Kunci Gitar Alex Warren - Give You Love

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2023-12-15T06:51:26+00:00 Kunci Gitar Alex Warren - Give You Love
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Alex Warren - Give You Love - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Alex Warren - Give You Love" yang dibawakan oleh Alex Warren. "Kunci Gitar Alex Warren - Give You Love" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Alex Warren - Give You Love" oleh Alex Warren. Kunci Gitar Alex Warren - Give You Love

Capo ♪ fret 1

Intro : C Dm Am F

C         Dm
 need you to forgive me,
           Am          F
cause i've been here before
C         Dm
 pour out till i'm empty,
          Am      F
more than i can afford

              C                 Dm
i don't got a lot left, i gotta be cautious
               Am          F
need you to be honest with me
           C               Dm
if i go in head first am i gonna get hurt?
                  Am         F
don't think i can take it so please

Reff :
            Am         F
 tell me if i give you love
       C          G
 would you box it up?
 Am                F
 put it on a shelf like everybody else
            C          G
 until it's collecting dust

        Am            F
 and if it's yours to break,
       C           G
 would you keep it safe?
 tell me you're the one
 that you're not going to run
               C        G
 and that it's not a mistake

            C   Dm Am F
to give you love..
            C   Dm Am F
to give you love..

C         Dm
 daylight in the morning,
       Am         F
waking up at your place
C               Dm
 should've come with a warning
         Am       F
i'm in a delicate state

              C                 Dm
i don't got a lot left, i gotta be cautious
               Am          F
need you to be honest with me
           C               Dm
if i go in head first am i gonna get hurt?
                  Am         F
don't think i can take it so please

Reff :
            Am         F
 tell me if i give you love
       C          G
 would you box it up?
 Am                F
 put it on a shelf like everybody else
            C          G
 until it's collecting dust

        Am            F
 and if it's yours to break,
       C           G
 would you keep it safe?
 tell me you're the one
 that you're not going to run
               C        G
 and that it's not a mistake

            C   Dm Am F
to give you love..
            C   Dm Am F
to give you love..

   Am                     F
darling, would you let me fall?
know that i've been,
i've been through it all
             Am                  F
but before i go, give you all of me
i need to know you give it everything

Reff :
              Am       F
 tell me if i give you love
           C      G
 would you box it up?
 Am                F
 put it on a shelf like everybody else
            C          G
 until it's collecting dust

        Am            F
 and if it's yours to break,
       C           G
 would you keep it safe?
 tell me you're the one
 that you're not going to run
               C        G
 and that it's not a mistake

            C   Dm Am F
to give you love..
            C   Dm Am F
to give you love..


Intro : C# D#m A#m F#

C#        D#m
 need you to forgive me,
           A#m         F#
cause i've been here before
C#        D#m
 pour out till i'm empty,
          A#m     F#
more than i can afford

              C#                D#m
i don't got a lot left, i gotta be cautious
               A#m         F#
need you to be honest with me
           C#              D#m
if i go in head first am i gonna get hurt?
                  A#m        F#
don't think i can take it so please

Reff :
            A#m        F#
 tell me if i give you love
       C#         G#
 would you box it up?
 A#m               F#
 put it on a shelf like everybody else
            C#         G#
 until it's collecting dust

        A#m           F#
 and if it's yours to break,
       C#          G#
 would you keep it safe?
 tell me you're the one
 that you're not going to run
               C#       G#
 and that it's not a mistake

            C#  D#m A#m F#
to give you love..
            C#  D#m A#m F#
to give you love..

C#        D#m
 daylight in the morning,
       A#m        F#
waking up at your place
C#              D#m
 should've come with a warning
         A#m      F#
i'm in a delicate state

              C#                D#m
i don't got a lot left, i gotta be cautious
               A#m         F#
need you to be honest with me
           C#              D#m
if i go in head first am i gonna get hurt?
                  A#m        F#
don't think i can take it so please

Reff :
            A#m        F#
 tell me if i give you love
       C#         G#
 would you box it up?
 A#m               F#
 put it on a shelf like everybody else
            C#         G#
 until it's collecting dust

        A#m           F#
 and if it's yours to break,
       C#          G#
 would you keep it safe?
 tell me you're the one
 that you're not going to run
               C#       G#
 and that it's not a mistake

            C#  D#m A#m F#
to give you love..
            C#  D#m A#m F#
to give you love..

   A#m                    F#
darling, would you let me fall?
know that i've been,
i've been through it all
             A#m                 F#
but before i go, give you all of me
i need to know you give it everything

Reff :
              A#m      F#
 tell me if i give you love
           C#     G#
 would you box it up?
 A#m               F#
 put it on a shelf like everybody else
            C#         G#
 until it's collecting dust

        A#m           F#
 and if it's yours to break,
       C#          G#
 would you keep it safe?
 tell me you're the one
 that you're not going to run
               C#       G#
 and that it's not a mistake

            C#  D#m A#m F#
to give you love..
            C#  D#m A#m F#
to give you love..

Chord Alex Warren - Give You Love

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Alex Warren

