Kunci Gitar PIXIES - There's A Moon On

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2023-01-27T11:21:36+00:00 Kunci Gitar PIXIES - There's A Moon On
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar PIXIES - There's A Moon On - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar PIXIES - There's A Moon On" yang dibawakan oleh Pixies. "Kunci Gitar PIXIES - There's A Moon On" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar PIXIES - There's A Moon On" oleh Pixies. Kunci Gitar PIXIES - There's A Moon On

Capo fret 3

Intro : Am C D D#
        Em Am C Am
        Em Am C Am
        Em Am C Am
        Em Am C Am

Em        Am         C        Am
day after day seems about the same
Em       Am             C        Am
same old people playing same old games
    Em            Am
but some days are different
         C           Am
when the moon shines bright
there's a storm in your brain
on a full moon night

Reff :
           Em   Am C Am
 there's a moon on..
           Em   Am C Am
 there's a moon on..
           Em   Am C Am
 there's a moon on..
           Em   Am C Am
 there's a moon on..

Em             Am
 don't like to fight,
C              Am
 don't like to spit
Em            Am
 don't like a steak with no
C         Am
pepper on it
      Em            Am
no, i don't like to spit
            C       Am
and i don't like to fight
i won't like to be alone
on a full moon night

Reff :
           Em   Am C Am
 there's a moon on..
           Em   Am C Am
 there's a moon on..
           Em   Am C Am
 there's a moon on..
           Em   Am C Am
 there's a moon on..

Int. Am C D D#
     Em Am C Am
     Em Am C Am
     Em Am C Am
     Em Am C Am

      Em          Am
i can make like a dog
            C      Am
and give my tail a shake
Em           Am          C         Am
 make like a frog and go jump in a lake
Em          Am              C      Am
make like a cock and cock-a-doodle do
 make like i'm gonna make love to you

Int. Em Am C Am
     Em Am C Am
     Em Am C Am
     Em Am C Am
     Em Am C Am
     Em Am C Am

Reff :
           Em   Am C Am
 there's a moon on..
           Em   Am C Am
 there's a moon on..
           Em   Am C Am
 there's a moon on..
           Em   Am C Am
 there's a moon on..

Outro : Am C D D#
                come on..


Intro : Cm D# F F#
        Gm Cm D# Cm
        Gm Cm D# Cm
        Gm Cm D# Cm
        Gm Cm D# Cm

Gm        Cm         D#       Cm
day after day seems about the same
Gm       Cm             D#       Cm
same old people playing same old games
    Gm            Cm
but some days are different
         D#          Cm
when the moon shines bright
there's a storm in your brain
on a full moon night

Reff :
           Gm   Cm D# Cm
 there's a moon on..
           Gm   Cm D# Cm
 there's a moon on..
           Gm   Cm D# Cm
 there's a moon on..
           Gm   Cm D# Cm
 there's a moon on..

Gm             Cm
 don't like to fight,
D#             Cm
 don't like to spit
Gm            Cm
 don't like a steak with no
D#        Cm
pepper on it
      Gm            Cm
no, i don't like to spit
            D#      Cm
and i don't like to fight
i won't like to be alone
on a full moon night

Reff :
           Gm   Cm D# Cm
 there's a moon on..
           Gm   Cm D# Cm
 there's a moon on..
           Gm   Cm D# Cm
 there's a moon on..
           Gm   Cm D# Cm
 there's a moon on..

Int. Cm D# F F#
     Gm Cm D# Cm
     Gm Cm D# Cm
     Gm Cm D# Cm
     Gm Cm D# Cm

      Gm          Cm
i can make like a dog
            D#     Cm
and give my tail a shake
Gm           Cm          D#        Cm
 make like a frog and go jump in a lake
Gm          Cm              D#     Cm
make like a cock and cock-a-doodle do
 make like i'm gonna make love to you

Int. Gm Cm D# Cm
     Gm Cm D# Cm
     Gm Cm D# Cm
     Gm Cm D# Cm
     Gm Cm D# Cm
     Gm Cm D# Cm

Reff :
           Gm   Cm D# Cm
 there's a moon on..
           Gm   Cm D# Cm
 there's a moon on..
           Gm   Cm D# Cm
 there's a moon on..
           Gm   Cm D# Cm
 there's a moon on..

Outro : Cm D# F F#
                  come on..

Chord PIXIES - There's A Moon On

    Sorry, no related chords at this time.

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  • Chord Pixies

