Kunci Gitar Alan Walker & Sophie Stray - Born to Ride

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2023-11-15T18:02:59+00:00 Kunci Gitar Alan Walker & Sophie Stray - Born to Ride
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Alan Walker & Sophie Stray - Born to Ride - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Alan Walker & Sophie Stray - Born to Ride" yang dibawakan oleh Sophie Stray. "Kunci Gitar Alan Walker & Sophie Stray - Born to Ride" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Alan Walker & Sophie Stray - Born to Ride" oleh Sophie Stray. Kunci Gitar Alan Walker & Sophie Stray - Born to Ride

Capo ♪ fret 4

Intro : F G C F
        F G Am..

Dm          G
 head to my heart
hand on your chest
i have the best of intentions
Dm              G
 i've played my part
but who did the rest
no wasting breath on redemption

Dm          G                  C
 who do you love when it isn't me
               F           Dm
cause we fall apart inevitably
sometimes what you want
just ain't what you need
and you know me..

Reff :
 Dm                  G
 baby, i was born to run
 C                   F
 baby, i was born to run
              Dm                 G
 ain't nobody ever gonna slow me down
       C  G
 cause i..

     Dm                     G
 i'm looking for the number one
 C                   F
 only me, myself and i
              Dm                 G
 ain't nobody ever gonna hold me down
 C                   G
 baby, i was born to run..

Int. Dm G C F
     Dm G Am Em
     Dm G C F
     Dm G Am Em

Dm           G
 hand to the wind
head in the sky
yeah baby that's where i'm headed
Dm                 G
 but you fenced me in
for too long a time..
so, let's forgive and forget it

Dm           G                 C
 i'm not the one, it's easy to see
               F           Dm
cause we fall apart inevitably
sometimes what you want
just ain't what you need
and you know me..

Reff :
 Dm                  G
 baby, i was born to run
 C                   F
 baby, i was born to run
              Dm                 G
 ain't nobody ever gonna slow me down
       C  G
 cause i..

     Dm                     G
 i'm looking for the number one
 C                   F
 only me, myself and i
              Dm                 G
 ain't nobody ever gonna hold me down
 C                   G
 baby, i was born to run..

Outro : Dm G C F
        Dm G Am Em
        Dm G C F
        Dm G Am Em


Intro : A B E A
        A B C#m..

F#m         B
 head to my heart
hand on your chest
i have the best of intentions
F#m             B
 i've played my part
but who did the rest
no wasting breath on redemption

F#m         B                  E
 who do you love when it isn't me
               A           F#m
cause we fall apart inevitably
sometimes what you want
just ain't what you need
and you know me..

Reff :
 F#m                 B
 baby, i was born to run
 E                   A
 baby, i was born to run
              F#m                B
 ain't nobody ever gonna slow me down
       E B/D#
 cause i..

     F#m                    B
 i'm looking for the number one
 E                   A
 only me, myself and i
              F#m                B
 ain't nobody ever gonna hold me down
 E                   B/D#
 baby, i was born to run..

Int. F#m B E A
     F#m B C#m G#m
     F#m B E A
     F#m B C#m G#m

F#m          B
 hand to the wind
head in the sky
yeah baby that's where i'm headed
F#m                B
 but you fenced me in
for too long a time..
so, let's forgive and forget it

F#m          B                 E
 i'm not the one, it's easy to see
               A           F#m
cause we fall apart inevitably
sometimes what you want
just ain't what you need
and you know me..

Reff :
 F#m                 B
 baby, i was born to run
 E                   A
 baby, i was born to run
              F#m                B
 ain't nobody ever gonna slow me down
       E B/D#
 cause i..

     F#m                    B
 i'm looking for the number one
 E                   A
 only me, myself and i
              F#m                B
 ain't nobody ever gonna hold me down
 E                   B/D#
 baby, i was born to run..

Outro : F#m B E A
        F#m B C#m G#m
        F#m B E A
        F#m B C#m G#m

Chord Alan Walker & Sophie Stray - Born to Ride

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Alan Walker
  • Chord Sophie Stray

