Kunci Gitar Putu Maydea - Myself

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2023-09-14T09:09:42+00:00 Kunci Gitar Putu Maydea - Myself
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Putu Maydea - Myself - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Putu Maydea - Myself" yang dibawakan oleh Putu Maydea. "Kunci Gitar Putu Maydea - Myself" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Putu Maydea - Myself" oleh Putu Maydea. Kunci Gitar Putu Maydea - Myself

Capo ♪ fret 1

F                        Am
 i hate that i was here alone..
 i hate that people
ask am i really okay..?
 hate that someone cares for me
more than i can..
but if i love my self
i shouldn′t doubt me..

F                             Am
 is this the started of depression..
F                    Am
 or jus an overreaction..
F                          Am
 but i felt like suffering all the time..
        F               G    Am G
and i'm alone losing my self..

Reff :
    G                         Am
 my mama said i must be happy girl
             F               C
 but in reality i′m broken inside..
        G                         Am
 people think that i'm happy everyday..
               F             (Fm)    (C)
 but not every night.. try to build myself

F                             Am
 must be the started of depression..
F                         Am
 cuz i dont have any true friends..
F                          Am
 and i felt like suffering all the time..
    F              G
i'm alone losing myself.. huu..

Reff :
    G                         Am
 my mama said i must be happy girl
             F               C
 but in reality i′m broken inside..
        G                         Am
 people think that i'm happy everyday..
               F            Fm      C
 but not every night try to build myself

 G                        Am
  i hate that i was here alone
 i hate that people ask
      F                          C
 am i really okay and happy everyday hoo..
 G                        Am
  i hate that i was here alone
 i hate that people ask
      F                          C
 am i really okay and happy everyday..

Musik : G Am F C
        G Am F C

Reff :
    G                         Am
 my mama said i must be happy girl
             F               C
 but in reality i′m broken inside..
        G                         Am
 people think that i'm happy everyday..
               F            Fm      C
 but not every night try to build myself..

    G                         Am
 my mama said i must be happy girl
             F               C
 but in reality i′m broken inside..
        G                         Am
 people think that i'm happy everyday..
               F            Fm      C
 but not every night try to build myself..
               F            Fm      C
 but not every night try to build myself..
               F            Fm      C
 but not every night try to build myself..


F#                       A#m
 i hate that i was here alone..
 i hate that people
ask am i really okay..?
 hate that someone cares for me
more than i can..
but if i love my self
i shouldn′t doubt me..

F#                            A#m
 is this the started of depression..
F#                   A#m
 or jus an overreaction..
F#                         A#m
 but i felt like suffering all the time..
        F#              G#   A#m G#
and i'm alone losing my self..

Reff :
    G#                        A#m
 my mama said i must be happy girl
             F#              C#
 but in reality i′m broken inside..
        G#                        A#m
 people think that i'm happy everyday..
               F#            (F#m)   (C#)
 but not every night.. try to build myself

F#                            A#m
 must be the started of depression..
F#                        A#m
 cuz i dont have any true friends..
F#                         A#m
 and i felt like suffering all the time..
    F#             G#
i'm alone losing myself.. huu..

Reff :
    G#                        A#m
 my mama said i must be happy girl
             F#              C#
 but in reality i′m broken inside..
        G#                        A#m
 people think that i'm happy everyday..
               F#           F#m     C#
 but not every night try to build myself

 G#                       A#m
  i hate that i was here alone
 i hate that people ask
      F#                         C#
 am i really okay and happy everyday hoo..
 G#                       A#m
  i hate that i was here alone
 i hate that people ask
      F#                         C#
 am i really okay and happy everyday..

Musik : G# A#m F# C#
        G# A#m F# C#

Reff :
    G#                        A#m
 my mama said i must be happy girl
             F#              C#
 but in reality i′m broken inside..
        G#                        A#m
 people think that i'm happy everyday..
               F#           F#m     C#
 but not every night try to build myself..

    G#                        A#m
 my mama said i must be happy girl
             F#              C#
 but in reality i′m broken inside..
        G#                        A#m
 people think that i'm happy everyday..
               F#           F#m     C#
 but not every night try to build myself..
               F#           F#m     C#
 but not every night try to build myself..
               F#           F#m     C#
 but not every night try to build myself..

Chord Putu Maydea - Myself

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Putu Maydea

