Kunci Gitar Rare Americans - Bruised

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-12-23T17:25:15+00:00 Kunci Gitar Rare Americans - Bruised
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Rare Americans - Bruised - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Rare Americans - Bruised" yang dibawakan oleh Rare Americans. "Kunci Gitar Rare Americans - Bruised" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Rare Americans - Bruised" oleh Rare Americans. Kunci Gitar Rare Americans - Bruised

Am  G        F  E
anything can happen
Am       G       F       E
anything happens all the time..

      Am          C
i was down, down, down
      G        D
on my down low luck i had
     Am       C
that attitude like
man who gives a fuck?

     Am           C
so i take the road..
       G         D
almost everybody takes it
     Am           C
so i take the road..
        G                    D
off the exit sign that says 'fake it'

          Am            C
i want to climb, climb, climb
          G             D
i want to carry, carry, carry
          Am              C
i want to grow up, have a kid or two
   G        D
and getting married

     Am                 C
so i need to take these fingertips
      G       D
get a goddamn grip
        Am            C
on this fast slipping cliff,
       G                D
make a list, load these lips

        Am     C
you can do this
        G          D
you can do this man..
        Am     C
you can do this
        G          D
you can do this man..

Reff :
   Am              C
 i lied, i lied, i lied, i lied
     G              D
 was sittin' on the truth
    Am        C
 oh why, why, why?
      G      D        Am  C
 do i do the things i do..?

         G              D
 what to chose, what to do
             Am               C
 i'm fucking bruised, fucking bruised,
 fucking bruised

 D           Am  C G
 i'm fucking bruised..
 D          (Am)
 i'm fucking bruised

Int. Am C G D
     Am C G D

Am  G        F  E
anything can happen
Am       G       F       E
anything happens all the time..

       Am          C
it was hard, hard, hard
    G           D
set back, back, back
     Am         C
life was a train..
i was dead in it's tracks..

     Am            C
so i got up, and i copped to
      G               D
and i fucked up and i miss you
       Am               C
can we start again if i swear to
     G           D
deal with my old issues?

         Am            C
it was a heavy, heavy, heavy
    G           D
situation i was in
           Am              C
i saw that there is nothin you can do
 G             D
about this pal grin

     Am                      C
so i think and i blink and i swallow,
  G             D
i live to see tomorrow
Am           C
many things around here friend,
       G           D
you're best not to borrow..

           Am       C
you should know this
           G         D
you should know this man..
           Am       C
you should know this
you should know this man..

Reff :
  (Am)             (C)
 i lied, i lied, i lied, i lied
    (G)            (D)
 was sittin' on the truth
   (Am)      (C)
 oh why, why, why?
     (G)    (D)       Am  C
 do i do the things i do..?

         G              D
 what to chose, what to do
             Am               C
 i'm fucking bruised, fucking bruised,
         G      D
 fucking bruised

   Am              C
 i lied, i lied, i lied, i lied
     G              D
 was sittin' on the truth
    Am        C
 oh why, why, why?
      G      D        Am  C
 do i do the things i do..?

         G              D
 what to chose, what to do
             Am               C
 i'm fucking bruised, fucking bruised,
 fucking bruised

 D           Am  C G
 i'm fucking bruised..
 D          (Am)
 i'm fucking bruised

Outro : Am C G D
        Am C G D
        Am C G D
        Am C G D Am


G#m F#       E  D#
anything can happen
G#m      F#      E       D#
anything happens all the time..

      G#m         B
i was down, down, down
      F#       C#
on my down low luck i had
     G#m      B
that attitude like
man who gives a fuck?

     G#m          B
so i take the road..
       F#        C#
almost everybody takes it
     G#m          B
so i take the road..
        F#                   C#
off the exit sign that says 'fake it'

          G#m           B
i want to climb, climb, climb
          F#            C#
i want to carry, carry, carry
          G#m             B
i want to grow up, have a kid or two
   F#       C#
and getting married

     G#m                B
so i need to take these fingertips
      F#      C#
get a goddamn grip
        G#m           B
on this fast slipping cliff,
       F#               C#
make a list, load these lips

        G#m    B
you can do this
        F#         C#
you can do this man..
        G#m    B
you can do this
        F#         C#
you can do this man..

Reff :
   G#m             B
 i lied, i lied, i lied, i lied
     F#             C#
 was sittin' on the truth
    G#m       B
 oh why, why, why?
      F#     C#       G#m B
 do i do the things i do..?

         F#             C#
 what to chose, what to do
             G#m              B
 i'm fucking bruised, fucking bruised,
 fucking bruised

 C#          G#m B F#
 i'm fucking bruised..
 C#         (G#m)
 i'm fucking bruised

Int. G#m B F# C#
     G#m B F# C#

G#m F#       E  D#
anything can happen
G#m      F#      E       D#
anything happens all the time..

       G#m         B
it was hard, hard, hard
    F#          C#
set back, back, back
     G#m        B
life was a train..
i was dead in it's tracks..

     G#m           B
so i got up, and i copped to
      F#              C#
and i fucked up and i miss you
       G#m              B
can we start again if i swear to
     F#          C#
deal with my old issues?

         G#m           B
it was a heavy, heavy, heavy
    F#          C#
situation i was in
           G#m             B
i saw that there is nothin you can do
 F#            C#
about this pal grin

     G#m                     B
so i think and i blink and i swallow,
  F#            C#
i live to see tomorrow
G#m          B
many things around here friend,
       F#          C#
you're best not to borrow..

           G#m      B
you should know this
           F#        C#
you should know this man..
           G#m      B
you should know this
you should know this man..

Reff :
  (G#m)            (B)
 i lied, i lied, i lied, i lied
    (F#)           (C#)
 was sittin' on the truth
   (G#m)     (B)
 oh why, why, why?
     (F#)   (C#)      G#m B
 do i do the things i do..?

         F#             C#
 what to chose, what to do
             G#m              B
 i'm fucking bruised, fucking bruised,
         F#     C#
 fucking bruised

   G#m             B
 i lied, i lied, i lied, i lied
     F#             C#
 was sittin' on the truth
    G#m       B
 oh why, why, why?
      F#     C#       G#m B
 do i do the things i do..?

         F#             C#
 what to chose, what to do
             G#m              B
 i'm fucking bruised, fucking bruised,
 fucking bruised

 C#          G#m B F#
 i'm fucking bruised..
 C#         (G#m)
 i'm fucking bruised

Outro : G#m B F# C#
        G#m B F# C#
        G#m B F# C#
        G#m B F# C# G#m

Chord Rare Americans - Bruised

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Rare Americans

