Kunci Gitar The Weeknd - Nothing Is Lost (You Give Me Strength)

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-12-16T19:11:16+00:00 Kunci Gitar The Weeknd - Nothing Is Lost (You Give Me Strength)
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar The Weeknd - Nothing Is Lost (You Give Me Strength) - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar The Weeknd - Nothing Is Lost (You Give Me Strength)" yang dibawakan oleh The Weeknd. "Kunci Gitar The Weeknd - Nothing Is Lost (You Give Me Strength)" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar The Weeknd - Nothing Is Lost (You Give Me Strength)" oleh The Weeknd. Kunci Gitar The Weeknd - Nothing Is Lost (You Give Me Strength)

The Weeknd - Nothing Is Lost (You Give Me Strength) 
OST. Avatar 2 : The Way of Water
Capo fret 5

Intro : F G Am C
        F G D..
        F G Am C
        F G D..

F                     Dm
i.. thought i could protect you
                   Am   G
from paying for my sins..
    F  G                  D
and i.. been walking this earth
long enough that death's a gift..

     G                   F      G
been living this life so patient..
until i see you again..
               F     G
it's war we're facing..
i know that if i die my only choice
is still defending..

no matter what they say..
my love for you 
is greater than their powers 
          Am           G
and their armies from above 

Reff :
              F       G Am
 you give me strength..
     C               F   G
 i'm with you either way..
 if i die, if i stay

         F       G Am
 give me strength..
     C               F  G
 i'm with you either way..
 nothing's lost.. no more pain
 just give me strength..

Int. F G Dm..
     F G Am G

    F             G
the scars and the wounds..
i wear them proud like tattoos..
  F               G
rеminds me that i lost you..
reminds me that i'll

   G                   F      G
bе living this life so patient..
until i see you again
               F     G
it's war we're facing..
                 Dm          C
i know that if i die my only choice
is still defending..

   Em                C
no matter what they say
my love for you 
is greater than their powers 
          Am           G
and their armies from above 

Reff :
              F       G Am
 you give me strength..
     C               F   G
 i'm with you either way..
 if i die, if i stay

         F       G Am
 give me strength..
     C               F  G
 i'm with you either way..
 nothing's lost.. no more pain
 just give me strength..

Outro : F G Am C
        F G Am D
        F G Am C
        F G D..


Intro : Bb C Dm F
        Bb C Gsus4 G..
        Bb C Dm F
        Bb C Gsus4 G..

Bb                    Gm
i.. thought i could protect you
                   Dm   C
from paying for my sins..
    Bb C                  G
and i.. been walking this earth
long enough that death's a gift..

     C                   Bb     C
been living this life so patient..
until i see you again..
               Bb    C
it's war we're facing..
i know that if i die my only choice
is still defending..

no matter what they say..
my love for you 
is greater than their powers 
          Dm           C
and their armies from above 

Reff :
              Bb      C Dm
 you give me strength..
     F               Bb  C
 i'm with you either way..
      Gsus4      G
 if i die, if i stay

         Bb      C Dm
 give me strength..
     F               Bb C
 i'm with you either way..
           Gsus4          G
 nothing's lost.. no more pain
 just give me strength..

Int. Bb C Gm..
     Bb C Dm C

    Bb            C
the scars and the wounds..
i wear them proud like tattoos..
  Bb              C
rеminds me that i lost you..
reminds me that i'll

   C                   Bb     C
bе living this life so patient..
until i see you again
               Bb    C
it's war we're facing..
                 Gm          F
i know that if i die my only choice
is still defending..

   Am               F
no matter what they say
my love for you 
is greater than their powers 
          Dm           C
and their armies from above 

Reff :
              Bb      C Dm
 you give me strength..
     F               Bb  C
 i'm with you either way..
      Gsus4      G
 if i die, if i stay

         Bb      C Dm
 give me strength..
     F               Bb C
 i'm with you either way..
           Gsus4          G
 nothing's lost.. no more pain
 just give me strength..

Outro : Bb C Dm F
        Bb C Dm G
        Bb C Dm F
        Bb C Gsus4 G..

Chord The Weeknd - Nothing Is Lost (You Give Me Strength)

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Soundtrack OST. Film
  • Chord The Weeknd

