Kunci Gitar Oliver Tree - Battleship

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-12-25T08:50:46+00:00 Kunci Gitar Oliver Tree - Battleship
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Oliver Tree - Battleship - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Oliver Tree - Battleship" yang dibawakan oleh Oliver Tree. "Kunci Gitar Oliver Tree - Battleship" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Oliver Tree - Battleship" oleh Oliver Tree. Kunci Gitar Oliver Tree - Battleship

                                 Dm   F
now we're both dead inside, it's true
             C                 G/B
no thanks to you, no thanks to you..
     Dm   F
it's true..
             C                 G/B
no thanks to you, no thanks to you..

Reff :
 Am      Em
  i can't help you
 C            G      -F  -Em  -Am
  you've been drowning on your own..
 you won't help me
 C              G      -F    -Em (-Dm)
  you sunk your ship and took me along..

Dm    F                 C
 i am thinking bout the future
G/B           Dm
much to my chagrin..
          F               C
i'm stuck thinking bout tomorrow
my demise is imminent..

Dm         F                C
 i've been thinking bout my last breath
but the circle never ends
Dm         F                 C
 i'm still thinking bout the ending
      G/B            Am 
i can feel it coming quick

Reff :
 Am      Em
  i can't help you
 C            G      -F  -Em  -Am
  you've been drowning on your own..
 you won't help me
 C              G      -F    -Em
  you sunk your ship and took me along..

     Dm   F
it's true..
             C                 G/B
no thanks to you, no thanks to you..
     Dm   F
it's true..
             C                 G/B
no thanks to you, no thanks to you..

Dm     F           C
 i feel so sick of losing..
G/B            Dm
yeah, yeah.. yeah..
       F               C
i'm so sick of whatcha doing..
G/B            Dm
yeah, yeah.. yeah..

you think that you're right
when you're wrong
C               G/B              Dm
 i really stuck by your side too long..
F              C
yeah, yeah.. yeah..
   G/B           Am 
my time here has passed..

Reff :
 Am      Em
  i can't help you
 C            G      -F  -Em  -Am
  you've been drowning on your own..
 you won't help me
 C              G      -F    -Em  -Am 
  you sunk your ship and took me along..

Am           Em
 and now i'm jumping off the side
cause you took me for a ride
       G         F
when i asked you to stop

-Em      Am
 then you made me facedive
cause you wouldn't let me off
then you fed me tons of lies
          G        -F
now we're both dead inside

-Em   Dm   F
 it's true..
             C                 G/B
no thanks to you, no thanks to you..
     Dm   F
it's true..
             C                 G/B
no thanks to you, no thanks to you..

Reff :
 Am      Em
  i can't help you
 C            G      -F  -Em  -Am
  you've been drowning on your own..
 you won't help me
 C              G      -F    -Em  -Am 
  you sunk your ship and took me along..

 Am      Em
  i can't help you
 C            G      -F  -Em  -Am
  you've been drowning on your own..
 you won't help me
 C              G      -F    -Em  (C)
  you sunk your ship and took me along..


                                 Bm   D
now we're both dead inside, it's true
             A                 E/G#
no thanks to you, no thanks to you..
     Bm   D
it's true..
             A                 E/G#
no thanks to you, no thanks to you..

Reff :
 F#m     C#m
  i can't help you
 A            E      -D  -C#m -F#m
  you've been drowning on your own..
 you won't help me
 A              E      -D    -C#m-(Bm)
  you sunk your ship and took me along..

Bm    D                 A
 i am thinking bout the future
E/G#          Bm
much to my chagrin..
          D               A
i'm stuck thinking bout tomorrow
my demise is imminent..

Bm         D                A
 i've been thinking bout my last breath
but the circle never ends
Bm         D                 A
 i'm still thinking bout the ending
      E/G#          (F#m)
i can feel it coming quick

Reff :
 F#m     C#m
  i can't help you
 A            E      -D  -C#m -F#m
  you've been drowning on your own..
 you won't help me
 A              E      -D    -C#m
  you sunk your ship and took me along..

     Bm   D
it's true..
             A                 E/G#
no thanks to you, no thanks to you..
     Bm   D
it's true..
             A                 E/G#
no thanks to you, no thanks to you..

Bm     D           A
 i feel so sick of losing..
E/G#           Bm
yeah, yeah.. yeah..
       D               A
i'm so sick of whatcha doing..
E/G#           Bm
yeah, yeah.. yeah..

you think that you're right
when you're wrong
A               E/G#             Bm
 i really stuck by your side too long..
D              A
yeah, yeah.. yeah..
   E/G#         (F#m)
my time here has passed..

Reff :
 F#m     C#m
  i can't help you
 A            E      -D  -C#m -F#m
  you've been drowning on your own..
 you won't help me
 A              E      -D    -C#m-(F#m)
  you sunk your ship and took me along..

F#m          C#m
 and now i'm jumping off the side
cause you took me for a ride
       E        -D
when i asked you to stop

-C#m     F#m
 then you made me facedive
cause you wouldn't let me off
then you fed me tons of lies
          E        -D
now we're both dead inside

-C#m -Bm   D
 it's true..
             A                 E/G#
no thanks to you, no thanks to you..
     Bm    D
it's true..
             A                 E/G#
no thanks to you, no thanks to you..

Reff :
 F#m     C#m
  i can't help you
 A            E      -D  -C#m -F#m
  you've been drowning on your own..
 you won't help me
 A              E      -D    -C#m-(F#m)
  you sunk your ship and took me along..

 F#m     C#m
  i can't help you
 A            E      -D  -C#m -F#m
  you've been drowning on your own..
 you won't help me
 A              E      -D    -C#m (A)
  you sunk your ship and took me along..

Chord Oliver Tree - Battleship

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Oliver Tree

