Kunci Gitar LeAnn Rimes - spaceship

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-09-28T20:14:25+00:00 Kunci Gitar LeAnn Rimes - spaceship
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar LeAnn Rimes - spaceship - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar LeAnn Rimes - spaceship" yang dibawakan oleh Leann Rimes. "Kunci Gitar LeAnn Rimes - spaceship" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar LeAnn Rimes - spaceship" oleh Leann Rimes. Kunci Gitar LeAnn Rimes - spaceship

Capo ♪ fret 4

no, i never felt like i belonged here..
G           Dm                     F
 this world wasn't quite ready for me..

 whoever's out there in the stratosphere..
 got a question for the cosmic engineer..
Bm                               B
 is it all you believed it would be..?

Reff :
 C                               G   D
  hey God, why don't you take me home..?
 C                              G
  beam me up, i got a ticket to board..
           B                       Em
 yeah, you know i'm coming home anyway..
        A                         G
 so, we might as well blast off today..
 for fun..
     C             Cm           G  
 i'm waiting on my spaceship to come..

Int. G D C

G         Dm                     F    C
 how much pain can we bear being human..?
G           Dm
 i'm pretty sure that my mission
is done here..

 how much more yeah do you want from me?
 haven't i earned the right
to be a nominee..?
Bm                          B
 to float out past the pleiades..
oh no, you can't be that hard to please.. 

Reff :
 C                               G   D
  hey God, why don't you take me home..?
 C                              G
  beam me up, i got a ticket to board..
           B                      Em
 yeah, you know i'm coming home anyway..
        A                         G
 so, we might as well blast off today..
 for fun..
     C                          Cm
 i'm waiting on my spaceship to come..

 no, i'm not taking no
for an answer today..
 got to be an infinite amount of room up
there in the stowaway
 yeah, it's my life i have a say..
    C    Cm
and i say..

Reff :
 C                               G   D
  hey God, why don't you take me home..?
 C                              G
  beam me up, i got a ticket to board..
           B                      Em
 yeah, you know i'm coming home anyway..
        A                         G
 so, we might as well blast off today..
 for fun..
     C             Cm           G   D C
 i'm waiting on my spaceship to come..

                Cm          G   D C
 waiting on my spaceship to come..
                    Cm          G   D C
 i'm waiting on my spaceship to come..
                Cm          G   D C
 waiting on my spaceship to come..
 Cm                           G
 waiting on my spaceship.. to come..


no, i never felt like i belonged here..
B           F#m                    A
 this world wasn't quite ready for me..

 whoever's out there in the stratosphere..
 got a question for the cosmic engineer..
D#m                              D#
 is it all you believed it would be..?

Reff :
 E                               B   F#
  hey God, why don't you take me home..?
 E                              B
  beam me up, i got a ticket to board..
           D#/A#                   G#m
 yeah, you know i'm coming home anyway..
        C#/G#                     B/F#
 so, we might as well blast off today..
 for fun..
     E             Em          (B)
 i'm waiting on my spaceship to come..

Int. B F# E

B         F#m                    A    E
 how much pain can we bear being human..?
B           F#m
 i'm pretty sure that my mission
is done here..

 how much more yeah do you want from me?
 haven't i earned the right
to be a nominee..?
D#m                         D#
 to float out past the pleiades..
oh no, you can't be that hard to please.. 

Reff :
 E                               B   F#
  hey God, why don't you take me home..?
 E                              B
  beam me up, i got a ticket to board..
           D#/A#                   G#m
 yeah, you know i'm coming home anyway..
        C#/G#                     B/F#
 so, we might as well blast off today..
 for fun..
     E                          Em
 i'm waiting on my spaceship to come..

 no, i'm not taking no
for an answer today..
 got to be an infinite amount of room up
there in the stowaway
 yeah, it's my life i have a say..
    E    Em
and i say..

Reff :
 E                               B   F#
  hey God, why don't you take me home..?
 E                              B
  beam me up, i got a ticket to board..
           D#/A#                   G#m
 yeah, you know i'm coming home anyway..
        C#/G#                     B/F#
 so, we might as well blast off today..
 for fun..
     E             Em           B   F# E
 i'm waiting on my spaceship to come..

                Em          B   F# E
 waiting on my spaceship to come..
                    Em          B   F# E
 i'm waiting on my spaceship to come..
                Em          B   F# E
 waiting on my spaceship to come..
 Em                           B
 waiting on my spaceship.. to come..

Chord LeAnn Rimes - spaceship

    Sorry, no related chords at this time.

    Lihat semua :
  • Chord LeAnn Rimes

