Kunci Gitar Alvin Wardiman - Why Don't We Give It a Go (Episode 2)

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2023-05-10T11:06:37+00:00 Kunci Gitar Alvin Wardiman - Why Don't We Give It a Go (Episode 2)
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Alvin Wardiman - Why Don't We Give It a Go (Episode 2) - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Alvin Wardiman - Why Don't We Give It a Go (Episode 2)" yang dibawakan oleh Alvin Wardiman. "Kunci Gitar Alvin Wardiman - Why Don't We Give It a Go (Episode 2)" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Alvin Wardiman - Why Don't We Give It a Go (Episode 2)" oleh Alvin Wardiman. Kunci Gitar Alvin Wardiman - Why Don't We Give It a Go (Episode 2)

Intro : F G Em F
        F G Em F

F                G
maybe we're just meant to fall
   Em                   F
at least we've tried to hold..
    F         G
and even if i change at all
   Em                  F
oh would you still let go?

   F              G
so if we couldn't last
              Em               F
why don't you give me a reason to..
  F             G       Em  F
undo the love i gave? why..?

            Dm                 Am
and i don't need to change the world
           C             G
but i hope i can light a fire
inside your heart..

Reff :
 why don't we give it a go..?
          -G     Am
 for we'll never know..
   -G/B     C
 if we hold on..
 but now you turn cold on me

 as i am breathing hard..
   -G        Am
 as i am the one..
    -G/B        C
 who begged you twice..
 and now it's hard to carry on
 but i'd just walk..

Int. F G       Em    F
        ouh.. uuh.. uuh..

        F   G
i'm not fine
       Em             F
i just can't tell you that
         F   G
i am not fine
         Em          F
oh is it too much to ask?

              Dm               Am
cause i'm not tryna change the world
      C                  G
all i want is to light a fire
inside our heart..

Reff :
 why don't we give it a go..?
          -G     Am
 for we'll never know..
   -G/B     C
 if we hold on..
 but now you turn cold on me

 as i am breathing hard..
   -G        Am
 as i am the one..
    -G/B        C
 who begged you twice..
 and now it's hard to carry on
 but i'd just walk..

F G      Em    F
   ouh.. uuh.. uuh..
    F    G         Em  F
oo ooh.. oh.. ooh ooh..

Outro :  F G Em F
         F G Em F
         F G Em F
         F G Em F


Intro : D E C#m D
        D E C#m D

D                E
maybe we're just meant to fall
   C#m                  D
at least we've tried to hold..
    D         E
and even if i change at all
   C#m                 D
oh would you still let go?

   D              E
so if we couldn't last
              C#m              D
why don't you give me a reason to..
  D             E       C#m D
undo the love i gave? why..?

            Bm                 F#m
and i don't need to change the world
           A             E
but i hope i can light a fire
inside your heart..

Reff :
 why don't we give it a go..?
          -E     F#m
 for we'll never know..
   -E/G#    A
 if we hold on..
 but now you turn cold on me

 as i am breathing hard..
   -E        F#m
 as i am the one..
    -E/G#       A
 who begged you twice..
 and now it's hard to carry on
 but i'd just walk..

Int. D E       C#m   D
        ouh.. uuh.. uuh..

        D   E
i'm not fine
       C#m            D
i just can't tell you that
         D   E
i am not fine
         C#m         D
oh is it too much to ask?

              Bm               F#m
cause i'm not tryna change the world
      A                  E
all i want is to light a fire
inside our heart..

Reff :
 why don't we give it a go..?
          -E     F#m
 for we'll never know..
   -E/G#    A
 if we hold on..
 but now you turn cold on me

 as i am breathing hard..
   -E        F#m
 as i am the one..
    -E/G#       A
 who begged you twice..
 and now it's hard to carry on
 but i'd just walk..

D E      C#m   D
   ouh.. uuh.. uuh..
    D    E         C#m D
oo ooh.. oh.. ooh ooh..

Outro :  D E C#m D
         D E C#m D
         D E C#m D
         D E C#m D

Chord Alvin Wardiman - Why Don't We Give It a Go (Episode 2)

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Alvin Wardiman

