Kunci Gitar Matthew West, Granger Smith - Greatest Hits

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2023-02-17T17:27:25+00:00 Kunci Gitar Matthew West, Granger Smith - Greatest Hits
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Matthew West, Granger Smith - Greatest Hits - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Matthew West, Granger Smith - Greatest Hits" yang dibawakan oleh Matthew West. "Kunci Gitar Matthew West, Granger Smith - Greatest Hits" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Matthew West, Granger Smith - Greatest Hits" oleh Matthew West. Kunci Gitar Matthew West, Granger Smith - Greatest Hits

Capo fret 4

Intro : C Em F G
        C Em F G

     C             Em
ever since i can remember
          F            G
i've been chasing this dream
      C              Em
every song, every tour making sure
    F               G
the world remembers me 

          Am            E/G#
trying to get to number one
            G          D
and feeling empty when i do
but i feel just like a legend
when i'm standing next to you

Reff :
   Am            G
 i used to think that famous
           F         C
 meant the roar of a crowd
             Am       G
 but now the music to my ears
        F                C
 is the laughter in this house

         Am             G
 when my songs are sung and my days are done
        F             C
 may it all come back to this
 Am             G
 you'll go down in history
      F         C
 as my greatest hits
     Am             G
 oh, you'll go down in history
      F         C
 as my greatest hits

Int. C Em F G

     C             Em
some people say success
        F            G
is more money in the bank
            C           Em
but i'm the richest man in texas
               F               G
every time you look at me that way

          Am             E/G#
and we're still two kids in love  
             G               D
but now they call us mom and dad  
and there's no name in lights  
that makes me prouder than that..

Reff :
         Am            G
 cause i used to think that famous
           F         C
 meant the roar of a crowd
             Am       G
 but now the music to my ears
        F                C
 is the laughter in this house

         Am             G
 when my songs are sung and my days are done
        F             C
 may it all come back to this
 Am             G
 you'll go down in history
      F         C
 as my greatest hits
     Am             G
 oh, you'll go down in history
      F         C
 as my greatest hits, oh yeah..

Int. Am   G        F     C
      huh uh.. uhuh uhuh uh.. you're my,
     Am          G  F          C
      oh, you're my.. greatest hits

    C                Em
but lately i've been thinking
         F           G
about my funeral someday
       C                   Em
when i kick the dirt and i leave this earth
  F                   G
i wonder what they'll say

          Am           E/G#
will they talk about a nice career
            G               D
or how that one record went gold
or will they say i loved my God and family
with all my heart and soul..

Reff :
   Am            G
 i used to think that famous
           F         C
 meant the roar of a crowd
 (meant the roar of a crowd)
             Am       G
 but now the music to my ears
        F                C
 is the laughter in this house
 (is all the laughter in this house)

         Am             G
 when my songs are sung and my days are done
        F             C
 may it all come back to this
 Am             G
 you'll go down in history
      F         C
 as my greatest hits

     Am             G
 oh, you'll go down in history
      F         C
 as my greatest hits
 Am          G             F
 you'll down in history as my..
 my greatest hits..

Outro : C Em F G
        C   Em    F     G  C
        uuh huu.. huu.. huu..


Intro : E G#m A B
        E G#m A B

     E             G#m
ever since i can remember
          A            B
i've been chasing this dream
      E              G#m
every song, every tour making sure
    A               B
the world remembers me 

          C#m           G#/C
trying to get to number one
            B          F#
and feeling empty when i do
but i feel just like a legend
when i'm standing next to you

Reff :
   C#m           B
 i used to think that famous
           A         E
 meant the roar of a crowd
             C#m      B
 but now the music to my ears
        A                E
 is the laughter in this house

         C#m            B
 when my songs are sung and my days are done
        A             E
 may it all come back to this
 C#m            B
 you'll go down in history
      A         E
 as my greatest hits
     C#m            B
 oh, you'll go down in history
      A         E
 as my greatest hits

Int. E G#m A B

     E             G#m
some people say success
        A            B
is more money in the bank
            E           G#m
but i'm the richest man in texas
               A               B
every time you look at me that way

          C#m            G#/C
and we're still two kids in love  
             B               F#
but now they call us mom and dad  
and there's no name in lights  
that makes me prouder than that..

Reff :
         C#m           B
 cause i used to think that famous
           A         E
 meant the roar of a crowd
             C#m      B
 but now the music to my ears
        A                E
 is the laughter in this house

         C#m            B
 when my songs are sung and my days are done
        A             E
 may it all come back to this
 C#m            B
 you'll go down in history
      A         E
 as my greatest hits
     C#m            B
 oh, you'll go down in history
      A         E
 as my greatest hits, oh yeah..

Int. C#m  B        A     E
      huh uh.. uhuh uhuh uh.. you're my,
     C#m         B  A          E
      oh, you're my.. greatest hits

    E                G#m
but lately i've been thinking
         A           B
about my funeral someday
       E                   G#m
when i kick the dirt and i leave this earth
  A                   B
i wonder what they'll say

          C#m          G#/C
will they talk about a nice career
            B               F#
or how that one record went gold
or will they say i loved my God and family
with all my heart and soul..

Reff :
   C#m           B
 i used to think that famous
           A         E
 meant the roar of a crowd
 (meant the roar of a crowd)
             C#m      B
 but now the music to my ears
        A                E
 is the laughter in this house
 (is all the laughter in this house)

         C#m            B
 when my songs are sung and my days are done
        A             E
 may it all come back to this
 C#m            B
 you'll go down in history
      A         E
 as my greatest hits

     C#m            B
 oh, you'll go down in history
      A         E
 as my greatest hits
 C#m         B             A
 you'll down in history as my..
 my greatest hits..

Outro : E G#m A B
        E   G#m   A     B  E
        uuh huu.. huu.. huu..

Chord Matthew West, Granger Smith - Greatest Hits

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Granger Smith
  • Chord Matthew West

