Kunci Gitar Gryffin & Au/Ra - Evergreen

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2023-01-11T06:43:40+00:00 Kunci Gitar Gryffin & Au/Ra - Evergreen
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Gryffin & Au/Ra - Evergreen - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Gryffin & Au/Ra - Evergreen" yang dibawakan oleh Gryffin. "Kunci Gitar Gryffin & Au/Ra - Evergreen" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Gryffin & Au/Ra - Evergreen" oleh Gryffin. Kunci Gitar Gryffin & Au/Ra - Evergreen

Intro : Am Em F C G/B

Am            Em
 this room is way too silent
i can hear my thoughts
C               G/B
dripping like a faucet
 don't want our memories 
to end up in boxes
F                  C     G/B
 in the back of my closet..

meet me out..
where the highs and lows don't sleep
and the crowd..
             C          G/B
melts into a broke heartbeat
        Am               Em
and the sound.. gets too much for me..
F                 C
 i wanna disappear..

Reff :
 G/B    Am  Em         F  C
 in the dark.. you and me..
 G/B    Am   Em     F    C
 in the stars.. evergreen..

 G/B     Am  Em
 pull me close.. (close)
        F   C
 set me free.. (free)
 G/B    Am  Em          F  C
 in the dark.. we could be..
 G/B  Am 

Int. Am Em F C
           G/B Am Em F C
     ooh.. evergreen..

Reff :
 G/B    Am  Em         F  C
 in the dark.. you and me..
 G/B    Am  Em     F    C G/B
 in the stars.. evergreen..

Am             Em
 don't want to close my eyelids
wanna see my name,
C               G/B
floating out of your lips
 cause yours is
    Em                    F
and i don't wanna say goodnight
    C    G/B

meet me out..
where the highs and lows don't sleep
and the crowd..
             C          G/B
melts into a broke heartbeat
        Am               Em
and the sound.. gets too much for me..
F                 C
 i wanna disappear..

Reff :
 G/B    Am  Em         F  C
 in the dark.. you and me..
 G/B    Am  Em     F    C
 in the stars.. evergreen..

 G/B     Am  Em
 pull me close..
        F  C
 set me free..
 G/B    Am  Em          F  C
 in the dark.. we could be..

 G/B Am Em     F    C
 evergreen.. evergreen..
 G/B Am Em     F    C
 evergreen.. evergreen..

 G/B     Am  Em
 pull me close.. (close)
        F  C
 set me free.. (free)
 G/B    Am  Em          F  C
 in the dark.. we could be..
 G/B Am 

Int. Am Em F    C
           G/B Am Em F C
     ooh.. evergreen..

Reff :
 G/B    Am  Em         F  C
 in the dark.. you and me..
 G/B    Am  Em     F    C G/B
 in the stars.. evergreen..

Outro : Am Em F C G/B
        Am Em F C G/B Am


Intro : F#m C#m D A E/G#

F#m           C#m
 this room is way too silent
i can hear my thoughts
A               E/G#
dripping like a faucet
 don't want our memories 
to end up in boxes
D                  A     E/G#
 in the back of my closet..

meet me out..
where the highs and lows don't sleep
and the crowd..
             A          E/G#
melts into a broke heartbeat
        F#m              C#m
and the sound.. gets too much for me..
D                 A
 i wanna disappear..

Reff :
 E/G#   F#m C#m        D A
 in the dark.. you and me..
 E/G#   F#m  C#m    D    A
 in the stars.. evergreen..

 E/G#    F#m  C#m
 pull me close.. (close)
        D   A
 set me free.. (free)
 E/G#   F#m C#m         D A
 in the dark.. we could be..
 E/G# (F#m)

Int. F#m C#m D A
           E/G# F#m C#m D A
     ooh.. evergreen..

Reff :
 E/G#   F#m C#m        D A
 in the dark.. you and me..
 E/G#   F#m  C#m    D    A E/G#
 in the stars.. evergreen..

F#m            C#m
 don't want to close my eyelids
wanna see my name,
A               E/G#
floating out of your lips
 cause yours is
    C#m                   D
and i don't wanna say goodnight
    A    E/G#

meet me out..
where the highs and lows don't sleep
and the crowd..
             A          E/G#
melts into a broke heartbeat
        F#m              C#m
and the sound.. gets too much for me..
D                 A
 i wanna disappear..

Reff :
 E/G#   F#m C#m        D A
 in the dark.. you and me..
 E/G#   F#m  C#m    D    A
 in the stars.. evergreen..

 E/G#    F#m  C#m
 pull me close..
        D   A
 set me free..
 E/G#   F#m C#m         D A
 in the dark.. we could be..

 E/G# F#m C#m    D    A
 evergreen.. evergreen..
 E/G# F#m C#m    D    A
 evergreen.. evergreen..

 E/G#    F#m  C#m
 pull me close.. (close)
        D   A
 set me free.. (free)
 E/G#   F#m C#m         D A
 in the dark.. we could be..
 E/G# (F#m)

Int. F#m C#m  D    A
           E/G# F#m C#m D A
     ooh.. evergreen..

Reff :
 E/G#   F#m C#m        D A
 in the dark.. you and me..
 E/G#   F#m  C#m    D    A E/G#
 in the stars.. evergreen..

Outro : F#m C#m D A E/G#
        F#m C#m D A E/G# F#m

Chord Gryffin & Au/Ra - Evergreen

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Au/Ra
  • Chord Gryffin

