Kunci Gitar Olivia Rodrigo - so american

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2024-03-26T17:59:14+00:00 Kunci Gitar Olivia Rodrigo - so american
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Olivia Rodrigo - so american - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Olivia Rodrigo - so american" yang dibawakan oleh Olivia Rodrigo. "Kunci Gitar Olivia Rodrigo - so american" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Olivia Rodrigo - so american" oleh Olivia Rodrigo. Kunci Gitar Olivia Rodrigo - so american

Capo ♪ fret 3

Intro : G..F..

 drivin' on the.. right side road..
 he says i'm pretty.. wearing his clothes..
 and he's got hands that.. make hell seem cold..
 feet on the dashboard..
he's like a poem i wish i wrote..
i wish i wrote..

Reff :
         C                F
 when he laughs at all my jokes
        G            C
 and he says i'm so american..
    F                  C
 oh God, it's just not fair of him
    G                 Am  -G
 to make me feel this much..

         C           F
 i'll go anywhere he goes..
        G            C
 and he says i'm so american.
    F              C
 oh God, i'm gonna marry him
    G                  Am-G
 if he keeps this shit up..
 i might just be in
 la la la la la la la la la la love..

 God, i'm so boring.. and i'm so rude..
can't have a conversation 
if it's not all about you..
 the way you dress and.. the books you read..
 i really love my bed
but man it's hard to sleep
when he's with me.. when he's with me..

Reff :
         C                F
 when he laughs at all my jokes
        G            C
 and he says i'm so american..
    F                  C
 oh God, it's just not fair of him
    G                 Am  -G
 to make me feel this much..

         C           F
 i'll go anywhere he goes..
        G            C
 and he says i'm so american.
    F              C
 oh God, i'm gonna marry him
    G                  Am-G
 if he keeps this shit up..
 i might just be in
 la la la la la la la la la la love..

Am     F
i apologize if it's
a little too much just a little too soon
    Am           F           C
but if the conversation ever were to come up
i don't wanna assume this stuff..
F             C                     G
 but ain't it love.. i think i'm in love..

Reff :
        C                F
 and he laughs at all my jokes 
        G            C
 and he says i'm so american..
    F                  C
 oh God, it's just not fair of him
    G                 Am  -G
 to make me feel this much..

         C           F
 i'll go anywhere he goes..
        G            C
 and he says i'm so american.
    F              C
 oh God, i'm gonna marry him
    G                  Am-G
 if he keeps this shit up..
 i might just be in
 la la la la la la la la la la love..


Intro : A#..G#..

 drivin' on the.. right side road..
 he says i'm pretty.. wearing his clothes..
 and he's got hands that.. make hell seem cold..
 feet on the dashboard..
he's like a poem i wish i wrote..
i wish i wrote..

Reff :
         D#               G#
 when he laughs at all my jokes
        A#           D#
 and he says i'm so american..
    G#                 D#
 oh God, it's just not fair of him
    A#                Cm  -A#
 to make me feel this much..

         D#          G#
 i'll go anywhere he goes..
        A#           D#
 and he says i'm so american.
    G#             D#
 oh God, i'm gonna marry him
    A#                 Cm-A#
 if he keeps this shit up..
 i might just be in
 la la la la la la la la la la love..

 God, i'm so boring.. and i'm so rude..
can't have a conversation 
if it's not all about you..
 the way you dress and.. the books you read..
 i really love my bed
but man it's hard to sleep
when he's with me.. when he's with me..

Reff :
         D#               G#
 when he laughs at all my jokes
        A#           D#
 and he says i'm so american..
    G#                 D#
 oh God, it's just not fair of him
    A#                Cm  -A#
 to make me feel this much..

         D#          G#
 i'll go anywhere he goes..
        A#           D#
 and he says i'm so american.
    G#             D#
 oh God, i'm gonna marry him
    A#                 Cm-A#
 if he keeps this shit up..
 i might just be in
 la la la la la la la la la la love..

Cm     G#
i apologize if it's
a little too much just a little too soon
    Cm           G#          D#
but if the conversation ever were to come up
i don't wanna assume this stuff..
G#            D#                    A#
 but ain't it love.. i think i'm in love..

Reff :
        D#               G#
 and he laughs at all my jokes 
        A#           D#
 and he says i'm so american..
    G#                 D#
 oh God, it's just not fair of him
    A#                Cm  -A#
 to make me feel this much..

         D#          G#
 i'll go anywhere he goes..
        A#           D#
 and he says i'm so american.
    G#             D#
 oh God, i'm gonna marry him
    A#                 Cm-A#
 if he keeps this shit up..
 i might just be in
 la la la la la la la la la la love..

Chord Olivia Rodrigo - so american

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Olivia Rodrigo

