Kunci Gitar Austin Mahone - Kuntry

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2023-06-08T15:25:15+00:00 Kunci Gitar Austin Mahone - Kuntry
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Austin Mahone - Kuntry - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Austin Mahone - Kuntry" yang dibawakan oleh Austin Mahone. "Kunci Gitar Austin Mahone - Kuntry" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Austin Mahone - Kuntry" oleh Austin Mahone. Kunci Gitar Austin Mahone - Kuntry

Intro : Am G F E
        Am G F

it don't matter where you're at
it's where you're from (hold up)
F                       E
spur of the moment tony p (how we pull up)
Am                     G 
stock on rise from the bottom (show up)
F                               E
thinking i ain't got it then we got 'em

              Am                 G
yeah i'm from right down the road..
F                              E
riding in the foreign whipping 800 horses
      Am          G
bout fast as it go..
on the way to see my baby
with some brand new tags

        Am                G
and the pedal to the floor..
  F                E
i know you can't believe..
     F              G           Am
this may be hard to see.. but i am..

Reff :
                 Am    G
 muh' fucka, i'm kuntry..
 we're them boys from the south
 where we're known to do it big
        Am   G
 ridin' dirty..
         F             E
 on that 281 with that bass in my trunk

         Am    G
 hear me coming..
 we're them boys from the south
 where we're known to do it big
        Am   G
 ridin' dirty..
         F             E
 on that 281 with that bass in my trunk
 hear me coming..

Int. Am G F E
      Am        G
     (kuntry) 281 with that bass
     in my trunk, hear me

Am                              G
tried to get the kuntry out the kid
(i said hold up)
F                          E
everything i do is for the city (go up)
Am                       G
walked in breaking their necks
(when we show up)
know you ain't been seeing me
around you should know 

         Am                 G
i'm from right down the road..
F                              E
riding in the foreign whipping 800 horses
      Am          G
bout fast as it go..
on the way to see my baby
with some brand new tags

         Am                G
with the pedal to the floor..
  F                E
i know you can't believe..
     F              G           Am
this may be hard to see.. but i am..

Reff :
                 Am    G
 muh' fucka, i'm kuntry..
 we're them boys from the south
 where we're known to do it big
        Am   G
 ridin' dirty..
         F             E
 on that 281 with that bass in my trunk

         Am    G
 hear me coming..
 we're them boys from the south
 where we're known to do it big
        Am   G
 ridin' dirty..
         F             E
 on that 281 with that bass in my trunk
 hear me coming..

Int. Am G F E
     Am G                      F
      281 with that bass in my trunk
     hear me

Outro : Am G F E
        Am G F E


Intro : Em D C B
        Em D C

it don't matter where you're at
it's where you're from (hold up)
C                       B
spur of the moment tony p (how we pull up)
Em                     D 
stock on rise from the bottom (show up)
C                               B
thinking i ain't got it then we got 'em

              Em                 D
yeah i'm from right down the road..
C                              B
riding in the foreign whipping 800 horses
      Em          D
bout fast as it go..
on the way to see my baby
with some brand new tags

        Em                D
and the pedal to the floor..
  C                B
i know you can't believe..
     C              D           Em
this may be hard to see.. but i am..

Reff :
                 Em    D
 muh' fucka, i'm kuntry..
 we're them boys from the south
 where we're known to do it big
        Em   D
 ridin' dirty..
         C             B
 on that 281 with that bass in my trunk

         Em    D
 hear me coming..
 we're them boys from the south
 where we're known to do it big
        Em   D
 ridin' dirty..
         C             B
 on that 281 with that bass in my trunk
 hear me coming..

Int. Em D C B
      Em        D
     (kuntry) 281 with that bass
     in my trunk, hear me

Em                              D
tried to get the kuntry out the kid
(i said hold up)
C                          B
everything i do is for the city (go up)
Em                       D
walked in breaking their necks
(when we show up)
know you ain't been seeing me
around you should know 

         Em                 D
i'm from right down the road..
C                              B
riding in the foreign whipping 800 horses
      Em          D
bout fast as it go..
on the way to see my baby
with some brand new tags

         Em                D
with the pedal to the floor..
  C                B
i know you can't believe..
     C              D           Em
this may be hard to see.. but i am..

Reff :
                 Em    D
 muh' fucka, i'm kuntry..
 we're them boys from the south
 where we're known to do it big
        Em   D
 ridin' dirty..
         C             B
 on that 281 with that bass in my trunk

         Em    D
 hear me coming..
 we're them boys from the south
 where we're known to do it big
        Em   D
 ridin' dirty..
         C             B
 on that 281 with that bass in my trunk
 hear me coming..

Int. Em D C B
     Em D                      C
      281 with that bass in my trunk
     hear me

Outro : Em D C B
        Em D C B

Chord Austin Mahone - Kuntry

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Austin Mahone

