Kunci Gitar Avenged Sevenfold - Gunslinger

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2024-06-04T08:58:51+00:00 Kunci Gitar Avenged Sevenfold - Gunslinger
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Avenged Sevenfold - Gunslinger - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Avenged Sevenfold - Gunslinger" yang dibawakan oleh Avenged Sevenfold. "Kunci Gitar Avenged Sevenfold - Gunslinger" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Avenged Sevenfold - Gunslinger" oleh Avenged Sevenfold. Kunci Gitar Avenged Sevenfold - Gunslinger

Avenged Sevenfold - Gunslinger
Capo ♪ fret 5

Intro   : Am...
Tab. Am : Am-G Am-G Am-G -C
2x        Am-G Am-G Am-G -C Am

yeah.. you've been alone..
i've been gone.. for far too long..
but with all that we've been through..
      G                               (Am)
after all this time i'm coming home to you..

Int. Am..
Tab. Am : Am-G Am-G Am-G -C
1x        Am-G Am-G Am-G -C Am

never let it show..
the pain i've grown to know..
'cause with all these things we do..
         G                             (Am)
it don't matter when i'm coming home to you

Reff :
   Am                         G
 i reach towards the sky i've said my goodbyes
    Em                  F
 my heart's always with you now..
   Am                     G
 i won't questions why so many have died
    Em                   F
 my prayers have made it through yeah..

 'cause with all these things we do..
          G                             (Am)
 it don't matter when i'm coming home to you..

Int. Am-C-Dm-D#-G Am-C-Am..
     yeeee.. iyeah.. 
     Am-C-Dm-D#-G Am-C-Am..
     yeeee.. iyeah.. 

[TAB the song as above]
letters keep me warm..
helped me through the storm..
but with all that we've been through..
      G                               (Am)
after all this time i'm coming home to you..

Reff :
   Am                         G
 i reach towards the sky i've said my goodbyes
    Em                  F
 my heart's always with you now..
   Am                     G
 i won't questions why so many have died
    Em                   F
 my prayers have made it through yeah..

 'cause with all these things we do..
          G                             (F)
 it don't matter when i'm coming home to you..
F                  G
 i've always been true..
               C            G/B       Am
i've waited so long just to come hold you..
    G         F                           G
i'm making it through.. it's been far too long..
                 C         G/B       Am
we've proven our love over time’s so strong..
   G           F                     G
in all that we do.. the stars in the night..
                   Am         G/B      C
they lend me their light.. to bring me closer
   Dm         (F)
to heaven with you..

Music: F..G..C G/B Am G
       F..G..C G/B Am G

nut with all that we've been through
      G                               (Am)
after all this time i'm coming home to you..

Reff :
   Am                         G
 i reach towards the sky i've said my goodbyes
    Em                  F
 my heart's always with you now..
   Am                     G
 i won't questions why so many have died
    Em                   F
 my prayers have made it through yeah..

 'cause with all these things we do..
          G                             (F)
 it don't matter when i'm coming home to you..
 and with all that we've been through
       G                                Am
 after all this time i'm coming home to you..


Intro   : Dm...
Tab. Dm : Dm-C Dm-C Dm-C -F
2x        Dm-C Dm-C Dm-C -F Dm

yeah.. you've been alone..
i've been gone.. for far too long..
but with all that we've been through..
      C                               (Dm)
after all this time i'm coming home to you..

Int. Dm..
Tab. Dm : Dm-C Dm-C Dm-C -F
1x        Dm-C Dm-C Dm-C -F Dm

never let it show..
the pain i've grown to know..
'cause with all these things we do..
         C                             (Dm)
it don't matter when i'm coming home to you

Reff :
   Dm                         C
 i reach towards the sky i've said my goodbyes
    Am                  Bb
 my heart's always with you now..
   Dm                     C
 i won't questions why so many have died
    Am                   Bb
 my prayers have made it through yeah..

 'cause with all these things we do..
          C                             (Dm)
 it don't matter when i'm coming home to you..

Int. Dm-F-Gm-G#-C Dm-F-Dm..
     yeeee.. iyeah.. 
     Dm-F-Gm-G#-C Dm-F-Dm..
     yeeee.. iyeah.. 

[TAB the song as above]
letters keep me warm..
helped me through the storm..
but with all that we've been through..
      C                               (Dm)
after all this time i'm coming home to you..

Reff :
   Dm                         C
 i reach towards the sky i've said my goodbyes
    Am                  Bb
 my heart's always with you now..
   Dm                     C
 i won't questions why so many have died
    Am                   Bb
 my prayers have made it through yeah..

 'cause with all these things we do..
          C                             (Bb)
 it don't matter when i'm coming home to you..
Bb                 C
 i've always been true..
               F            C/E       Dm
i've waited so long just to come hold you..
    C         Bb                          C
i'm making it through.. it's been far too long..
                 F         C/E       Dm
we've proven our love over time’s so strong..
   C           Bb                    C
in all that we do.. the stars in the night..
                   Dm         C/E      F
they lend me their light.. to bring me closer
   Gm         (Bb)
to heaven with you..

Music: Bb..C..F C/E Dm C
       Bb..C..F C/E Dm C

nut with all that we've been through
      C                               (Dm)
after all this time i'm coming home to you..

Reff :
   Dm                         C
 i reach towards the sky i've said my goodbyes
    Am                  Bb
 my heart's always with you now..
   Dm                     C
 i won't questions why so many have died
    Am                   Bb
 my prayers have made it through yeah..

 'cause with all these things we do..
          C                             (Bb)
 it don't matter when i'm coming home to you..
 and with all that we've been through
       C                                Dm
 after all this time i'm coming home to you..

Chord Avenged Sevenfold - Gunslinger

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Avenged Sevenfold

