Kunci Gitar Lauren Cimorelli - All In My Head

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2023-01-13T02:30:07+00:00 Kunci Gitar Lauren Cimorelli - All In My Head
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Lauren Cimorelli - All In My Head - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Lauren Cimorelli - All In My Head" yang dibawakan oleh Lauren Cimorelli. "Kunci Gitar Lauren Cimorelli - All In My Head" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Lauren Cimorelli - All In My Head" oleh Lauren Cimorelli. Kunci Gitar Lauren Cimorelli - All In My Head

Capo ♪ fret 2

Intro : F C Am G
        F C Am G

 i don't wanna stay up
-Em     C
 in the air tonight..
so far from the ground
            F              C
and they're talking me down..

F                       -Em  
 i don't wanna leave without you
by my side..
Em                       F
 strike a match watch it burn
till it all turns black..

Reff :
 F               C
 wake up stay up second guessing
 Am              G              F
 rewind, rewrite all the endings..
      C                           Am
 they tell me that it's all in my head..
      G                          (F)
 they tell me that it's all in my head..

 F                 C
 you're a midnight supernova
 Am                  G             F
 burns so bright and then it's over..
     C                          Am
 but i know that it's all in my head..
       G                         (F)
 yeah, i know that it's all in my head..

Int. F -Em C Em F C

 took a step inside your mind
   -Em    C
you got a universe inside..
but i can't find my way out,
     F               C
it's breaking me down..

 and when it's cutting so deep
  -Em    C
it isn't fair to lie..
looking back on when i said
   F                    C
maybe i'll get it right this time..

Reff :
 F               C
 wake up stay up second guessing
 Am              G              F
 rewind, rewrite all the endings..
      C                           Am
 they tell me that it's all in my head..
      G                          (F)
 they tell me that it's all in my head..

 F                 C
 you're a midnight supernova
 Am                  G             F
 burns so bright and then it's over..
     C                          Am
 but i know that it's all in my head..
       G                         (Dm)
 yeah, i know that it's all in my head..

Dm                          Am  G
 going down but i'm falling slow..
Dm                    Am  G F
 gravity is taking me home..
            Am     G
if you just let me go..

F C  Am     G
   huuh.. huuh..
  F  C             Am     G
huuh.. if you just let me go..

F  C          Am  G
ha.. falling slow..
F    C                    Am G
ha.. gravity is taking me home..

F  C         Am  G
ha.. falling slow..
F  C             Am     G
ha.. if you just let me go..


Intro : G D Bm A
        G D Bm A

 i don't wanna stay up
-F#m    D
 in the air tonight..
so far from the ground
            G              D
and they're talking me down..

G                       -F#m 
 i don't wanna leave without you
by my side..
F#m                      G
 strike a match watch it burn
till it all turns black..

Reff :
 G               D
 wake up stay up second guessing
 Bm              A              G
 rewind, rewrite all the endings..
      D                           Bm
 they tell me that it's all in my head..
      A                          (G)
 they tell me that it's all in my head..

 G                 D
 you're a midnight supernova
 Bm                  A             G
 burns so bright and then it's over..
     D                          Bm
 but i know that it's all in my head..
       A                         (G)
 yeah, i know that it's all in my head..

Int. G -F#m D F#m G D

 took a step inside your mind
   -F#m   D
you got a universe inside..
but i can't find my way out,
     G               D
it's breaking me down..

 and when it's cutting so deep
  -F#m   D
it isn't fair to lie..
looking back on when i said
   G                    D
maybe i'll get it right this time..

Reff :
 G               D
 wake up stay up second guessing
 Bm              A              G
 rewind, rewrite all the endings..
      D                           Bm
 they tell me that it's all in my head..
      A                          (G)
 they tell me that it's all in my head..

 G                 D
 you're a midnight supernova
 Bm                  A             G
 burns so bright and then it's over..
     D                          Bm
 but i know that it's all in my head..
       A                         (Em)
 yeah, i know that it's all in my head..

Em                          Bm  A
 going down but i'm falling slow..
Em                    Bm  A G
 gravity is taking me home..
            Bm     A
if you just let me go..

G D  Bm     A
   huuh.. huuh..
  G  D             Bm     A
huuh.. if you just let me go..

G  D         Bm  A
ha.. falling slow..
G    D                    Bm  A
ha.. gravity is taking me home..

G  D         Bm  A
ha.. falling slow..
G  D             Bm     A
ha.. if you just let me go..

Chord Lauren Cimorelli - All In My Head

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Lauren Cimorelli

