Kunci Gitar Loren Allred - Last Thing I'll Ever Need

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2023-01-13T03:23:04+00:00 Kunci Gitar Loren Allred - Last Thing I'll Ever Need
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Loren Allred - Last Thing I'll Ever Need - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Loren Allred - Last Thing I'll Ever Need" yang dibawakan oleh Loren Allred. "Kunci Gitar Loren Allred - Last Thing I'll Ever Need" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Loren Allred - Last Thing I'll Ever Need" oleh Loren Allred. Kunci Gitar Loren Allred - Last Thing I'll Ever Need

Capo ♪ fret 4

Intro : C..

i tried to write a love letter
   F              C   G
to tell you how i feel..
but it could take forever
            F                  C   G
and there's not enough time to kill..

if your love's an ocean,
     F                C    G
then you can't let me drown..
when my heart feels like a desert,
           F              C        G
you're the rain so let it pour down..

G                 Dm             F
 i thought that i had.. i had it all..
till i found you..
G                  Dm       F
 now i give it all up.. for you..

Reff :
                    Am      F
 from the bottom of my heart..
               C       G
 to the top of my lungs..
                            Am        F
 you're the last thing i'll ever need..
                     C         G
 the last thing i'll ever need..

                   Am  F
 till death do us 'part..
               C       G
 here's all of my love..
 cause you're the last thing
      Am        F
 i'll ever need..
                     C         G
 the last thing i'll ever need..

            Am  F  C     G
you are the last.. thing..
            Am  F             C         G
you are the last.. thing i'll ever need..

Int. C..

   Am                            F
if i could a thousand lives with you
                      C    G
it still wouldn't be enough..
cause i could stay right here forever,
F                     C        G
just as long as i had your love..

           Am              F
so take my heart.. take my soul..
     C                    G
take anything you want at all..
     Am                         F
just promise that you never let anything
          C          G
take you away from me..

G                 Dm             F
 i thought that i had.. i had it all..
till i found you..
G                  Dm       F
 now i give it all up.. for you..

Reff :
                    Am      F
 from the bottom of my heart..
               C       G
 to the top of my lungs..
                            Am        F
 you're the last thing i'll ever need..
                     C         G
 the last thing i'll ever need..

                   Am  F
 till death do us 'part..
               C       G
 here's all of my love..
 cause you're the last thing
      Am        F
 i'll ever need..
                     C         G
 the last thing i'll ever need..

G                   Dm
 i'd spend my whole life..
  F                C
collecting all his things..
G                      Dm
 but at the end of the ride..
        F                 C
there's only oner thing i need..

G                    Dm
 and i'd give it all up..
   F               C
id do it all over again..
G                Dm           F
 as long if it's you.. in the end..

Reff :
                   Am       F
 from the bottom of my heart..
              C        G
 to the top of my lungs..
                            Am        F
 you're the last thing i'll ever need..
                     C         G
 the last thing i'll ever need..

               Am      F
 till death do us 'part..
               C    G
 here's all of my.. hmm..
 cause you're the last thing
      Am        F
 i'll ever need..
                     C         G
 the last thing i'll ever need..

            Am  F  C       G
you are the last.. thing.. mmh..
            Am  F                C 
you are the last.. the last thing i need..


Intro : E..

i tried to write a love letter
   A              E   B
to tell you how i feel..
but it could take forever
            A                  E   B
and there's not enough time to kill..

if your love's an ocean,
     A                E    B
then you can't let me drown..
when my heart feels like a desert,
           A              E        B
you're the rain so let it pour down..

B                 F#m            A
 i thought that i had.. i had it all..
till i found you..
B                  F#m      A
 now i give it all up.. for you..

Reff :
                    C#m     A
 from the bottom of my heart..
               E       B
 to the top of my lungs..
                            C#m       A
 you're the last thing i'll ever need..
                     E         B
 the last thing i'll ever need..

                   C#m  A
 till death do us 'part..
               E       B
 here's all of my love..
 cause you're the last thing
      C#m       A
 i'll ever need..
                     E         B
 the last thing i'll ever need..

            C#m A  E     B
you are the last.. thing..
            C#m A             E         B
you are the last.. thing i'll ever need..

Int. E..

   C#m                           A
if i could a thousand lives with you
                      E    B
it still wouldn't be enough..
cause i could stay right here forever,
A                     E        B
just as long as i had your love..

           C#m             A
so take my heart.. take my soul..
     E                    B
take anything you want at all..
     C#m                        A
just promise that you never let anything
          E          B
take you away from me..

B                 F#m            A
 i thought that i had.. i had it all..
till i found you..
B                  F#m      A
 now i give it all up.. for you..

Reff :
                    C#m     A
 from the bottom of my heart..
               E       B
 to the top of my lungs..
                            C#m       A
 you're the last thing i'll ever need..
                     E         B
 the last thing i'll ever need..

                   C#m  A
 till death do us 'part..
               E       B
 here's all of my love..
 cause you're the last thing
      C#m       A
 i'll ever need..
                     E         B
 the last thing i'll ever need..

B                   F#m
 i'd spend my whole life..
  A                E
collecting all his things..
B                      F#m
 but at the end of the ride..
        A                 E
there's only oner thing i need..

B                    F#m
 and i'd give it all up..
   A               E
id do it all over again..
B                F#m          A
 as long if it's you.. in the end..

Reff :
                   C#m      A
 from the bottom of my heart..
              E        B
 to the top of my lungs..
                            C#m       A
 you're the last thing i'll ever need..
                     E         B
 the last thing i'll ever need..

               C#m     A
 till death do us 'part..
               E    B
 here's all of my.. hmm..
 cause you're the last thing
      C#m       A
 i'll ever need..
                     E         B
 the last thing i'll ever need..

            C#m A  E       B
you are the last.. thing.. mmh..
            C#m A                E 
you are the last.. the last thing i need..

Chord Loren Allred - Last Thing I'll Ever Need

    Sorry, no related chords at this time.

    Lihat semua :
  • Chord Loren Allred

