love

meditation and tequila..
calling you my senorita..
didn't know how much I need ya
hate it when I have to leave ya
I've been taking mental pictures..
for when I miss you in the winter..
staying up until the sunrise..
praying it won't be the last time..

Reff :
                        B  G#m 
 it was the summer of love..
             D#m    F# 
 a delicate daydream..
                      B     G#m 
 and for a couple of months..
                           D#m      F#
 it felt like we were eighteen..yeah..
 it was the summer of..

 B          G#m
  la la a a love
           D#m    F#
 la la a a love yeah..
 it was the summer of..
 B          G#m
  la la a a love
           D#m F#
 la la a a love

  B                             G#m
kisses on your body were like heaven..
                   D#m      F# 
we were taking it slow.. yeah..
   B                                G#m
tangled in the sheets until the evening..
                     D#m   F#
there was nowhere to go.. no..

Reff :
                         B  G#m 
 it was the summer of love..
             D#m    F# 
 a delicate daydream..
                      B    G#m 
 and for a couple of months..
                      D#m        F#
 it felt like we were eighteen.. yeah..
 it was the summer of..

 B          G#m
  la la a a love
           D#m   F#
 la la a a love yeah..
 it was the summer of..
 B            G#m
  la la a a love
           D#m F#
 la la a a love
 it was the summer of..

 B          G#m
  la la a a love
           D#m      F#
 la la a a love yeah..
 it was the summer of..
 B          G#m
  la la a a love
           D#m F#
 la la a a love
 it was the summer of..

Chord Shawn Mendes, Tainy - Summer Of Love

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Shawn Mendes
  • Chord Tainy

