Kunci Gitar MOD SUN - Avril's Song

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2023-10-03T17:15:07+00:00 Kunci Gitar MOD SUN - Avril's Song
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar MOD SUN - Avril's Song - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar MOD SUN - Avril's Song" yang dibawakan oleh Mod Sun. "Kunci Gitar MOD SUN - Avril's Song" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar MOD SUN - Avril's Song" oleh Mod Sun. Kunci Gitar MOD SUN - Avril's Song

Capo ♪ fret 4

Intro : C G Am Em        F   G
                say your name..
        ye iye iye..

C             G/B
she blew me a kiss and i didn't
Em                        F
 wanna blow my brains out anymore..
    C                     G/B
and she is everything i'm not,
without her i am lost
i don't know what i am running for..

Dm                   F
 and i can't tell if i am laughing
G              Dm
or i'm crying (crying)
                    F            G
and i can't tell if i'm alive or i am dying

Reff :
 C        G
  i sleep next to an angel
        Am             Em    F
 but my demons keep me up at night 
 if i'm going down,
     Am                    C
 you know i'm going with a fight

 so buy me flowers
     Am             Em
 and make me such a pretty grave..
 F            G
  and with my last breath
 i'd say your name, say your name..

C                       G/B
she is the only one who cared,
that's why i get so scared 
that one day i'll wake up
and she won't be there..

C                  G/B
 i'm such a basket case
i want my casket laced 
with pictures of your face..

Dm                   F
 and i can't tell if i am laughing
G              Dm
or i'm crying (crying)
                    F            G
and i can't tell if i'm alive or i am dying

Reff :
 C        G
  i sleep next to an angel
        Am             Em    F
 but my demons keep me up at night 
 if i'm going down,
     Am                    C
 you know i'm going with a fight

 so buy me flowers
     Am             Em
 and make me such a pretty grave..
 F            G
  and with my last breath
 i'd say your name, say your name..

Int. C G     Am  Em
      oooh.. ooh ooh oh
     F G     C
      oooh.. say your name, say your name..

C             G/B
she blew me a kiss and i didn't
Em                        F
 wanna blow my brains out anymore..

Reff :
 C        G
  i sleep next to an angel
        Am             Em    F
 but my demons keep me up at night 
 if i'm going down,
     Am                    C
 you know i'm going with a fight

 so buy me flowers
     Am             Em
 and make me such a pretty grave..
 F            G
  and with my last breath
 i'd say your name, say your name..

Outro : C  G    Am  Em
         oooh.. ooh ooh oh
        F  G    C
         oooh.. say your name,
        say your name..

         C G     Am Em
         oooh.. ooh ooh oh
        F G     C
         oooh.. say your name,
        say your name..


Intro : E B C#m G#m       A   B
                 say your name..
        ye iye iye..

E             B/D#
she blew me a kiss and i didn't
G#m                       A
 wanna blow my brains out anymore..
    E                     B/D#
and she is everything i'm not,
without her i am lost
i don't know what i am running for..

F#m                  A
 and i can't tell if i am laughing
B              F#m
or i'm crying (crying)
                    A            B
and i can't tell if i'm alive or i am dying

Reff :
 E        B
  i sleep next to an angel
        C#m            G#m   A
 but my demons keep me up at night 
 if i'm going down,
     C#m                   E
 you know i'm going with a fight

 so buy me flowers
     C#m            G#m
 and make me such a pretty grave..
 A            B
  and with my last breath
 i'd say your name, say your name..

E                       B/D#
she is the only one who cared,
that's why i get so scared 
that one day i'll wake up
and she won't be there..

E                  B/D#
 i'm such a basket case
i want my casket laced 
with pictures of your face..

F#m                  A
 and i can't tell if i am laughing
B              F#m
or i'm crying (crying)
                    A            B
and i can't tell if i'm alive or i am dying

Reff :
 E        B
  i sleep next to an angel
        C#m            G#m   A
 but my demons keep me up at night 
 if i'm going down,
     C#m                   E
 you know i'm going with a fight

 so buy me flowers
     C#m            G#m
 and make me such a pretty grave..
 A            B
  and with my last breath
 i'd say your name, say your name..

Int. E B     C#m G#m
      oooh.. ooh ooh oh
     A B     E
      oooh.. say your name, say your name..

E             B/D#
she blew me a kiss and i didn't
G#m                       A
 wanna blow my brains out anymore..

Reff :
 E        B
  i sleep next to an angel
        C#m            G#m   A
 but my demons keep me up at night 
 if i'm going down,
     C#m                   E
 you know i'm going with a fight

 so buy me flowers
     C#m            G#m
 and make me such a pretty grave..
 A            B
  and with my last breath
 i'd say your name, say your name..

Outro : E B     C#m G#m
         oooh.. ooh ooh oh
        A B     E
         oooh.. say your name,
        say your name..

         E B     C#m G#m
         oooh.. ooh ooh oh
        A B     E
         oooh.. say your name,
        say your name..

Chord MOD SUN - Avril's Song

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  • Chord MOD SUN

