Kunci Gitar Thirty Seconds To Mars - Never Not Love You

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2023-09-21T08:24:36+00:00 Kunci Gitar Thirty Seconds To Mars - Never Not Love You
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Thirty Seconds To Mars - Never Not Love You - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Thirty Seconds To Mars - Never Not Love You" yang dibawakan oleh Thirty Seconds To Mars. "Kunci Gitar Thirty Seconds To Mars - Never Not Love You" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Thirty Seconds To Mars - Never Not Love You" oleh Thirty Seconds To Mars. Kunci Gitar Thirty Seconds To Mars - Never Not Love You

Capo ♪ fret 3

Intro : C..

    C                                F
you changed, you changed my life for good..
  Am        G                 F
i fell, but it felt more like flying..
   C                      F
we did, did everything we could..
    Am        G             F
but sometimes love loses to timing..

 if it's over and we're going 
our separate ways
 if it's over and i'm wiping
the tears from your face
Am               G                   F
 maybe even if i don't ever see you again

Reff :
 i'll never not need you
 i'll never not want you
                Am              G
 i'll never not die inside each time
 i hear your name..

 i'll never not miss you
 if i can't be with you
            Am              G            F
 even if my last memory was you walking away..
 i'll never not love you..

Int. C         F
     u.. uu.. uu.. uu..
      Am  G    F
     uu.. uu.. uu..

    C                        F
you said goodbye to stop the pain..
   Am       G                  F
so why does it feel like we're dying..
   C                       F
we said we'd always be the same..
    Am        G                 F
who knew, who knew that we were lying..

 if it's over and we're going 
our separate ways
 if it's over and i'm wiping
the tears from your face
Am               G                   F
 maybe even if i don't ever see you again

Reff :
 i'll never not need you
 i'll never not want you
                Am              G
 i'll never not die inside each time
 i hear your name..

 i'll never not miss you
 if i can't be with you
            Am              G            F
 even if my last memory was you walking away..
 i'll never not love you..

Int. C         F
     u.. uu.. uu.. uu..
      Am  G    F                  (C)
     uu.. uu.. uu.. never not love you

 if it's over and we're going 
our separate ways
 if it's over and i'm wiping
the tears from your face
Am               G                   F
 maybe even if i don't ever see you again..
i'll never not love you..
                    C   F
i'll never not love you..
Am                    G
it was the end but my love
what a beautiful lie..


Intro : D#..

    D#                               G#
you changed, you changed my life for good..
  Cm        A#                G#
i fell, but it felt more like flying..
   D#                     G#
we did, did everything we could..
    Cm        A#            G#
but sometimes love loses to timing..

 if it's over and we're going 
our separate ways
 if it's over and i'm wiping
the tears from your face
Cm               A#                  G#
 maybe even if i don't ever see you again

Reff :
 i'll never not need you
 i'll never not want you
                Cm              A#
 i'll never not die inside each time
 i hear your name..

 i'll never not miss you
 if i can't be with you
            Cm              A#           G#
 even if my last memory was you walking away..
 i'll never not love you..

Int. D#        G#
     u.. uu.. uu.. uu..
      Cm   A#   G#
     uu.. uu.. uu..

    D#                       G#
you said goodbye to stop the pain..
   Cm       A#                 G#
so why does it feel like we're dying..
   D#                      G#
we said we'd always be the same..
    Cm        A#                G#
who knew, who knew that we were lying..

 if it's over and we're going 
our separate ways
 if it's over and i'm wiping
the tears from your face
Cm               A#                  G#
 maybe even if i don't ever see you again

Reff :
 i'll never not need you
 i'll never not want you
                Cm              A#
 i'll never not die inside each time
 i hear your name..

 i'll never not miss you
 if i can't be with you
            Cm              A#           G#
 even if my last memory was you walking away..
 i'll never not love you..

Int. D#        G#
     u.. uu.. uu.. uu..
      Cm   A#   G#                (D#)
     uu.. uu.. uu.. never not love you

 if it's over and we're going 
our separate ways
 if it's over and i'm wiping
the tears from your face
Cm               A#                  G#
 maybe even if i don't ever see you again..
i'll never not love you..
                    D#  G#
i'll never not love you..
Cm                    A#
it was the end but my love
what a beautiful lie..

Chord Thirty Seconds To Mars - Never Not Love You

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Thirty Seconds To Mars

