Kunci Gitar Shawn Mendes - 24 Hours

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2020-12-05T05:53:00+00:00 Kunci Gitar Shawn Mendes - 24 Hours
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Shawn Mendes - 24 Hours - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Shawn Mendes - 24 Hours" yang dibawakan oleh Shawn Mendes. "Kunci Gitar Shawn Mendes - 24 Hours" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Shawn Mendes - 24 Hours" oleh Shawn Mendes. Kunci Gitar Shawn Mendes - 24 Hours

Intro : F Em Dm G E

C         G/B        Am
 all it'd take is 24 hours
         G                      F
sign the check and the place is ours
It's a little soon
    F            G
but I wanna come home to you..

C                 G/B
I don't know, how does it go?
  Am             G
I promise that I love you so
     F             Em
I'll bet it all on me and you
     F                  G
I'll bet it all, you're bulletproof..

      C              G/B
let's throw away our back up plans
    Am               G
and people might not understand
    F                Em
who cares about what they approve?
    F                G
I'd face them all to be with you..

Reff :
 C         G/B        Am
  all it'd take is 24 hours
          G                      F
 sign the check and the place is ours
 It's a little soon
     F            G
 but I wanna come home to you..

 C         G/B        Am
  all it'd take is 24 hours
 we could dance, 
 you could throw the flowers
 F       Em
  it's a little soon
     F            G
 but I wanna come home to you..

  C                 G/B
I heard that once a wise man said
 Am            G
"only fools go rushing in"
        F               Em
but I'm not the type to overthink
     F                  G
when something feels so right..

      C         G/B
and I promise I mean every word
  Am                   G
I paint the world that you deserve
      F              Em
every color you'd imagine
        F              G
I can't wait for it to happen 'cause..

Reff :
 C         G/B        Am
  all it'd take is 24 hours
          G                      F
 sign the check and the place is ours
 It's a little soon
     F            G
 but I wanna come home to you..

 C         G/B        Am
  all it'd take is 24 hours
 we could dance, 
 you could throw the flowers
 F       Em
  it's a little soon
     F            G
 but I wanna come home to you..

Am                  G
I heard that once a wise man said
 F             Em
"only fools go rushing in"
but I'm not the type, to overthink
I'm not the type to overthink..

Reff :
 C         G/B        Am
  all it'd take is 24 hours
          G                      F
 sign the check and the place is ours
 It's a little soon
     F            G
 but I wanna come home to you..

 C          G/B        Am
   all it'd take is 24 hours)
          G                      F
 sign the check and the place is ours
 It's a little soon
       F          G           C
 but I wanna come home to you..

Note :
We've made it easy for the first chords. 
Like the C/E = Em chords.


Intro : Bb F/A Gm C A/C#

F         C/E        Dm
 all it'd take is 24 hours
         C                      Bb
sign the check and the place is ours
It's a little soon
    Bb           C
but I wanna come home to you..

F                 C/E
I don't know, how does it go?
  Dm             C
I promise that I love you so
     Bb            F/A
I'll bet it all on me and you
     Bb                 C
I'll bet it all, you're bulletproof..

      F              C/E
let's throw away our back up plans
    Dm               C
and people might not understand
    Bb               F/A
who cares about what they approve?
    Bb               C
I'd face them all to be with you..

Reff :
 F         C/E        Dm
  all it'd take is 24 hours
          C                      Bb
 sign the check and the place is ours
 It's a little soon
     Bb           C
 but I wanna come home to you..

 F         C/E        Dm
  all it'd take is 24 hours
 we could dance, 
 you could throw the flowers
 Bb      F/A
  it's a little soon
     Bb           C
 but I wanna come home to you..

  F                 C/E
I heard that once a wise man said
 Dm            C
"only fools go rushing in"
        Bb              F/A
but I'm not the type to overthink
     Bb                 C
when something feels so right..

      F         C/E
and I promise I mean every word
  Dm                   C
I paint the world that you deserve
      Bb             F/A
every color you'd imagine
        Bb             C
I can't wait for it to happen 'cause..

Reff :
 F         C/E        Dm
  all it'd take is 24 hours
          C                      Bb
 sign the check and the place is ours
 It's a little soon
     Bb           C
 but I wanna come home to you..

 F         C/E        Dm
  all it'd take is 24 hours
 we could dance, 
 you could throw the flowers
 Bb      F/A
  it's a little soon
     Bb           C
 but I wanna come home to you..

Dm                  C
I heard that once a wise man said
 Bb            F/A
"only fools go rushing in"
but I'm not the type, to overthink
I'm not the type to overthink..

Reff :
 F         C/E        Dm
  all it'd take is 24 hours
          C                      Bb
 sign the check and the place is ours
 It's a little soon
     Bb           C
 but I wanna come home to you..

 F          C/E        Dm
   all it'd take is 24 hours)
          C                      Bb
 sign the check and the place is ours
 It's a little soon
       Bb         C           F
 but I wanna come home to you..

Chord Shawn Mendes - 24 Hours

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  • Chord Shawn Mendes

