Kunci Gitar Bazzi - Only Fan (feat. Cordae)

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-09-19T18:25:05+00:00 Kunci Gitar Bazzi - Only Fan (feat. Cordae)
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Bazzi - Only Fan (feat. Cordae) - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Bazzi - Only Fan (feat. Cordae)" yang dibawakan oleh Cordae. "Kunci Gitar Bazzi - Only Fan (feat. Cordae)" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Bazzi - Only Fan (feat. Cordae)" oleh Cordae. Kunci Gitar Bazzi - Only Fan (feat. Cordae)

Capo ♪ fret 1

Intro : Am Em G D
        Am Em G D
        Am Em G D
        Am Em G             D
              i'm your only fan, girl

Am         Em           G
 i'm goin' crazy seeing pictures
       D       Am Em G       D
on the internet..    woah oh woah..

Am          Em           G
 now doctor uh, i'm busy runnin', runnin'
 D            Am Em G  D
'round my head..    ooh..

      Am         Em
how i don't know you
        G       D
but i'm missin' you?
        Am          Em
yeah, i can't break through
         G          D
and it's drivin' me crazy

     Am       Em
this can't be less
         G             D
with the world in your grave
        Am           Em     G
can you play with my heart again..?

Reff :
   D             Am   Em
 i think i said, uh.. huh..
 G              D
 dancin' on the bay with you
 Am   Em    G                D
 uh.. huh.. i'm your biggest fan, girl
 Am   Em    G               D
 uh.. huh.. cancel all your plans, girl
 Am   Em    G             D
 uh.. huh.. i'm your only fan, girl

Int. Am Em G D
     Am Em G             D
           i'm your only fan (yeah)

      Am              Em
listen, i fucked your best friend,
       G                  D
i just thought that maybe you should know
(you should know)
Am          Em
 my life's exotic,
        G              D
i swear nothin' is the usual (never)

Am     Em
 and i know..
          G                D
you could use someone more suitable..
Am     Em
 and i know..
    G                   D
sometimes that i can be difficult.. (hey)

Am          Em
 but when i hop out the benz
with the burberry trainers,
       D                          Am
bet you wasn't complainin', woah, woah
and when i bought all your friends
new cartier lens
        D                       Am
but you didn't say nothin', no, no

    Em                   G
and they don't know what you don't know,
     D       Am
what i don't know
        Em             G
why the hell am i even missin' her?
where the time go..

      Am         Em
how i don't know you
        G       D
but i'm missin' you?
        Am          Em
yeah, i can't break through
         G          D
and it's drivin' me crazy

     Am       Em
this can't be less
         G             D
with the world in your grave
        Am           Em     G
can you play with my heart again..?

Reff :
   D             Am   Em
 i think i said, uh.. huh..
 G              D
 dancin' on the bay with you
 Am   Em    G                D
 uh.. huh.. i'm your biggest fan, girl
 Am   Em    G               D
 uh.. huh.. cancel all your plans, girl
 Am   Em    G             D
 uh.. huh.. i'm your only fan, girl

Outro : Am Em G D
        Am Em G D
        Am Em G D
        Am Em G             D
              i'm your only fan, girl


Intro : A#m Fm G# D#
        A#m Fm G# D#
        A#m Fm G# D#
        A#m Fm G#            D#
               i'm your only fan, girl

A#m        Fm           G#
 i'm goin' crazy seeing pictures
       D#      A#m Fm G#      D#
on the internet..     woah oh woah..

A#m         Fm           G#
 now doctor uh, i'm busy runnin', runnin'
 D#           A#m Fm G# D#
'round my head..     ooh..

      A#m        Fm
how i don't know you
        G#      D#
but i'm missin' you?
        A#m         Fm
yeah, i can't break through
         G#         D#
and it's drivin' me crazy

     A#m      Fm
this can't be less
         G#            D#
with the world in your grave
        A#m          Fm     G#
can you play with my heart again..?

Reff :
   D#            A#m  Fm
 i think i said, uh.. huh..
 G#             D#
 dancin' on the bay with you
 A#m  Fm    G#               D#
 uh.. huh.. i'm your biggest fan, girl
 A#m  Fm    G#              D#
 uh.. huh.. cancel all your plans, girl
 A#m  Fm    G#            D#
 uh.. huh.. i'm your only fan, girl

Int. A#m Fm G# D#
     A#m Fm G#            D#
            i'm your only fan (yeah)

      A#m             Fm
listen, i fucked your best friend,
       G#                 D#
i just thought that maybe you should know
(you should know)
A#m         Fm
 my life's exotic,
        G#             D#
i swear nothin' is the usual (never)

A#m    Fm
 and i know..
          G#               D#
you could use someone more suitable..
A#m    Fm
 and i know..
    G#                  D#
sometimes that i can be difficult.. (hey)

A#m         Fm
 but when i hop out the benz
with the burberry trainers,
       D#                         A#m
bet you wasn't complainin', woah, woah
and when i bought all your friends
new cartier lens
        D#                      A#m
but you didn't say nothin', no, no

    Fm                   G#
and they don't know what you don't know,
     D#      A#m
what i don't know
        Fm             G#
why the hell am i even missin' her?
where the time go..

      A#m        Fm
how i don't know you
        G#      D#
but i'm missin' you?
        A#m         Fm
yeah, i can't break through
         G#         D#
and it's drivin' me crazy

     A#m      Fm
this can't be less
         G#            D#
with the world in your grave
        A#m          Fm     G#
can you play with my heart again..?

Reff :
   D#            A#m  Fm
 i think i said, uh.. huh..
 G#             D#
 dancin' on the bay with you
 A#m  Fm    G#               D#
 uh.. huh.. i'm your biggest fan, girl
 A#m  Fm    G#              D#
 uh.. huh.. cancel all your plans, girl
 A#m  Fm    G#            D#
 uh.. huh.. i'm your only fan, girl

Outro : A#m Fm G# D#
        A#m Fm G# D#
        A#m Fm G# D#
        A#m Fm G#            D#
               i'm your only fan, girl

Chord Bazzi - Only Fan (feat. Cordae)

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Bazzi
  • Chord Cordae

