Kunci Gitar Sia - Unstoppable

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-09-02T14:53:14+00:00 Kunci Gitar Sia - Unstoppable
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Sia - Unstoppable - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Sia - Unstoppable" yang dibawakan oleh Sia. "Kunci Gitar Sia - Unstoppable" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Sia - Unstoppable" oleh Sia. Kunci Gitar Sia - Unstoppable

Sia - Unstoppable ✓ Chord

Intro : Am F C Em E Am all smiles, I know what it takes F to fool this town C I'll do it 'til the sun goes down Em and all through the night time, oh yeah.. Am oh yeah, I'll tell you what F you wanna hear.. leave my sunglasses on C while I shed a tear.. Em it's never the right time, yeah, yeah.. F G I put my armor on Em F show you how strong how I am.. F G I put my armor on Em F I'll show you that I am.. Reff : Am I'm unstoppable F C I'm a porsche with no brakes.. I'm invincible.. Em E (Am) yeah, I win every single game.. Am I'm so powerful.. F C I don't need batteries to play.. I'm so confident.. Em E yeah, I'm unstoppable today.. Am F unstoppable today.. C unstoppable today.. Em unstoppable today.. E I'm unstoppable today.. Am break down, only alone F I will cry out now C you'll never see what's hiding out Em hiding out deep down, yeah, yeah.. Am I know, I've heard that F to let your feelings show C Is the only way to make friendships grow Em but I'm too afraid now.. yeah, yeah.. F G I put my armor on Em F show you how strong how I am.. F G I put my armor on Em F I'll show you that I am.. Reff : Am I'm unstoppable F C I'm a porsche with no brakes.. I'm invincible.. Em E (Am) yeah, I win every single game.. Am I'm so powerful.. F C I don't need batteries to play.. I'm so confident.. Em E yeah, I'm unstoppable today.. Am F unstoppable today.. C unstoppable today.. Em unstoppable today.. E I'm unstoppable today.. Am F unstoppable today.. C unstoppable today.. Em unstoppable today.. E I'm unstoppable today.. F G I put my armor on Em F show you how strong how I am.. F G I put my armor on Em F I'll show you that I am.. Reff : Am I'm unstoppable F C I'm a porsche with no brakes.. I'm invincible.. Em E (Am) yeah, I win every single game.. Am I'm so powerful.. F C I don't need batteries to play.. I'm so confident.. Em E yeah, I'm unstoppable today.. Am F unstoppable today.. C unstoppable today.. Em unstoppable today.. E I'm unstoppable today.. Am F unstoppable today.. C unstoppable today.. Em unstoppable today.. E Am I'm unstoppable today.. -------------- ===ORIGINAL CHORD=== -------------- Intro : F#m D A C#m C# F#m all smiles, I know what it takes D to fool this town A I'll do it 'til the sun goes down C#m and all through the night time, oh yeah.. F#m oh yeah, I'll tell you what D you wanna hear.. leave my sunglasses on A while I shed a tear.. C#m it's never the right time, yeah, yeah.. D E I put my armor on C#m D show you how strong how I am.. D E I put my armor on C#m D I'll show you that I am.. Reff : F#m I'm unstoppable D A I'm a porsche with no brakes.. I'm invincible.. C#m C# (F#m) yeah, I win every single game.. F#m I'm so powerful.. D A I don't need batteries to play.. I'm so confident.. C#m C# yeah, I'm unstoppable today.. F#m D unstoppable today.. A unstoppable today.. C#m unstoppable today.. C# I'm unstoppable today.. F#m break down, only alone D I will cry out now A you'll never see what's hiding out C#m hiding out deep down, yeah, yeah.. F#m I know, I've heard that D to let your feelings show A Is the only way to make friendships grow C#m but I'm too afraid now.. yeah, yeah.. D E I put my armor on C#m D show you how strong how I am.. D E I put my armor on C#m D I'll show you that I am.. Reff : F#m I'm unstoppable D A I'm a porsche with no brakes.. I'm invincible.. C#m C# (F#m) yeah, I win every single game.. F#m I'm so powerful.. D A I don't need batteries to play.. I'm so confident.. C#m C# yeah, I'm unstoppable today.. F#m D unstoppable today.. A unstoppable today.. C#m unstoppable today.. C# I'm unstoppable today.. F#m D unstoppable today.. A unstoppable today.. C#m unstoppable today.. C# I'm unstoppable today.. D E I put my armor on C#m D show you how strong how I am.. D E I put my armor on C#m D I'll show you that I am.. Reff : F#m I'm unstoppable D A I'm a porsche with no brakes.. I'm invincible.. C#m C# (F#m) yeah, I win every single game.. F#m I'm so powerful.. D A I don't need batteries to play.. I'm so confident.. C#m C# yeah, I'm unstoppable today.. F#m D unstoppable today.. A unstoppable today.. C#m unstoppable today.. C# I'm unstoppable today.. F#m D unstoppable today.. A unstoppable today.. C#m unstoppable today.. C# F#m I'm unstoppable today..

Chord Sia - Unstoppable

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