Kunci Gitar Ava Max - Weapons

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-11-30T14:51:20+00:00 Kunci Gitar Ava Max - Weapons
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Ava Max - Weapons - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Ava Max - Weapons" yang dibawakan oleh Ava Max. "Kunci Gitar Ava Max - Weapons" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Ava Max - Weapons" oleh Ava Max. Kunci Gitar Ava Max - Weapons

Intro :
 F              C           G
stop using your words as weapons..

Am                     G
 i swear this town's a battlefield..
Em                 F
 can make you feel strong and vulnerable..
Am                      G
 these empty hearts are made of steel..
Em                      F          Am
 but underneath they're not invincible..

Am                       G
 we're nothing but some stardust
and molecules..
trying to find the light
in the darkest rooms..
             G               F     G
so no matter what you say to me.. ooh..

i got a bulletproof vest under my dress..
 packed bags under my bed..
 the biggest hearts 
are the biggest targets
it's the hardest.. oh..

Reff :
 F     C                      G
  stop using your words as weapons..
         Am                   F
 they're never gonna shoot me down..
            C                        G  -E
 stop, it's time that you learn a lesson..
    Am                      Dm
 my love is gonna drown you out

 do you wanna fight, do you wanna dance..?
         G                  Am
 cause tonight might be the only chance..
    F     C                      G  -E Am
 so, stop using your words as weapons..

Am                          G
 don't see the blood, don't see the tears..
Em                   F
 you only taste what i put on my feet..
Am                   G
 you see the smoke before it clears..
Em                         F
 so let me show you what's underneath..

i got a bulletproof vest under my dress..
 packed bags under my bed..
 the biggest hearts 
are the biggest targets
it's the hardest.. oh..

Reff :
 F     C                      G
  stop using your words as weapons..
         Am                   F
 they're never gonna shoot me down..
            C                        G  -E
 stop, it's time that you learn a lesson..
    Am                      Dm
 my love is gonna drown you out

 do you wanna fight, do you wanna dance..?
         G                  Am
 cause tonight might be the only chance..
    F     C                      G  -E Am
 so, stop using your words as weapons..

 shoot me down, shoot me down, baby, baby..
 another round, 'nother round, baby, baby..
 shoot me down, shoot me down, baby, baby..
one more time for the hell of it

Reff :
 F     C                      G
  stop using your words as weapons..
         Am                   F
 they're never gonna shoot me down..
            C                        G  -E
 stop, it's time that you learn a lesson..
    Am                      Dm
 my love is gonna drown you out

 do you wanna fight, do you wanna dance..?
         G                  Am
 cause tonight might be the only chance..
    F     C                      G  -E Am
 so, stop using your words as weapons..


Intro :
 B              F#          C#
stop using your words as weapons..

D#m                    C#
 i swear this town's a battlefield..
A#m                B
 can make you feel strong and vulnerable..
D#m                     C#
 these empty hearts are made of steel..
A#m                     B          D#m
 but underneath they're not invincible..

D#m                      C#
 we're nothing but some stardust
and molecules..
trying to find the light
in the darkest rooms..
             C#              B     C#
so no matter what you say to me.. ooh..

i got a bulletproof vest under my dress..
 packed bags under my bed..
 the biggest hearts 
are the biggest targets
it's the hardest.. oh..

Reff :
 B     F#                     C#
  stop using your words as weapons..
         D#m                  B
 they're never gonna shoot me down..
            F#                       C# -A#/D
 stop, it's time that you learn a lesson..
    D#m                     G#m
 my love is gonna drown you out

 do you wanna fight, do you wanna dance..?
         C#                 D#m
 cause tonight might be the only chance..
    B     F#                     C# -A#/D D#m
 so, stop using your words as weapons..

D#m                         C#
 don't see the blood, don't see the tears..
A#m                  B
 you only taste what i put on my feet..
D#m                  C#
 you see the smoke before it clears..
A#m                        B
 so let me show you what's underneath..

i got a bulletproof vest under my dress..
 packed bags under my bed..
 the biggest hearts 
are the biggest targets
it's the hardest.. oh..

Reff :
 B     F#                     C#
  stop using your words as weapons..
         D#m                  B
 they're never gonna shoot me down..
            F#                       C# -A#/D
 stop, it's time that you learn a lesson..
    D#m                     G#m
 my love is gonna drown you out

 do you wanna fight, do you wanna dance..?
         C#                 D#m
 cause tonight might be the only chance..
    B     F#                     C# -A#/D D#m
 so, stop using your words as weapons..

 shoot me down, shoot me down, baby, baby..
 another round, 'nother round, baby, baby..
 shoot me down, shoot me down, baby, baby..
one more time for the hell of it

Reff :
 B     F#                     C#
  stop using your words as weapons..
         D#m                  B
 they're never gonna shoot me down..
            F#                       C# -A#/D
 stop, it's time that you learn a lesson..
    D#m                     G#m
 my love is gonna drown you out

 do you wanna fight, do you wanna dance..?
         C#                 D#m
 cause tonight might be the only chance..
    B     F#                     C# -A#/D D#m
 so, stop using your words as weapons..

Chord Ava Max - Weapons

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Ava Max

