Kunci Gitar Twenty One Pilots - At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2024-07-07T07:10:37+00:00 Kunci Gitar Twenty One Pilots - At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Twenty One Pilots - At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Twenty One Pilots - At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb" yang dibawakan oleh Twenty One Pilots. "Kunci Gitar Twenty One Pilots - At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Twenty One Pilots - At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb" oleh Twenty One Pilots. Kunci Gitar Twenty One Pilots - At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb

Intro : G Em Bm D

Reff :
 G                    Em
 i don't want anyone, know me or not
 see me at my lowest
 D                             G
 you don't have to drop, drop, drop
 don't have to drop by
 Bm                      D
 nothing you can do this time

 G                    Em
 i don't want anyone, know me or not
 see me at my lowest
 D                       G           Em
 you don't have to drop, drop, drop, drop
     Bm       D/F#      G         Em
 anything for me.. just keep your plans
   Bm            D/F#
 i hope that you never have to drop

G                      Em
used to be you and me, matching kawasaki z's
Bm                 D/F#
ride around 270 in kawasaki tees
    G                         Em
two fighter jets matching energy
             Bm                         D
trying to forget that we're in ejection seats

   G       Em         Bm
so please, keep it in mind
D             G              Em        Bm
check on your friends, every once in a while
even if they say

Reff :
 G                    Em
 i don't want anyone, know me or not
 see me at my lowest
 D                             G
 you don't have to drop, drop, drop
 don't have to drop by
 Bm                      D
 nothing you can do this time

 G                    Em
 i don't want anyone, know me or not
 see me at my lowest
 D                       G           Em
 you don't have to drop, drop, drop, drop
     Bm       D         G         Em
 anything for me.. just keep your plans
   Bm            D/F#
 i hope that you never have to drop

G Em      Bm              A/C# -D     G
   at the risk of feeling dumb, check in..
Em        Bm                A/C#  -D G
 it's not worth the risk of losing a friend..
Em    Bm        A/C#-D   G         Em
 even if they say.. just keep your plans
  Bm            A/C#         -D
i hope that you never have to drop

if i'm being real man
don't know how i feel man
'bout you sleeping so close
to a weapon you conceal, man
 those night terrors
are not something to take lightly
 i know that it's a risk
A/C#              -D
saying this, don't fight me
(stopping me, fight me)
(stopping me, fight me)
 Bm                   -D/F#
(stopping me, fight me)

Reff :
 G                    Em
 i don't want anyone, know me or not
 see me at my lowest
 D                             G
 you don't have to drop, drop, drop
 don't have to drop by
 Bm                   A/C#-D
 nothing you can do this time

 G                    Em
 i don't want anyone, know me or not
 see me at my lowest
 D                       G           Em
 you don't have to drop, drop, drop, drop
     Bm       D         G         Em
 anything for me.. just keep your plans
   Bm            D
 i hope that you never have to drop

G Em      Bm              A/C# -D     G
   at the risk of feeling dumb, check in..
Em        Bm                A/C#  -D G
 it's not worth the risk of losing a friend..
Em    Bm        A/C#-D   G         Em
 even if they say.. just keep your plans
  Bm            A/C#         -D
i hope that you never have to drop

Reff :
 G                    Em
 i don't want anyone, know me or not
 Bm                 -A/C#
 see me at my lowest
 D                       G           Em
 you don't have to drop, drop, drop, drop
     Bm A/C#-D   (G)
 anything..   for me..

Outro : G Em Bm D
        G Em Bm D

Chord Twenty One Pilots - At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Twenty One Pilots

