Kunci Gitar blackbear - back in rehab

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-09-02T09:33:20+00:00 Kunci Gitar blackbear - back in rehab
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar blackbear - back in rehab - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar blackbear - back in rehab" yang dibawakan oleh Blackbear. "Kunci Gitar blackbear - back in rehab" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar blackbear - back in rehab" oleh Blackbear. Kunci Gitar blackbear - back in rehab

Capo fret 5

Intro : Am -C F -G
        Am -C F -G

 i love what i don't have,
     -C              F      -G
til i have it then i hate it..
 you trashed everything
      -C         F     -G
that i once held sacred..

 let the pendulum swing
   -C        F    -G
now back and forth..
 you fill me up with love,
   -C          F
but love's overrated..

-G           Am
 and im just five minutes away
    -C            F
from burning this whole shit down..
-G              Am
 you don't know your limits
          -C        F
wanna run away, man fuck this town..

     Am      Em             F
cause your depression could fill up a room..
Am        Em          F            G
 and my anxiety could pop a balloon..

Reff :
 imma end up back in rehab
 just for fuckin with you..
    C            G/B
 or 6 feet under ground
               Am                   Em
 cause of what you put me through.. ooh..
 F                  G
  we're a beautiful mess,
 that's the ugly truth..

Int. Am -C F

 you smile like my ex
        -C         F  -G
and that freaks me out..
 but something about the sex
    -C         F    -G
just keeps me around..

Am                   -C        F
 la is a place people go to forget..
who they are..
Am                      -C       F
 your heart is a place nobody's allowed..

-G           Am
 and im just five minutes away
    -C            F
from burning this whole shit down..
-G              Am
 you don't know your limits
          -C        F
wanna run away, man fuck this town..

     Am      Em             F
cause your depression could fill up a room..
Am        Em          F            G
 and my anxiety could pop a balloon..

Reff :
 imma end up back in rehab
 just for fuckin with you..
    C            G/B
 or 6 feet under ground
               Am                   Em
 cause of what you put me through.. ooh..
 F                  G
  we're a beautiful mess,
 that's the ugly truth..

Int. C G/B Am Em
     F G

        C             G/B
im just five minutes away
                  Am             Em
from burning this whole shit down..
you don't know your limits
                    G              C..
wanna run away, man fuck this town..


Intro : Dm -F Bb -C
        Dm -F Bb -C

 i love what i don't have,
     -F              Bb     -C
til i have it then i hate it..
 you trashed everything
      -F         Bb    -C
that i once held sacred..

 let the pendulum swing
   -F        Bb   -C
now back and forth..
 you fill me up with love,
   -F          Bb
but love's overrated..

-C           Dm
 and im just five minutes away
    -F            Bb
from burning this whole shit down..
-C              Dm
 you don't know your limits
          -F        Bb
wanna run away, man fuck this town..

     Dm      Am             Bb
cause your depression could fill up a room..
Dm        Am          Bb           C
 and my anxiety could pop a balloon..

Reff :
 imma end up back in rehab
 just for fuckin with you..
    F            C/E
 or 6 feet under ground
               Dm                   Am
 cause of what you put me through.. ooh..
 Bb                 C
  we're a beautiful mess,
 that's the ugly truth..

Int. Dm -F Bb

 you smile like my ex
        -F         Bb -C
and that freaks me out..
 but something about the sex
    -F         Bb   -C
just keeps me around..

Dm                   -F        Bb
 la is a place people go to forget..
who they are..
Dm                      -F       Bb
 your heart is a place nobody's allowed..

-C           Dm
 and im just five minutes away
    -F            Bb
from burning this whole shit down..
-C              Dm
 you don't know your limits
          -F        Bb
wanna run away, man fuck this town..

     Dm      Am             Bb
cause your depression could fill up a room..
Dm        Am          Bb           C
 and my anxiety could pop a balloon..

Reff :
 imma end up back in rehab
 just for fuckin with you..
    F            C/E
 or 6 feet under ground
               Dm                   Am
 cause of what you put me through.. ooh..
 Bb                 C
  we're a beautiful mess,
 that's the ugly truth..

Int. F C/E Dm Am
     Bb C

        F             C/E
im just five minutes away
                  Dm             Am
from burning this whole shit down..
you don't know your limits
                    C              F..
wanna run away, man fuck this town..

Chord blackbear - back in rehab

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  • Chord Blackbear

