Kunci Gitar Charlie Puth - Charlie Be Quiet!

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-10-01T10:07:05+00:00 Kunci Gitar Charlie Puth - Charlie Be Quiet!
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Charlie Puth - Charlie Be Quiet! - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Charlie Puth - Charlie Be Quiet!" yang dibawakan oleh Charlie Puth. "Kunci Gitar Charlie Puth - Charlie Be Quiet!" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Charlie Puth - Charlie Be Quiet!" oleh Charlie Puth. Kunci Gitar Charlie Puth - Charlie Be Quiet!

Charlie Puth - Charlie Be Quiet!
Capo ♪ fret 1

Intro : G Am Em D

Reff :
 G                 Am
 charlie be quiet, don't make a sound
 you've got to lower the noise
 a littlе bit now
 if she knows you're in love,
 Am                    Em  D
 shе's gonna run, run away..

G               Am
 i'm not making the same mistake
Em                D              G
 won't be putting my heart on display
                Am          Em  D
i'll just water my feelings down..

G              Am
 i'm not going out looking dumb
Em              D
 telling all my friends
how you're the one
               Am         Em   D   
those words never leaving my mouth..
but the feeling gets

G    Am
 stronger, baby
Em         D
 what am i gonna do now..
G     Am
 when you touch me?
Em              D
 cause it's all getting too loud

Reff :
 G                 Am
 charlie be quiet, don't make a sound
 you've got to lower the noise
 a littlе bit now
 if she knows you're in love,
 Am                    Em  D
 shе's gonna run, run away..

 G                 Am
 charlie be quiet, don't make a sound
 you've got to lower the noise
 a littlе bit now
 if she knows you're in love,
 Am                    Em  D
 shе's gonna run, run away..

G              Am
 i'm not gonna do more than like
Em                 D          G
 won't be sleeping over every night
                Am         Em D
i'll act like i don't even care.. yeah..

G              Am
 i'm not going out looking dumb
Em              D
 telling all my friends
i've found someone
               Am          Em   D
then waking up without you there..
but the feeling gets

G    Am
 stronger, baby
Em         D
 what am i gonna do now..
G     Am
 when you touch me?
Em              D
 cause it's all getting too loud

Reff :
 G                 Am
 charlie be quiet, don't make a sound
 you've got to lower the noise
 a littlе bit now
 if she knows you're in love,
 Am                    Em  D
 shе's gonna run, run away..

 G                 Am
 charlie be quiet, don't make a sound
 you've got to lower the noise
 a littlе bit now
 if she knows you're in love,
 Am                    Em  D
 shе's gonna run, run away..

Int. G Am Em D

Reff :
 if she knows you're in love,
 Am                    Em  D G
 shе's gonna run, run away..


Intro : G# A#m Fm D#

Reff :
 G#                A#m
 charlie be quiet, don't make a sound
 you've got to lower the noise
 a littlе bit now
 if she knows you're in love,
 A#m                   Fm  D#
 shе's gonna run, run away..

G#              A#m
 i'm not making the same mistake
Fm                D#             G#
 won't be putting my heart on display
                A#m         Fm  D#
i'll just water my feelings down..

G#             A#m
 i'm not going out looking dumb
Fm              D#
 telling all my friends
how you're the one
               A#m        Fm   D#  
those words never leaving my mouth..
but the feeling gets

G#   A#m
 stronger, baby
Fm         D#
 what am i gonna do now..
G#    A#m
 when you touch me?
Fm              D#
 cause it's all getting too loud

Reff :
 G#                A#m
 charlie be quiet, don't make a sound
 you've got to lower the noise
 a littlе bit now
 if she knows you're in love,
 A#m                   Fm  D#
 shе's gonna run, run away..

 G#                A#m
 charlie be quiet, don't make a sound
 you've got to lower the noise
 a littlе bit now
 if she knows you're in love,
 A#m                   Fm  D#
 shе's gonna run, run away..

G#             A#m
 i'm not gonna do more than like
Fm                 D#         G#
 won't be sleeping over every night
                A#m        Fm  D#
i'll act like i don't even care.. yeah..

G#             A#m
 i'm not going out looking dumb
Fm              D#
 telling all my friends
i've found someone
               A#m         Fm   D#
then waking up without you there..
but the feeling gets

G#   A#m
 stronger, baby
Fm         D#
 what am i gonna do now..
G#    A#m
 when you touch me?
Fm              D#
 cause it's all getting too loud

Reff :
 G#                A#m
 charlie be quiet, don't make a sound
 you've got to lower the noise
 a littlе bit now
 if she knows you're in love,
 A#m                   Fm  D#
 shе's gonna run, run away..

 G#                A#m
 charlie be quiet, don't make a sound
 you've got to lower the noise
 a littlе bit now
 if she knows you're in love,
 A#m                   Fm  D#
 shе's gonna run, run away..

Int. G# A#m Fm D#

Reff :
 if she knows you're in love,
 A#m                   Fm  D# G#
 shе's gonna run, run away..

Chord Charlie Puth - Charlie Be Quiet!

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Charlie Puth

