Kunci Gitar Lewis Capaldi - Old Navy Blue

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2024-06-19T20:15:14+00:00 Kunci Gitar Lewis Capaldi - Old Navy Blue
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Lewis Capaldi - Old Navy Blue - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Lewis Capaldi - Old Navy Blue" yang dibawakan oleh Lewis Capaldi. "Kunci Gitar Lewis Capaldi - Old Navy Blue" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Lewis Capaldi - Old Navy Blue" oleh Lewis Capaldi. Kunci Gitar Lewis Capaldi - Old Navy Blue

Capo ♪ fret 5

Intro : C..

C               Cmaj7
cut my teeth on memories
     C7                     Am
from playgrounds to the bars
        Dm               A/C#
there's bigger boys with broken hearts 
who throw their weight around..

Am              E/G#
settle down and be here now
     G                 Fm
just watch the world revolve
C                G              C
don't it feel so good to be so small?

C              Cmaj7
cast my mind behind
             C7                  Am
and think of girls i used to know
       Dm              A/C#
who've all moved on to better things
and found the ones they love..

       Am             E/G#
but it don't breed animosity,
    G                   Fm
i'm not perturbed at all
   C               G               C
oh man it feels so good to feel so small

Reff :
           C                      Em/B
 well it's sad but sometimes it's true 
           F                             Fm
 that your friends become the people you knew..
       C                     G
 once upon a time.. that you left behind
 old navy blue..

   C                 Cmaj7
no matter though how good things go
        C7                Am
they've always got to wait 
     Dm              A/C#
i've said goodbye to family
from the side of their sick beds..

      Am                E/G#
so to all the ones i'll always love
    G                Fm
but faded out of view..
  C            G                   C
until we meet again, this ones for you

Reff :
           C                      Em/B
 well it's sad but sometimes it's true 
           F                             Fm
 that your friends become the people you knew..
       C                   G
 once upon a time that you left behind
 old navy blue..

          C                           Em/B
 ain't it sad, the things that you'll miss 
             F                           Fm
 when you're gone and the world it still spins..
 cause you're not here to stay 
 so just be here today
          C    C7
 old navy blue..
 but after all this time 
 you're still a friend of mine
          Am    E/G# G    Fm      C
 old navy blue uu.. uu.. uu.. mm mm..


Intro : F..

F               Fmaj7
cut my teeth on memories
     F7                     Dm
from playgrounds to the bars
        Gm               D/F#
there's bigger boys with broken hearts 
who throw their weight around..

Dm              A/C#
settle down and be here now
     C                 Bbm
just watch the world revolve
F                C              F
don't it feel so good to be so small?

F              Fmaj7
cast my mind behind
             F7                  Dm
and think of girls i used to know
       Gm              D/F#
who've all moved on to better things
and found the ones they love..

       Dm             A/C#
but it don't breed animosity,
    C                   Bbm
i'm not perturbed at all
   F               C               F
oh man it feels so good to feel so small

Reff :
           F                      Am/E
 well it's sad but sometimes it's true 
           Bb                            Bbm
 that your friends become the people you knew..
       F                     C
 once upon a time.. that you left behind
 old navy blue..

   F                 Fmaj7
no matter though how good things go
        F7                Dm
they've always got to wait 
     Gm              D/F#
i've said goodbye to family
from the side of their sick beds..

      Dm                A/C#
so to all the ones i'll always love
    C                Bbm
but faded out of view..
  F            C                   F
until we meet again, this ones for you

Reff :
           F                      Am/E
 well it's sad but sometimes it's true 
           Bb                            Bbm
 that your friends become the people you knew..
       F                   C
 once upon a time that you left behind
 old navy blue..

          F                           Am/E
 ain't it sad, the things that you'll miss 
             Bb                          Bbm
 when you're gone and the world it still spins..
 cause you're not here to stay 
 so just be here today
          F    F7
 old navy blue..
 but after all this time 
 you're still a friend of mine
          Dm    A/C# C    Bbm     F
 old navy blue uu.. uu.. uu.. mm mm..

Chord Lewis Capaldi - Old Navy Blue

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Lewis Capaldi

