Kunci Gitar Vanny Vabiola - My Precious Daughter

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2024-09-16T17:43:01+00:00 Kunci Gitar Vanny Vabiola - My Precious Daughter
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Vanny Vabiola - My Precious Daughter - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Vanny Vabiola - My Precious Daughter" yang dibawakan oleh Vanny Vabiola. "Kunci Gitar Vanny Vabiola - My Precious Daughter" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Vanny Vabiola - My Precious Daughter" oleh Vanny Vabiola. Kunci Gitar Vanny Vabiola - My Precious Daughter

Capo ♪ fret 5

Intro : C Dm G C
        A Dm F -G C

the time..
the time when you were born..
G              C
your crying is my world..
    A                   Dm
and your heartbeats are my life..
F  -G  C
you complete me..

my hard days..
are easier because of you..
yes it's you 
my precious daughter..
   Dm   E
in my.. life..
           Am        G
just wanna see your smile..
  F         G
i can do anything
C                 G
for your happiness..

Reff :
      C    Em    Am
 till you… be… a woman..
      Dm   F     G
 till you… find… your man..
          Em           A
 i'll be standing here for you..
               Dm   F     G
 and i hope he can… love… you..
   Fm           G
 never make you cry..

     C      Em      Am
 but if… he breaks… your heart..
        Dm    F        G
 please come… back… to me..
      Em            A
 your mom won't let you alone..
 i will still love you..
 G       (C)
 till the end..

Musik : C Dm G C
        A Dm F -G C

my hard days..
are easier because of you..
yes it's you
my precious daughter..
   Dm   E
in my.. life..
           Am        G
just wanna see your smile..
  F         G
i can do anything
C                 G
for your happiness..

Reff :
      C    Em    Am
 till you… be… a woman..
      Dm   F     G
 till you… find… your man..
          Em           A
 i'll be standing here for you..
               Dm   F     G
 and i hope he can… love… you..
   Fm           G
 never make you cry..

     C      Em      Am
 but if… he breaks… your heart..
        Dm    F        G
 please come… back… to me..
      Em            A
 your mom won't let you alone..
 i will still love you..
 G        C
 till the end..
      Em            A
 your mom won't let you alone..
 i will still love you..
 G       (C)
 till the end..

Outro : C Dm G C
        A Dm F -G C


Intro : F Gm C F
        D Gm Bb -C F

the time..
the time when you were born..
C              F
your crying is my world..
    D                   Gm
and your heartbeats are my life..
Bb -C  F
you complete me..

my hard days..
are easier because of you..
yes it's you 
my precious daughter..
   Gm   A
in my.. life..
           Dm        C
just wanna see your smile..
  Bb        C
i can do anything
F                 C
for your happiness..

Reff :
      F    Am    Dm
 till you… be… a woman..
      Gm   Bb    C
 till you… find… your man..
          Am           D
 i'll be standing here for you..
               Gm   Bb    C
 and i hope he can… love… you..
   Bbm          C
 never make you cry..

     F      Am      Dm
 but if… he breaks… your heart..
        Gm    Bb       C
 please come… back… to me..
      Am            D
 your mom won't let you alone..
 i will still love you..
 C       (F)
 till the end..

Musik : F Gm C F
        D Gm Bb -C F

my hard days..
are easier because of you..
yes it's you
my precious daughter..
   Gm   A
in my.. life..
           Dm        C
just wanna see your smile..
  Bb        C
i can do anything
F                 C
for your happiness..

Reff :
      F    Am    Dm
 till you… be… a woman..
      Gm   Bb    C
 till you… find… your man..
          Am           D
 i'll be standing here for you..
               Gm   Bb    C
 and i hope he can… love… you..
   Bbm          C
 never make you cry..

     F      Am      Dm
 but if… he breaks… your heart..
        Gm    Bb       C
 please come… back… to me..
      Am            D
 your mom won't let you alone..
 i will still love you..
 C        F
 till the end..
      Am            D
 your mom won't let you alone..
 i will still love you..
 C       (F)
 till the end..

Outro : F Gm C F
        D Gm Bb -C F

Chord Vanny Vabiola - My Precious Daughter

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  • Chord Vanny Vabiola

