Kunci Gitar Sam Fischer, Meghan Trainor - Alright

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2023-06-03T20:08:17+00:00 Kunci Gitar Sam Fischer, Meghan Trainor - Alright
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Sam Fischer, Meghan Trainor - Alright - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Sam Fischer, Meghan Trainor - Alright" yang dibawakan oleh Sam Fischer. "Kunci Gitar Sam Fischer, Meghan Trainor - Alright" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Sam Fischer, Meghan Trainor - Alright" oleh Sam Fischer. Kunci Gitar Sam Fischer, Meghan Trainor - Alright

Capo ♪ fret 5

Reff :
  F              Am
 "i'm gonna be alright"
      G              Em
 i'll say a thousand times
          F             Am
 until it takes over my mind
 and i think i'm (i'm gonna be alright)

i won't talk about it
Am                G   Em
enough to make it real
my insides are shouting
Am               G         Dm
but i can barely hear, yeah

F                    Am
i've dug my heels in to stop the feeling
convinced it's something
that will never show
broken my cup,
Am                  G   Dm
can't fill it up no more

          F    Am      G       Em
but, even if i don't believe it
         F       Am      G     Dm
it ain't real if i can't see it..
i swear that

Reff :
  F              Am
 "i'm gonna be alright"
      G              Em
 i'll say a thousand times
          F             Am
 until it takes over my mind
             G     Dm             F
 and i think i'm.. i'm gonna be alright

 make no mistake
 i'll be just fine
                Em                F
 at least, i'll say it a thousand times
          Am            G
 until it takes over my mind
 Dm            (F)
 i'm gonna be alright

 F       Am        G
 i.. i-i i.. i-i i i..
 Em             F
 i'm gonna be alright
         Am        G Dm
 i.. i-i i.. i-i i i..

     F                             Am
mama said there would be days like this
              G         Em
where i don't understand.. uh
          F                   Am
and there ain't nobody making sense
                   G           Dm
they'll never know who i am, i am..
(i am)

          F    Am      G
but, even if i don't believe it
(believe it)
         F       Am      G
it ain't real if i can't see it..
no.. but

Reff :
  F              Am
 "i'm gonna be alright"
      G              Em
 i'll say a thousand times
          F             Am
 until it takes over my mind
             G     Dm             F
 and i think i'm.. i'm gonna be alright

 make no mistake
 i'll be just fine
                Em                F
 at least, i'll say it a thousand times
          Am            G
 until it takes over my mind
 Dm            (F)
 i'm gonna be alright

 F       Am        G
 i.. i-i i.. i-i i i..
 Em             F
 i'm gonna be alright
         Am        G
 i.. i-i i.. i-i i i..
 (i'm gonna be alright)

F              Am
who would i be?
who would i be without it?
F          Am
i wanna see
who i could be without it (wu)

Reff :
  F              Am
 "i'm gonna be alright"
      G              Em
 i'll say a thousand times
          F             Am
 until it takes over my mind
             G     Dm             F
 and i think i'm.. i'm gonna be alright..

 make no mistake
 i'll be just fine
                Em                F
 at least, i'll say it a thousand times
          Am            G
 until it takes over my mind..
 Dm            (F)
 i'm gonna be alright..

 F       Am        G
 i.. i-i i.. i-i i i..
 Em             F
 i'm gonna be alright
         Am        G Dm
 i.. i-i i.. i-i i i..
 (i'm gonna be alright)

Outro :    F           Am      G
        oh yeah.. yeah yeah.. mm..
        i'm gonna be alright..


Reff :
  Bb             Dm
 "i'm gonna be alright"
      C              Am
 i'll say a thousand times
          Bb            Dm
 until it takes over my mind
 and i think i'm (i'm gonna be alright)

i won't talk about it
Dm                C   Am
enough to make it real
my insides are shouting
Dm               C         Gm
but i can barely hear, yeah

Bb                   Dm
i've dug my heels in to stop the feeling
convinced it's something
that will never show
broken my cup,
Dm                  C   Gm
can't fill it up no more

          Bb   Dm      C       Am
but, even if i don't believe it
         Bb      Dm      C     Gm
it ain't real if i can't see it..
i swear that

Reff :
  Bb             Dm
 "i'm gonna be alright"
      C              Am
 i'll say a thousand times
          Bb            Dm
 until it takes over my mind
             C     Gm             Bb
 and i think i'm.. i'm gonna be alright

 make no mistake
 i'll be just fine
                Am                Bb
 at least, i'll say it a thousand times
          Dm            C
 until it takes over my mind
 Gm            (Bb)
 i'm gonna be alright

 Bb      Dm        C
 i.. i-i i.. i-i i i..
 Am             Bb
 i'm gonna be alright
         Dm        C Gm
 i.. i-i i.. i-i i i..

     Bb                            Dm
mama said there would be days like this
              C         Am
where i don't understand.. uh
          Bb                  Dm
and there ain't nobody making sense
                   C           Gm
they'll never know who i am, i am..
(i am)

          Bb   Dm      C
but, even if i don't believe it
(believe it)
         Bb      Dm      C
it ain't real if i can't see it..
no.. but

Reff :
  Bb             Dm
 "i'm gonna be alright"
      C              Am
 i'll say a thousand times
          Bb            Dm
 until it takes over my mind
             C     Gm             Bb
 and i think i'm.. i'm gonna be alright

 make no mistake
 i'll be just fine
                Am                Bb
 at least, i'll say it a thousand times
          Dm            C
 until it takes over my mind
 Gm            (Bb)
 i'm gonna be alright

 Bb      Dm        C
 i.. i-i i.. i-i i i..
 Am             Bb
 i'm gonna be alright
         Dm        C
 i.. i-i i.. i-i i i..
 (i'm gonna be alright)

Bb             Dm
who would i be?
who would i be without it?
Bb         Dm
i wanna see
who i could be without it (wu)

Reff :
  Bb             Dm
 "i'm gonna be alright"
      C              Am
 i'll say a thousand times
          Bb            Dm
 until it takes over my mind
             C     Gm             Bb
 and i think i'm.. i'm gonna be alright..

 make no mistake
 i'll be just fine
                Am                Bb
 at least, i'll say it a thousand times
          Dm            C
 until it takes over my mind..
 Gm            (Bb)
 i'm gonna be alright..

 Bb      Dm        C
 i.. i-i i.. i-i i i..
 Am             Bb
 i'm gonna be alright
         Dm        C  Gm
 i.. i-i i.. i-i i i..
 (i'm gonna be alright)

Outro :    Bb          Dm      C
        oh yeah.. yeah yeah.. mm..
        i'm gonna be alright..

Chord Sam Fischer, Meghan Trainor - Alright

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Meghan Trainor
  • Chord Sam Fischer

