Kunci Gitar Now United - It's Gonna Be Alright

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2023-02-17T16:58:34+00:00 Kunci Gitar Now United - It's Gonna Be Alright
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Now United - It's Gonna Be Alright - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Now United - It's Gonna Be Alright" yang dibawakan oleh Now United. "Kunci Gitar Now United - It's Gonna Be Alright" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Now United - It's Gonna Be Alright" oleh Now United. Kunci Gitar Now United - It's Gonna Be Alright

Intro : Am Dm G Am
        F G E Am

Reff :
 Am          Dm             G
  no need to worry, no, no, no
                Am                   F
 long as you're with me, yeah, yeah, yeah
         G                 (E)        (Am)
 i gotta feeling it's gonna be alright..

Am                     Dm
 doesn't really matter where you are
G                        Am
 cause we're all staring at the same stars
F               G
 i can feel you near or afar
       E    Am
you're not alone (woah oooh)

Am                        Dm
 time's ticking, but it's moving slow
G                          Am
 and you know it's messin' up my flow..
F                   G
 ready for the next episode
     E           Am
come on, let's go (woah oooh)

Am              G
 this is what i do
when i'm feeling down yeah
C             F
 dust it off, shake it off
to the ground, yeah
Am           G
 pick it up, pick it up
          F      E
it'll be okay, ay, hay..

Reff :
 Am          Dm             G
  no need to worry, no, no, no
                Am                   F
 long as you're with me, yeah, yeah, yeah
         G                  E         Am
 i gotta feeling it's gonna be alright

 Am          Dm             G
  no need to worry, no, no, no
                Am                   F
 got my friends with me, yeah, yeah, yeah
 i gotta feeling that
 E                          Am
 every little thing's gonna be alright

Am                           Dm
 sometimes it feels like i'm losing my mind
G                       Am
 need something just to pass the time..
F                     G
 but i know that i'll be just fine
     E         Am
here in my zone (woah oooh)

Am                 Dm
 so for now, i'mma chill right here
G                 Am
 'til the madness disappears..
F               G
 lay back in my mind real clear
E     Am
in my zone.. (woah oooh)

Am              G
 this is what i do
when i'm feeling down yeah
C             F
 dust it off, shake it off
to the ground, yeah
Am           G
 pick it up, pick it up
          F      E
it'll be okay, ay, hay..

Reff :
 Am          Dm             G
  no need to worry, no, no, no
                Am                   F
 long as you're with me, yeah, yeah, yeah
         G                  E         Am
 i gotta feeling it's gonna be alright
 (it's gonna be alright)

 Am          Dm             G
  no need to worry, no, no, no
                Am                   F
 got my friends with me, yeah, yeah, yeah
 i gotta feeling that
 E                          Am
 every little thing's gonna be alright

Am  Dm
    here's to a new day
G Am               F
  here's to a new way..
 G                 E               Am
united we stand, together we're strong..

Am  Dm
    let's make it better
G Am
  now and forever
F G                 E               Am
 united we stand, together we're strong..

Reff :
 Am          Dm             G
  no need to worry, no, no, no
                Am                   F
 long as you're with me, yeah, yeah, yeah
         G                  E         Am
 i gotta feeling it's gonna be alright
 (it's gonna be alright)

 Am          Dm             G
  no need to worry, no, no, no
                Am                   F
 got my friends with me, yeah, yeah, yeah
 i gotta feeling that
 E                          Am
 every little thing's gonna be alright

 Am          Dm             G
  no need to worry, no, no, no
                Am                   F
 long as you're with me, yeah, yeah, yeah
         G                  E         Am
 i gotta feeling it's gonna be alright
 (it's gonna be alright)

 Am          Dm             G
  no need to worry, no, no, no (noo)
                Am                   F
 got my friends with me, yeah, yeah, yeah
 i gotta feeling that
 E                          Am
 every little thing's gonna be alright


Intro : F#m Bm E F#m
        D E C# F#m

Reff :
 F#m         Bm             E
  no need to worry, no, no, no
                F#m                  D
 long as you're with me, yeah, yeah, yeah
         E                 (C#)      (F#m)
 i gotta feeling it's gonna be alright..

F#m                    Bm
 doesn't really matter where you are
E                        F#m
 cause we're all staring at the same stars
D               E
 i can feel you near or afar
       C#   F#m
you're not alone (woah oooh)

F#m                       Bm
 time's ticking, but it's moving slow
E                          F#m
 and you know it's messin' up my flow..
D                   E
 ready for the next episode
     C#          F#m
come on, let's go (woah oooh)

F#m             E
 this is what i do
when i'm feeling down yeah
A             D
 dust it off, shake it off
to the ground, yeah
F#m          E
 pick it up, pick it up
          D      C#
it'll be okay, ay, hay..

Reff :
 F#m         Bm             E
  no need to worry, no, no, no
                F#m                  D
 long as you're with me, yeah, yeah, yeah
         E                  C#        F#m
 i gotta feeling it's gonna be alright

 F#m         Bm             E
  no need to worry, no, no, no
                F#m                  D
 got my friends with me, yeah, yeah, yeah
 i gotta feeling that
 C#                         F#m
 every little thing's gonna be alright

F#m                          Bm
 sometimes it feels like i'm losing my mind
E                       F#m
 need something just to pass the time..
D                     E
 but i know that i'll be just fine
     C#        F#m
here in my zone (woah oooh)

F#m                Bm
 so for now, i'mma chill right here
E                 F#m
 'til the madness disappears..
D               E
 lay back in my mind real clear
C#    F#m
in my zone.. (woah oooh)

F#m             E
 this is what i do
when i'm feeling down yeah
A             D
 dust it off, shake it off
to the ground, yeah
F#m          E
 pick it up, pick it up
          D      C#
it'll be okay, ay, hay..

Reff :
 F#m         Bm             E
  no need to worry, no, no, no
                F#m                  D
 long as you're with me, yeah, yeah, yeah
         E                  C#        F#m
 i gotta feeling it's gonna be alright
 (it's gonna be alright)

 F#m         Bm             E
  no need to worry, no, no, no
                F#m                  D
 got my friends with me, yeah, yeah, yeah
 i gotta feeling that
 C#                         F#m
 every little thing's gonna be alright

F#m Bm
    here's to a new day
E F#m              D
  here's to a new way..
 E                 C#              F#m
united we stand, together we're strong..

F#m Bm
    let's make it better
E F#m
  now and forever
D E                 C#              F#m
 united we stand, together we're strong..

Reff :
 F#m         Bm             E
  no need to worry, no, no, no
                F#m                  D
 long as you're with me, yeah, yeah, yeah
         E                  C#        F#m
 i gotta feeling it's gonna be alright
 (it's gonna be alright)

 F#m         Bm             E
  no need to worry, no, no, no
                F#m                  D
 got my friends with me, yeah, yeah, yeah
 i gotta feeling that
 C#                         F#m
 every little thing's gonna be alright

 F#m         Bm             E
  no need to worry, no, no, no
                F#m                  D
 long as you're with me, yeah, yeah, yeah
         E                  C#        F#m
 i gotta feeling it's gonna be alright
 (it's gonna be alright)

 F#m         Bm             E
  no need to worry, no, no, no (noo)
                F#m                  D
 got my friends with me, yeah, yeah, yeah
 i gotta feeling that
 C#                         F#m
 every little thing's gonna be alright

Chord Now United - It's Gonna Be Alright

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Now United

