Kunci Gitar Ashley Ryan - Hush Little Baby

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2023-05-08T16:53:07+00:00 Kunci Gitar Ashley Ryan - Hush Little Baby
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Ashley Ryan - Hush Little Baby - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Ashley Ryan - Hush Little Baby" yang dibawakan oleh Ashley Ryan. "Kunci Gitar Ashley Ryan - Hush Little Baby" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Ashley Ryan - Hush Little Baby" oleh Ashley Ryan. Kunci Gitar Ashley Ryan - Hush Little Baby

Capo ♪ fret 1

Reff :
 Am                C
 hush little baby, don't you cry
      G                      F
 your momma's got a 12 gauge held up high
     Am               C
 and if that boy ever breaks your heart
 i'll send him where the moon meets
 and kisses the stars..

Am                    C
 he's messin' with my baby..
G                  F
 and i ain't gonna tell him twice..
Am                C
 if you come home crying
         G                           F
kiss his chevy and these matches goodbye..

Am                C
 you're comin off gentle
G                 F
 something like a preacher's daughter..
Am                 C
 the same can't be said for me..
G               F
 thanks to your father

cause i know his kind like
the back of my hand
just cause he's a malе 
don't make him a man

Reff :
 Am                C
 hush little baby, don't you cry
      G                      F
 your momma's got a 12 gauge held up high
     Am               C
 and if that boy ever breaks your heart
 i'll send him where the moon meets
 and kisses the stars..

      Am                C
 i'll count my blessing count these shells
      G                     F
 that only take one shot to bring him down
 Am                           C
 better treat you right cause if he don't..
     G              F
 the lord's.. gonna call him home..

Am             C
 keep his eyes open..
G              F
 the very last thing he'll see..
Am                     C
 is me standing with a shovel..
G            F
 burying him six foot deep..

Music : Dm Am Dm F

Am                C
hush little baby, don't be scared
we'll lay him next to daddy
in the graveyard there.. (yeah)

Reff :
 Am                C
 hush little baby, don't you cry
      G                      F
 your momma's got a 12 gauge held up high
     Am               C
 and if that boy ever breaks your heart
 i'll send him where the moon meets
 and kisses the stars..

      Am                C
 i'll count my blessing count these shells
      G                     F
 that only take one shot to bring him down
 Am                           C
 better treat you right cause if he don't.
     G              F
 the lord's.. gonna call him home..

Int. Am C
             G              F          
     oh, the lord's.. gonna call him home..
     Am C       G   F
         uwohoh home..

Am                    C
so tonight before you go to sleep..
G                   (F)    (Am)
pray to the lord my soul to keep..


Reff :
 A#m               C#
 hush little baby, don't you cry
      G#                     F#
 your momma's got a 12 gauge held up high
     A#m              C#
 and if that boy ever breaks your heart
 i'll send him where the moon meets
 and kisses the stars..

A#m                   C#
 he's messin' with my baby..
G#                 F#
 and i ain't gonna tell him twice..
A#m               C#
 if you come home crying
         G#                          F#
kiss his chevy and these matches goodbye..

A#m               C#
 you're comin off gentle
G#                F#
 something like a preacher's daughter..
A#m                C#
 the same can't be said for me..
G#              F#
 thanks to your father

cause i know his kind like
the back of my hand
just cause he's a malе 
don't make him a man

Reff :
 A#m               C#
 hush little baby, don't you cry
      G#                     F#
 your momma's got a 12 gauge held up high
     A#m              C#
 and if that boy ever breaks your heart
 i'll send him where the moon meets
 and kisses the stars..

      A#m               C#
 i'll count my blessing count these shells
      G#                    F#
 that only take one shot to bring him down
 A#m                          C#
 better treat you right cause if he don't..
     G#             F#
 the lord's.. gonna call him home..

A#m            C#
 keep his eyes open..
G#             F#
 the very last thing he'll see..
A#m                    C#
 is me standing with a shovel..
G#           F#
 burying him six foot deep..

Music : D#m A#m D#m F#

A#m               C#
hush little baby, don't be scared
we'll lay him next to daddy
in the graveyard there.. (yeah)

Reff :
 A#m               C#
 hush little baby, don't you cry
      G#                     F#
 your momma's got a 12 gauge held up high
     A#m              C#
 and if that boy ever breaks your heart
 i'll send him where the moon meets
 and kisses the stars..

      A#m               C#
 i'll count my blessing count these shells
      G#                    F#
 that only take one shot to bring him down
 A#m                          C#
 better treat you right cause if he don't.
     G#             F#
 the lord's.. gonna call him home..

Int. A#m C#
             G#             F#         
     oh, the lord's.. gonna call him home..
     A#m C#      G#  F#
          uwohoh home..

A#m                   C#
so tonight before you go to sleep..
G#                  (F#)    (A#m)
pray to the lord my soul to keep..

Chord Ashley Ryan - Hush Little Baby

    Sorry, no related chords at this time.

    Lihat semua :
  • Chord Ashley Ryan

