Kunci Gitar Sum 41 - Rise Up

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2024-04-05T18:14:48+00:00 Kunci Gitar Sum 41 - Rise Up
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Sum 41 - Rise Up - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Sum 41 - Rise Up" yang dibawakan oleh Sum 41. "Kunci Gitar Sum 41 - Rise Up" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Sum 41 - Rise Up" oleh Sum 41. Kunci Gitar Sum 41 - Rise Up

Capo ♪ fret 3

Intro : Am -Bb Am -C Am -Bb
        i told you i'd rise up
        Am F C E Bm-C-Bm
        Am E F Dm Bm-C-Bm

 you'd be mistaken 
if you thought i was gone..
 cause i've been waiting
for this moment too long.. (whoa..)
                G             Am
just to see the worry in your eyes..

 i bet you thought that i had fallen away..
 it never crossed your mind
that there'd be a day.. (whoa..)
              G              Am
i'd return to look into your eyes..

E              Am
don't pray for me,
    C            F             Dm
you said there's no hope in forgiving
Am          C       F        Dm      Am
 your happy to just leave me for the dead
              C          F             Dm
well time has passed i'm very much the living
Am              C          F         Dm    (F)
 and all that's left is to leave you seeing red 

Reff :
 F            C                   G
  so when you think you've got me by a thread
     Am      G      F
 you need to think again
 cause i know you never thought
 that this would be how it ends
   Am       G       (Am)
 i told you i'd rise up

Int. Am E F Dm C-Bm-C

 i don't believe that you have got any soul..
 you're just a breed
of your own kind all alone.. (whoa..)
             G              Am
an architect of your own decline..

 nothing's sacred anymore that's the past..
 its falling further
even more out of grasp.. (whoa..)
                    G              Am
you're replaced and running out of time..

no prayers from me,
    C       F               Dm
you see i'm not the one you think will
Am           C      F        Dm    Am
 just let it go and leave it all behind
               C      F            Dm
you're dead to me and i don't even feel guilt
Am           C               F        Dm   (F)
 just take a look cause it's time for me to rise

Reff :
 F            C                   G
  so when you think you've got me by a thread
     Am      G      F
 you need to think again
 cause i know you never thought
 that this would be how it ends
   Am       G       (Am)
 i told you i'd rise up

Int. Am -Bb Am -C
     Am Bb E                 Am -Bb Am -C
           i told you i'd rise up
     Am -Bb E

Music : Am F C E
        Am E F Dm C-Bm-C Am

        G                Am
i don't want to close my eyes
      Dm         F
i can never get enough
         G                  Am
like the sun it's time that i rise up..

Reff :
 F            C                   G
  so when you think you've got me by a thread
     Am      G      F
 you need to think again
 cause i know you never thought
 that this would be how it ends
   Am       G       (Am)
 i told you i'd rise up

Outro : Am -Bb Am -C
        Am -Bb E                 Am -Bb Am -C
             i told you i'd rise up
        Am Bb E                (Am)
            i told you i'd rise up


Intro : Cm -C# Cm -D# Cm -C#
        i told you i'd rise up
        Cm G# D# G Dm-D#-Dm
        Cm G G# Fm Dm-D#-Dm

 you'd be mistaken 
if you thought i was gone..
 cause i've been waiting
for this moment too long.. (whoa..)
                A#            Cm
just to see the worry in your eyes..

 i bet you thought that i had fallen away..
 it never crossed your mind
that there'd be a day.. (whoa..)
              A#             Cm
i'd return to look into your eyes..

G              Cm
don't pray for me,
    D#           G#            Fm
you said there's no hope in forgiving
Cm          D#      G#       Fm      Cm
 your happy to just leave me for the dead
              D#         G#            Fm
well time has passed i'm very much the living
Cm              D#         G#        Fm    (G#)
 and all that's left is to leave you seeing red 

Reff :
 G#           D#                  A#
  so when you think you've got me by a thread
     Cm      A#     G#
 you need to think again
 cause i know you never thought
 that this would be how it ends
   Cm       A#      (Cm)
 i told you i'd rise up

Int. Cm G G# Fm D#-Dm-D#

 i don't believe that you have got any soul..
 you're just a breed
of your own kind all alone.. (whoa..)
             A#             Cm
an architect of your own decline..

 nothing's sacred anymore that's the past..
 its falling further
even more out of grasp.. (whoa..)
                    A#             Cm
you're replaced and running out of time..

no prayers from me,
    D#      G#              Fm
you see i'm not the one you think will
Cm           D#     G#       Fm    Cm
 just let it go and leave it all behind
               D#     G#           Fm
you're dead to me and i don't even feel guilt
Cm           D#              G#       Fm   (G#) 
 just take a look cause it's time for me to rise

Reff :
 G#           D#                  A#
  so when you think you've got me by a thread
     Cm      A#     G#
 you need to think again
 cause i know you never thought
 that this would be how it ends
   Cm       A#      (Cm)
 i told you i'd rise up

Int. Cm -C# Cm -D#
     Cm -C#  G                 Cm -C# Cm -D#
           i told you i'd rise up
     Cm -C# G

Music : Cm G# D# G
        Cm G G# Fm D#-Dm-D# Cm

        A#               Cm
i don't want to close my eyes
      Fm         G#
i can never get enough
         A#                 Cm
like the sun it's time that i rise up..

Reff :
 G#           D#                  A#
  so when you think you've got me by a thread
     Cm      A#     G#
 you need to think again
 cause i know you never thought
 that this would be how it ends
   Cm       A#      (Cm)
 i told you i'd rise up

Outro : Cm -C# Cm -D#
        Cm -C#  G                 Cm -C# Cm -D#
              i told you i'd rise up
        Cm C# G                (Cm)
            i told you i'd rise up

Chord Sum 41 - Rise Up

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Sum 41

