Kunci Gitar Teddy Swims - Don't Stop Believin'

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-08-25T19:28:30+00:00 Kunci Gitar Teddy Swims - Don't Stop Believin'
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Teddy Swims - Don't Stop Believin' - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Teddy Swims - Don't Stop Believin'" yang dibawakan oleh Teddy Swims. "Kunci Gitar Teddy Swims - Don't Stop Believin'" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Teddy Swims - Don't Stop Believin'" oleh Teddy Swims. Kunci Gitar Teddy Swims - Don't Stop Believin'

Capo fret 4

Intro : C G Am F

C       G
 just a small town girl..
Am           F
 livin' in a lonely world..
C             G
 she took the midnight train 
      Em   F
goin' anywhere..

C       G
 just a city boy..
Am                  F
 born and raised in south detroit..
C            G
 he took the midnight train
      Em   F
goin' anywhere..

Int. C G Am F
     C G Em F

C               G
 a singer in a smokey room..
Am                   F
 a smell of wine and cheap perfume..
C                     G
 for a smile they can share the night
        Em              F
it goes on and on.. and on.. and on..

Reff :
 strangers waiting..
  up and down the boulevard..
       F                        C
 their shadows searching in the night..

 streetlights people..
  living just to find emotion..
 F                        G  C G-C-F
 hiding, somewhere in the night..

Int. C G Am F

C                G
 working hard to get my fill..
Am         F
 everybody wants a thrill..
C                   G
 payin' anything to roll the dice,
     Em       F
just one more time..

C              G
 some will win.. some will lose..
Am                 F
 some were born to sing the blues..
C              G
 oh, the movie never ends
        Em              F
it goes on and on.. and on.. and on..

Reff :
 strangers waiting..
  up and down the boulevard..
       F                        C
 their shadows searching in the night..

 streetlights people..
  living just to find emotion..
 F                        G  C G-C-F
 hiding, somewhere in the night..

Int. C G Am F
     C G Em F

C            G
don't stop believin'
Am              F
 hold on to the feelin'..
C            G     Em F
streetlights people..

C            G
don't stop believin'
Am              F
 hold on to the feelin'..
C            G     Em F
streetlights people..

C            G      Am  F
don't stop believin'.. ooh..
C            G        Em    F
streetlights people.. ooh.. oh..


Intro : E B C#m A

E       B
 just a small town girl..
C#m          A
 livin' in a lonely world..
E             B
 she took the midnight train 
      G#m  A
goin' anywhere..

E       B
 just a city boy..
C#m                 A
 born and raised in south detroit..
E            B
 he took the midnight train
      G#m  A
goin' anywhere..

Int. E B C#m A
     E B G#m A

E               B
 a singer in a smokey room..
C#m                  A
 a smell of wine and cheap perfume..
E                     B
 for a smile they can share the night
        G#m             A
it goes on and on.. and on.. and on..

Reff :
 strangers waiting..
  up and down the boulevard..
       A                        E
 their shadows searching in the night..

 streetlights people..
  living just to find emotion..
 A                        B  E B-E-A
 hiding, somewhere in the night..

Int. E B C#m A

E                B
 working hard to get my fill..
C#m        A
 everybody wants a thrill..
E                   B
 payin' anything to roll the dice,
     G#m      A
just one more time..

E              B
 some will win.. some will lose..
C#m                A
 some were born to sing the blues..
E              B
 oh, the movie never ends
        G#m             A
it goes on and on.. and on.. and on..

Reff :
 strangers waiting..
  up and down the boulevard..
       A                        E
 their shadows searching in the night..

 streetlights people..
  living just to find emotion..
 A                        B  E B-E-A
 hiding, somewhere in the night..

Int. E B C#m A
     E B G#m A

E            B
don't stop believin'
C#m             A
 hold on to the feelin'..
E            B     G#m A
streetlights people..

E            B
don't stop believin'
C#m             A
 hold on to the feelin'..
E            B     G#m A
streetlights people..

E            B      C#m A
don't stop believin'.. ooh..
E            B        G#m   A
streetlights people.. ooh.. oh..

Chord Teddy Swims - Don't Stop Believin'

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Teddy Swims

