Kunci Gitar Love Forever - Suara Kayu, Arash Buana

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2023-12-04T17:56:09+00:00 Kunci Gitar Love Forever - Suara Kayu, Arash Buana
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Love Forever - Suara Kayu, Arash Buana - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Love Forever - Suara Kayu, Arash Buana" yang dibawakan oleh Suara Kayu. "Kunci Gitar Love Forever - Suara Kayu, Arash Buana" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Love Forever - Suara Kayu, Arash Buana" oleh Suara Kayu. Kunci Gitar Love Forever - Suara Kayu, Arash Buana

Capo ♪ fret 4

Intro : C G/B Am G F..G..

C              Em
 now i met you here
for the thousand time
seems like nothing's gonna change
everything will stay the same
from the moment i helped you
with your homework

C                   Em
 now you're telling me
all about your day
said you had a bad hair day
but to me u look okay
you look pretty in any way..

Reff :
 C            G/B
  i'll always love you..
 Am         G         F
  with everything you do..
         Fm         G  
 you and i together love forever

 C            G/B
  i'll always want you..
 Am           C7       C     F   Em
  i'll always want you by my side..
         Dm         G
 you and i together love forever

Musik : C G/B Am G F..G..

i believe, you believe
     G/B    -E
that we were meant together
Am          G
promise me, you and me
that we will last forever
Dm         Em
uuu you and i together
F        G
last forever..

Reff :
 C            G/B -E
  i'll always love you..
 Am         Gm   -C   F
  with everything you do..
         Fm         G  
 you and i together love forever

 C            G/B  E
  i'll always want you..
 Am           Gm       C     F   Em
  i'll always want you by my side..
         Dm         G
 you and i together love forever

 C    G/B -E Am  Gm-C F Em
  huuuu-u..   huuuu-uuuu..
 Dm       G
  together forever
 C    G/B -E Am  Gm-C F Em
  huuuu-u..   huuuu-uuuu..
 Dm       G
  together forever

Outro : C -G/B -E Am
        Gm-C-F Em
        Dm       G
         together forever

Catatan :
Change re-chords E = E/G#


Intro : E B/D# C#m B A..B..

E              G#m
 now i met you here
for the thousand time
seems like nothing's gonna change
everything will stay the same
from the moment i helped you
with your homework

E                   G#m
 now you're telling me
all about your day
said you had a bad hair day
but to me u look okay
you look pretty in any way..

Reff :
 E            B/D#
  i'll always love you..
 C#m        B         A
  with everything you do..
         Am         B   
 you and i together love forever

 E            B/D#
  i'll always want you..
 C#m          E7      -E     A   G#m
  i'll always want you by my side..
         F#m        B
 you and i together love forever

Musik : E B/D# C#m B A..B..

i believe, you believe
     B/D#   -G#/C
that we were meant together
C#m        -B
promise me, you and me
that we will last forever
F#m        G#m
uuu you and i together
A        B
last forever..

Reff :
 E            B/D# -G#/C
  i'll always love you..
 C#m        Bm   -E   A
  with everything you do..
         Am         B   
 you and i together love forever

 E            B/D# -G#/C
  i'll always want you..
 C#m          Bm      -E     A   G#m
  i'll always want you by my side..
         F#m        B
 you and i together love forever

 E    B/D#-G#/C C#m Bm-E A G#m
  huuuu-u..      huuuu-uuuu..
 F#m      B
  together forever
 E    B/D#-G#/C C#m Bm-E A G#m
  huuuu-u..      huuuu-uuuu..
 F#m      B
  together forever

Outro : E B/D#-G#/C C#m
        Bm-E-A G#m
        F#m      B
         together forever

Chord Love Forever - Suara Kayu, Arash Buana

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Arash Buana
  • Chord Suara Kayu

