Kunci Gitar Celine Dion - Map To My Heart

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-10-26T15:47:15+00:00 Kunci Gitar Celine Dion - Map To My Heart
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Celine Dion - Map To My Heart - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Celine Dion - Map To My Heart" yang dibawakan oleh Celine Dion. "Kunci Gitar Celine Dion - Map To My Heart" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Celine Dion - Map To My Heart" oleh Celine Dion. Kunci Gitar Celine Dion - Map To My Heart

Celine Dion - Map To My Heart

Intro : Am Em Am Em

Am                       Em
white chocolate kisses.. under the stars..
Am                 Em
riding on horses.. boys with guitars..
Dm                             Em
 if you really want to get the root of me..
you don't have to try so hard..

Am                    Em
give me a reason.. to dance in the dark..
Am                         Em
be there to catch me.. and i'll fall apart..
Dm                        Em
 if you wanna know how to get to me..
F          G         Am
follow the map to my heart..

Reff :
   F            Am
 i cry.. for no reason..
   F                  Am
 i laugh.. at awkward moments..
 there's no manual..
 that explains where i'm going..
 so show me the way.. 
 F               (Dm-C-Bm-Am)
 show me the way..

Am                     Em
white chocolate kisses under the stars..
Am                Em
riding on horses, boys with guitars..
 if you really want to know
how to get to me..
F          G         Am
follow the map to my heart..

 you played that thing
like you're talking again
you strum those strings
like an angel of love..
did you notice..
i can't focus on nothing else..?

Bb                               F
 what's making me come out of my shell?
sometimes it's so hard to tell..
i don't even know myself..
when you do.. yeah.. you do..

Music : Am    Em        Am  Em
        uoh.. oh..  ooh yeah..
        Dm      Em F G Am
         oh baby..     mm..mmm

Reff :
       F           Am
 don't ask.. for directions..
     F            Am
 i'm tired.. of explaining..
 there's no book i've read..
 that says what i'm saying..
 so show me the way.. (show me the way)
 show me the way.. (show me)

Am                    Em
give me a reason.. to dance in the dark..
Am                       Em
be there to catch me and i'll fall apart..
Dm                             Em
 if you really want to get the root of me..
    F             G   F
you don't have to try so hard..

Dm                        Em
 if you wanna know how to get to me..
     F          G         F   
then follow the map to my heart..

Outro : Am Em Am Em
                  just follow it, baby..
        Dm     Em      F    G
         to my.. to my heart..
         Am    Em   Am     Em
        uuh.. uuuh. yeah.. yeah..
        Dm  Em
             F          G         Am
        just follow the map to my heart..


Intro : Gm Dm Gm Dm

Gm                       Dm
white chocolate kisses.. under the stars..
Gm                 Dm
riding on horses.. boys with guitars..
Cm                             Dm
 if you really want to get the root of me..
you don't have to try so hard..

Gm                    Dm
give me a reason.. to dance in the dark..
Gm                         Dm
be there to catch me.. and i'll fall apart..
Cm                        Dm
 if you wanna know how to get to me..
D#         F         Gm
follow the map to my heart..

Reff :
   D#           Gm
 i cry.. for no reason..
   D#                 Gm
 i laugh.. at awkward moments..
 there's no manual..
 that explains where i'm going..
 so show me the way.. 
 D#              (Cm-Bb-Am-Gm)
 show me the way..

Gm                     Dm
white chocolate kisses under the stars..
Gm                Dm
riding on horses, boys with guitars..
 if you really want to know
how to get to me..
D#         F         Gm
follow the map to my heart..

 you played that thing
like you're talking again
you strum those strings
like an angel of love..
did you notice..
i can't focus on nothing else..?

G#                               D#
 what's making me come out of my shell?
sometimes it's so hard to tell..
i don't even know myself..
when you do.. yeah.. you do..

Music : Gm    Dm        Gm  Dm
        uoh.. oh..  ooh yeah..
        Cm      Dm D# F Gm
         oh baby..      mm..mmm

Reff :
       D#          Gm
 don't ask.. for directions..
     D#           Gm
 i'm tired.. of explaining..
 there's no book i've read..
 that says what i'm saying..
 so show me the way.. (show me the way)
 show me the way.. (show me)

Gm                    Dm
give me a reason.. to dance in the dark..
Gm                       Dm
be there to catch me and i'll fall apart..
Cm                             Dm
 if you really want to get the root of me..
    D#            F   D#
you don't have to try so hard..

Cm                        Dm
 if you wanna know how to get to me..
     D#         F         D#..
then follow the map to my heart..

Outro : Gm Dm Gm Dm
                  just follow it, baby..
        Cm     Dm      D#   F
         to my.. to my heart..
         Gm    Dm   Gm     Dm
        uuh.. uuuh. yeah.. yeah..
        Cm  Dm
             D#         F         Gm
        just follow the map to my heart..

Chord Celine Dion - Map To My Heart

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  • Chord Celine Dion

