Kunci Gitar Nicotine Dolls - Hate It // Fight It

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-12-21T20:08:33+00:00 Kunci Gitar Nicotine Dolls - Hate It // Fight It
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Nicotine Dolls - Hate It // Fight It - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Nicotine Dolls - Hate It // Fight It" yang dibawakan oleh Nicotine Dolls. "Kunci Gitar Nicotine Dolls - Hate It // Fight It" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Nicotine Dolls - Hate It // Fight It" oleh Nicotine Dolls. Kunci Gitar Nicotine Dolls - Hate It // Fight It

Nicotine Dolls - Hate It // Fight It Chords
Capo fret 1

G Am Em
       help me to believe this time..
G Am Em
       i'll be good and i'll be fine..
G Am Em
       there's a ringing in my mind...
G Am Em
       like a bomb blew 

and my high feet went flying
thought that i was dying then i
Em                            D
 woke up in the smoke and the fumes..

Reff :
 G              C
 i've seen this war before
 Em          D
 i fought in many more
      G      C
 just like it
 Em      D
  i hate it but i fight it

 G          C
 beaten and battered an bruised
 Em       D
  shaking and missing you
 G         C
  this war is just a riot
 i hate it but i fight it..

Int. G Am Em
           but i fight it..
     G Am Em

G Am Em
       lay me in a bed that's warm..
G Am Em
       let me heal the muscles torn..
G Am Em
       reaching out and reaching for..
G Am Em
       your arms to pull me towards

silent sheltered space
with your peaceful hands on my face
Em                            D
 a moment to breathe until it breaks..

into a thousand seconds gone
and the sound of beating drums..
Em                                D
 the faster they get the faster i run

Reff :
 G              C
 i've seen this war before
 Em          D
 i fought in many more
      G      C
 just like it
 Em      D
  i hate it but i fight it

 G          C
 beaten and battered an bruised
 Em       D
  shaking and missing you
 G         C
  this war is just a riot
 Em      D             (G)
  i hate it but i fight it..

Int. G       C
     (i hate it but i fight it)
     (i hate it but i fight it)
      but i fight it..
     G       C
     (i hate it but i fight it)
     Em      D
     (i hate it but i fight it)

                 G  C
     but i fight it..
     (i hate it but i fight it)
     Em      D
     (i hate it but i fight it)
      G              C
     ooh.. i fight it..
     (i hate it but i fight it)
     Em      D
     (i hate it but i fight it)

how can i just let it go
 body riddled with these holes
 from the way to carry on
 walk away, i know i won't..

Reff : (overtune)

 i've seen this war before
 Fm          D#
 i fought in many more
      G#     C#
 just like it
 Fm      D#
  i hate it but i fight it

 G#      C#
  beaten and battered an bruised
 Fm       D#
  shaking and missing you..
 G#        C#
  this war is just a riot
 Fm      D#            (G#)
  i hate it but i fight it..

Outro : G#      C#
        (i hate it but i fight it)
        Fm      D#
        (i hate it but i fight it)
               G#      C#
        oh.. i fight it..
        (i hate it but i fight it)
        Fm      D#
        (i hate it but i fight it)
           G#  C#
        i hate..
        (i hate it but i fight it)
        Fm      D#
        (i hate it but i fight it)
        G#        C#
         this war is just a riot
         i hate it but i fight it


G# A#m Fm
        help me to believe this time..
G# A#m Fm
        i'll be good and i'll be fine..
G# A#m Fm
        there's a ringing in my mind...
G# A#m Fm
        like a bomb blew 

and my high feet went flying
thought that i was dying then i
Fm                            D#
 woke up in the smoke and the fumes..

Reff :
 G#             C#
 i've seen this war before
 Fm          D#
 i fought in many more
      G#     C#
 just like it
 Fm      D#
  i hate it but i fight it

 G#         C#
 beaten and battered an bruised
 Fm       D#
  shaking and missing you
 G#        C#
  this war is just a riot
 i hate it but i fight it..

Int. G# A#m Fm
             but i fight it..
     G# A#m Fm

G# A#m Fm
        lay me in a bed that's warm..
G# A#m Fm
        let me heal the muscles torn..
G# A#m Fm
        reaching out and reaching for..
G# A#m Fm
        your arms to pull me towards

silent sheltered space
with your peaceful hands on my face
Fm                            D#
 a moment to breathe until it breaks..

into a thousand seconds gone
and the sound of beating drums..
Fm                                D#
 the faster they get the faster i run

Reff :
 G#             C#
 i've seen this war before
 Fm          D#
 i fought in many more
      G#     C#
 just like it
 Fm      D#
  i hate it but i fight it

 G#         C#
 beaten and battered an bruised
 Fm       D#
  shaking and missing you
 G#        C#
  this war is just a riot
 Fm      D#            (G#)
  i hate it but i fight it..

Int. G#      C#
     (i hate it but i fight it)
     (i hate it but i fight it)
      but i fight it..
     G#      C#
     (i hate it but i fight it)
     Fm      D#
     (i hate it but i fight it)

                 G# C#
     but i fight it..
     (i hate it but i fight it)
     Fm      D#
     (i hate it but i fight it)
      G#             C#
     ooh.. i fight it..
     (i hate it but i fight it)
     Fm      D#
     (i hate it but i fight it)

how can i just let it go
 body riddled with these holes
 from the way to carry on
 walk away, i know i won't..

Reff : (overtune)

 i've seen this war before
 F#m         E
 i fought in many more
      A      D
 just like it
 F#m     E
  i hate it but i fight it

 A       D
  beaten and battered an bruised
 F#m      E
  shaking and missing you..
 A         D
  this war is just a riot
 F#m     E             (A)
  i hate it but i fight it..

Outro : A       D
        (i hate it but i fight it)
        F#m     E
        (i hate it but i fight it)
               A       D
        oh.. i fight it..
        (i hate it but i fight it)
        F#m     E
        (i hate it but i fight it)
           A  D
        i hate..
        (i hate it but i fight it)
        F#m     E
        (i hate it but i fight it)
        A         D
         this war is just a riot
         i hate it but i fight it

Chord Nicotine Dolls - Hate It // Fight It

    Sorry, no related chords at this time.

    Lihat semua :
  • Chord Nicotine Dolls

