Kunci Gitar Stellar - Smoking Gun

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2023-07-30T16:21:03+00:00 Kunci Gitar Stellar - Smoking Gun
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Stellar - Smoking Gun - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Stellar - Smoking Gun" yang dibawakan oleh Stellar. "Kunci Gitar Stellar - Smoking Gun" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Stellar - Smoking Gun" oleh Stellar. Kunci Gitar Stellar - Smoking Gun

Capo ♪ fret 2

Reff :
 Am             G      Em
  cause now i'm on the run
            D       Am  G
 hand on my smoking gun..
 Em         D
  cause i'd do anything for her

 Am             G      Em
  cause now i'm on the run
            D       Am  G
 hand on my smoking gun..
 you act crazy
 when you're falling in love

Am            G
 come with me if you want to
Em             D
 can't promise we'll be alright
Am             G
 don't have to tell you ain't no
Em              D
turning back if you cross the line

Am         G
 no hiding in the shadows
Em                 D
 let's bring these feelings to light
Am        G
 you ran away with my heart
Em          D
baby like a thief in the night

Am  G     Em             D
  i know, nothing really matters
Am       G    Em       D
 without you, i am a disaster..
Am     G        Em         D
 if we stay, no happy ever after
C   D
 no happy ever after

Reff :
 Am             G      Em
  cause now i'm on the run
            D       Am  G
 hand on my smoking gun..
 Em         D
  cause i'd do anything for her

 Am             G      Em
  cause now i'm on the run
            D       Am  G
 hand on my smoking gun..
 you act crazy
 when you're falling in love

Am  G      Em  D
 uh uh uh uuh.. yeyeah..
Am  G      Em  D
 uh uh uh uuh..

Am          G
 if i could tell you
Em           D        Am
what's going on in my head
or why we're running
      Em       D          Am
we're running away from regret

so let me tell you
      Em         D           Am  G
let's never look back and forget
     Em  D
oh woah..

Am  G     Em             D
  i know, nothing really matters
Am       G    Em       D
 without you, i am a disaster..
Am     G        Em         D
 if we stay, no happy ever after
C   D
 no happy ever after

Reff :
 Am             G      Em
  cause now i'm on the run
            D       Am  G
 hand on my smoking gun..
 Em         D
  cause i'd do anything for her

 Am             G      Em
  cause now i'm on the run
            D       Am  G
 hand on my smoking gun..
 you act crazy
 when you're falling in love

Am  G      Em  D
 uh uh uh uuh.. iyeah..
Am  G      Em  D
 uh uh uh uuh..

Outro : Am G Em D
        Am G Em D


Reff :
 C#m            B      G#m
  cause now i'm on the run
            F#      C#m B
 hand on my smoking gun..
 G#m        F#
  cause i'd do anything for her

 C#m            B      G#m
  cause now i'm on the run
            F#      C#m B
 hand on my smoking gun..
 you act crazy
 when you're falling in love

C#m           B
 come with me if you want to
G#m            F#
 can't promise we'll be alright
C#m            B
 don't have to tell you ain't no
G#m             F#
turning back if you cross the line

C#m        B
 no hiding in the shadows
G#m                F#
 let's bring these feelings to light
C#m       B
 you ran away with my heart
G#m         F#
baby like a thief in the night

C#m B     G#m            F#
  i know, nothing really matters
C#m      B    G#m      F#
 without you, i am a disaster..
C#m    B        G#m        F#
 if we stay, no happy ever after
E   F#
 no happy ever after

Reff :
 C#m            B      G#m
  cause now i'm on the run
            F#      C#m B
 hand on my smoking gun..
 G#m        F#
  cause i'd do anything for her

 C#m            B      G#m
  cause now i'm on the run
            F#      C#m B
 hand on my smoking gun..
 you act crazy
 when you're falling in love

C#m B      G#m F#
 uh uh uh uuh.. yeyeah..
C#m B      G#m F#
 uh uh uh uuh..

C#m         B
 if i could tell you
G#m          F#       C#m
what's going on in my head
or why we're running
      G#m      F#         C#m
we're running away from regret

so let me tell you
      G#m        F#          C#m B
let's never look back and forget
     G#m F#
oh woah..

C#m B     G#m            F#
  i know, nothing really matters
C#m      B    G#m      F#
 without you, i am a disaster..
C#m    B        G#m        F#
 if we stay, no happy ever after
E   F#
 no happy ever after

Reff :
 C#m            B      G#m
  cause now i'm on the run
            F#      C#m B
 hand on my smoking gun..
 G#m        F#
  cause i'd do anything for her

 C#m            B      G#m
  cause now i'm on the run
            F#      C#m B
 hand on my smoking gun..
 you act crazy
 when you're falling in love

C#m B      G#m F#
 uh uh uh uuh.. iyeah..
C#m B      G#m F#
 uh uh uh uuh..

Outro : C#m B G#m F#
        C#m B G#m F#

Chord Stellar - Smoking Gun

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Stellar

