Kunci Gitar Owl City - Learn How To Surf

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2023-04-01T11:41:57+00:00 Kunci Gitar Owl City - Learn How To Surf
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Owl City - Learn How To Surf - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Owl City - Learn How To Surf" yang dibawakan oleh Owl City. "Kunci Gitar Owl City - Learn How To Surf" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Owl City - Learn How To Surf" oleh Owl City. Kunci Gitar Owl City - Learn How To Surf

NB :
Change rechords C/E = Em
Capo 3rd fret

Intro : C G Dm Am
        C G Am F

            C         G     Dm  Am
i spent the summer in santa cruz
            C             G
and i met a blonde on the beach
             Am        F
with lots of quirky tattoos

             C         G
she had that old movie quote
                  Dm       Am
"we're gonna need a bigger boat"
         C            G
two tiny waves on her toes
           Am            F
and turtle tracks on her collarbones

Dm           F         G
 i asked her what they meant
Dm           Am           G
 and this is what she said

Reff :
           G           Am
 you gotta go with the flow
         Em          F
 cuz the tides always turn
             G            Am
 and sink or swim, diving in 
        Em         F
 is the best way to learn

             G             Am
 kick up the sand cuz your tan
            Em               F
 proves you lived through the burn
              G         Am
 and when you wipe out, it's gonna hurt
     Em            F
 you can't stop the waves
         Am       G
 but you can learn.. how to surf..

Int. G Am Em F
     G Am Em F

            G          Am
 and by the way, it's okay
          Em       F
 it could always be worse
               G         Am
 yeah when you wipe out, it's gonna hurt
     Em            F
 you can't stop the waves
         Am       G         C  
 but you can learn.. how to surf..

Int. C G Dm Am

        C             G
i met a blonde on the beach
             Am        F
with lots of quirky tattoos
          C            G
she had a shark on her arm
         Dm            Am
a pirate shredding the gnar
       C           G
an octopus wearing shades
            Am           F
and seagull wings on her shoulder blades
Dm           F         G
 i asked her what they meant..
Dm           Am           G
 and this is what she said
Reff :
           G           Am
 you gotta go with the flow
         Em          F
 cuz the tides always turn
             G            Am
 and sink or swim, diving in 
        Em         F
 is the best way to learn

             G             Am
 kick up the sand cuz your tan
            Em               F
 proves you lived through the burn
              G         Am
 and when you wipe out, it's gonna hurt
     Em            F
 you can't stop the waves
         Am       G
 but you can learn.. how to surf..

 Int. G Am Em F
      G Am Em F

            G          Am
 and by the way, it's okay
          Em       F
 it could always be worse
               G         Am
 yeah when you wipe out, it's gonna hurt
     Em            F
 you can't stop the waves
         Am       G         Dm
 but you can learn.. how to surf..

C           F
go with the flow..
then she said when you're sad
and you feel alone
 write them down,
         Am          G
all your worries and woes

go with the flow..
then fold em up, cork it shut
and let that bottle go
F             G         C
 and set your troubles afloat..

Music : G Am Em F
        G Am Em F
        G Am Em F
        G Am Em F

Reff :
             G             Am
 she told me hey, seas the day
           Em     F
 know the ocean by heart
           G                Am
 and if it don't float your boat
          Em           F
 learn to swim with the sharks

             G             Am
 kick up the sand cuz your tan
            Em               F
 proves you lived through the burn
              G         Am
 and when you wipe out, it's gonna hurt
     Em            F
 you can't stop the waves

               G         Am
 yeah when you wipe out, it's gonna hurt
     Em            F
 you can't stop the waves

         Am       G
 but you can learn.. how to surf..

 Int. G Am Em F
      G Am Em F

            G          Am
 and by the way, it's okay
          Em       F
 it could always be worse
               G         Am
 yeah when you wipe out, it's gonna hurt
     Em            F
 you can't stop the waves
         Am       G         C
 but you can learn.. how to surf..


