Kunci Gitar Rihanna - Born Again

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-12-06T17:13:02+00:00 Kunci Gitar Rihanna - Born Again
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Rihanna - Born Again - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Rihanna - Born Again" yang dibawakan oleh Rihanna. "Kunci Gitar Rihanna - Born Again" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Rihanna - Born Again" oleh Rihanna. Kunci Gitar Rihanna - Born Again

Capo ♪ fret 3

Intro : Am F G

Am           C             G
 i'd give my heart to this place..
Am           C           G
 i'd give my soul or whatever it takes
never run away..

i've got enough angels 
to storm the gates i'm not afraid..
F                G
 and behold the brave
not have it no other away..

Am                  -F
 i miss the emergence
and these moments of you
   -C      F
the mere reflection of me
that mirror can't change its view

Reff :
     -E                Am
 so until those rivers run out
 it runs through me
     G                  C   F
 wherever you are, i'll bе there..
 we carry on.. 
 born again..

Am           F             G
 i'd give my heart to this place..
(i'd give my heart to this place)
Am           F
 i'd give my whole soul 
and whatever it takes
never run away..

Am         F
 and i'd relive this
just to see your face again..
Am           F            G
 i know that you'd do the same.. 
born again..

Em            E              F
 just tell me what i need to do..
Em           E                 F
 i'd die and come back just to love you..
Em             E           F
 just tell me, i'm begging you..
Em            E              F       -C
 just tell me what i need to do.. ooh..

Am       -F G         -C
hoyo hoyoyo hoyo hoyoyo
F             G                -C
hoyo.. hoyo.. hoyo yoyoyoyoyo.. hoyo
Am      -F  G       -C
ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho 
F         G       -C
 ho ho ho ho ho ho ho

Am      -F  G       -C
hu hu hu hu hu hu hu cucucu
F           G        C
cu ho ho ho ho ho ho cucucu
Am                       -F
wu u u u u.. wu u u u u u u..
G                       -C
wu u u u u.. wu u u u u u u..
Am        -F G
wu u u u u.. wu u u u wu u u u u.. 


Intro : Cm G# A#/D

Cm           D#            A#
 i'd give my heart to this place..
Cm           D#          A#
 i'd give my soul or whatever it takes
never run away..

i've got enough angels 
to storm the gates i'm not afraid..
G#               A#
 and behold the brave
not have it no other away..

Cm                   -G#
 i miss the emergence
and these moments of you
   -D#     G#
the mere reflection of me
that mirror can't change its view

Reff :
     -G                Cm
 so until those rivers run out
 it runs through me
     A#/D              -D#  G#
 wherever you are, i'll bе there..
 we carry on.. 
 born again..

Cm           G#            A#
 i'd give my heart to this place..
(i'd give my heart to this place)
Cm           G#
 i'd give my whole soul 
and whatever it takes
never run away..

Cm         G#
 and i'd relive this
just to see your face again..
Cm           G#           A#/D
 i know that you'd do the same.. 
born again..

Gm            G              G#
 just tell me what i need to do..
Gm           G                 G#
 i'd die and come back just to love you..
Gm             G           G#
 just tell me, i'm begging you..
Gm            G              G#      -D#
 just tell me what i need to do.. ooh..

Cm        -G# A#/D       -D#
hoyo hoyoyo   hoyo hoyoyo
G#            A#               -D#
hoyo.. hoyo.. hoyo yoyoyoyoyo.. hoyo
Cm      -G# A#/D    -D#
ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho 
G#        A#      -D#
 ho ho ho ho ho ho ho

Cm      -G# A#/D    -D#
hu hu hu hu hu hu hu cucucu
G#          A#      -D#
cu ho ho ho ho ho ho cucucu
Cm                       -G#
wu u u u u.. wu u u u u u u..
A#/D                     -D#
wu u u u u.. wu u u u u u u..
Cm       -G# A#
wu u u u u.. wu u u u wu u u u u.. 

Chord Rihanna - Born Again

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Rihanna