Intro : D# A# Fm Cm
        D# A# Cm G#

            D#        A#    Fm  Cm
i spent the summer in santa cruz
            D#            A#
and i met a blonde on the beach
             Cm        G#
with lots of quirky tattoos

             D#        A#
she had that old movie quote
                  Fm       Cm
"we're gonna need a bigger boat"
         D#           A#
two tiny waves on her toes
           Cm            G#
and turtle tracks on her collarbones

Fm           G#        A#
 i asked her what they meant
Fm           Cm           A#
 and this is what she said

Reff :
           A#          Cm
 you gotta go with the flow
         D#/G         G#
 cuz the tides always turn
             A#           Cm
 and sink or swim, diving in 
        D#/G        G#
 is the best way to learn

             A#            Cm
 kick up the sand cuz your tan
            D#/G              G#
 proves you lived through the burn
              A#        Cm
 and when you wipe out, it's gonna hurt
     D#/G           G#
 you can't stop the waves
         Cm       A#
 but you can learn.. how to surf..

Int. A# Cm D#/G G#
     A# Cm D#/G G#

            A#         Cm
 and by the way, it's okay
          D#/G      G#
 it could always be worse
               A#        Cm
 yeah when you wipe out, it's gonna hurt
     D#/G           G#
 you can't stop the waves
         Cm       A#       (D#)
 but you can learn.. how to surf..

Int. D# A# Fm Cm

        D#            A#
i met a blonde on the beach
             Cm        G#
with lots of quirky tattoos
          D#           A#
she had a shark on her arm
         Fm            Cm
a pirate shredding the gnar
       D#          A#
an octopus wearing shades
            Cm           G#
and seagull wings on her shoulder blades
Fm           G#        A#
 i asked her what they meant..
Fm           Cm           A#
 and this is what she said
Reff :
           A#          Cm
 you gotta go with the flow
         D#/G         G#
 cuz the tides always turn
             A#           Cm
 and sink or swim, diving in 
        D#/G        G#
 is the best way to learn

             A#            Cm
 kick up the sand cuz your tan
            D#/G              G#
 proves you lived through the burn
              A#        Cm
 and when you wipe out, it's gonna hurt
     D#/G           G#
 you can't stop the waves
         Cm       A#
 but you can learn.. how to surf..

 Int. A# Cm D#/G G#
      A# Cm D#/G G#

            A#         Cm
 and by the way, it's okay
          D#/G      G#
 it could always be worse
               A#        Cm
 yeah when you wipe out, it's gonna hurt
     D#/G           G#
 you can't stop the waves
         Cm       A#        Fm
 but you can learn.. how to surf..

D#          G#
go with the flow..
then she said when you're sad
and you feel alone
 write them down,
         Cm          A#
all your worries and woes

go with the flow..
then fold em up, cork it shut
and let that bottle go
G#            A#        D#
 and set your troubles afloat..

Music : A# Cm D#/G G#
        A# Cm D#/G G#
        A# Cm D#/G G#
        A# Cm D#/G G#

Reff :
             A#            Cm
 she told me hey, seas the day
           D#/G    G#
 know the ocean by heart
           A#               Cm
 and if it don't float your boat
          D#/G          G#
 learn to swim with the sharks

             A#            Cm
 kick up the sand cuz your tan
            D#/G              G#
 proves you lived through the burn
              A#        Cm
 and when you wipe out, it's gonna hurt
     D#/G           G#
 you can't stop the waves

               A#        Cm
 yeah when you wipe out, it's gonna hurt
     D#/G           G#
 you can't stop the waves

         Cm       A#
 but you can learn.. how to surf..

 Int. A# Cm D#/G G#
      A# Cm D#/G G#

            A#         Cm
 and by the way, it's okay
          D#/G      G#
 it could always be worse
               A#        Cm
 yeah when you wipe out, it's gonna hurt
     D#/G           G#
 you can't stop the waves
         Cm       A#        D#
 but you can learn.. how to surf..

Chord Owl City - Learn How To Surf

    Sorry, no related chords at this time.

    Lihat semua :
  • Chord Owl City

