Kunci Gitar salem ilese - Moment Of Silence

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-08-29T20:09:07+00:00 Kunci Gitar salem ilese - Moment Of Silence
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar salem ilese - Moment Of Silence - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar salem ilese - Moment Of Silence" yang dibawakan oleh Salem Ilese. "Kunci Gitar salem ilese - Moment Of Silence" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar salem ilese - Moment Of Silence" oleh Salem Ilese. Kunci Gitar salem ilese - Moment Of Silence

Capo fret 5

Intro : Am

F         G          Am
 how's my body being banned
before a gun in someone's hand..
     G           Am  -Em
i'll never understand..

F              G                 Am
 how someone's pro-life, all the way
but they remain pro-nra..
     G           Am  -Em
i'll never understand..

       F                G
if the thoughts and the prayers
      C         G       F
were enough for this to change..
     F             G
then i would be in church
      C             G
every single fuckin day..

Reff :
 F         G
  we don't need another 
 moment of silence..
 F        G
  we need everybody's
 Am                  -Em
 voices to fight this..

 F         G
  speaking volumes
 if you're just being quiet..
 F         G
  we don't need another
 Am           F  
 moment of silence..

 F G Am                      F      G
      don't need a moment of silence.. 
 huwooh.. don't need a, don't need a

F           G                Am
 if freedom means so much to you
then give us back our right to choose..
         G                  Am     -Em
weapons aren't what need protecting..

       F             G
you're free to carry yours
             C         G     F
while i'd be forced to carry mine..
      F              G
guess if i came with bullets
        C               G
i might have more human rights..

Reff :
 F         G
  we don't need another 
 moment of silence..
 F        G
  we need everybody's
 Am                  -Em
 voices to fight this..

 F         G
  speaking volumes
 if you're just being quiet..
 F         G            
  we don't need another 
 Am           F  
 moment of silence..

 F G Am                      F      G
      don't need a moment of silence.. 
 huwooh.. don't need a, don't need a

 F         G
  we don't need another 
 moment of silence..
 F     G
  in a world where nothings
 Am                     -Em
 wrong like the right is..

 F         G
  speaking volumes
 if you're just being quiet..
 (F)      (G)          (Am)
  we don't need another moment of..


Intro : Dm

Bb        C          Dm
 how's my body being banned
before a gun in someone's hand..
     C           Dm   -Am
i'll never understand..

Bb             C                 Dm
 how someone's pro-life, all the way
but they remain pro-nra..
     C           Dm   -Am
i'll never understand..

       Bb               C
if the thoughts and the prayers
      F        -C       Bb
were enough for this to change..
     Bb            C
then i would be in church
      F             C
every single fuckin day..

Reff :
 Bb        C
  we don't need another 
 moment of silence..
 Bb       C
  we need everybody's
 Dm                  -Am
 voices to fight this..

 Bb        C
  speaking volumes
 if you're just being quiet..
 Bb        C
  we don't need another
 Dm          (Bb)
 moment of silence..

 Bb C Dm                      Bb     C
       don't need a moment of silence.. 
 huwooh.. don't need a, don't need a

Bb          C                Dm
 if freedom means so much to you
then give us back our right to choose..
         C                  Dm     -Am
weapons aren't what need protecting..

       Bb            C
you're free to carry yours
             F        -C     Bb
while i'd be forced to carry mine..
      Bb             C
guess if i came with bullets
        F               C
i might have more human rights..

Reff :
 Bb        C
  we don't need another 
 moment of silence..
 Bb       C
  we need everybody's
 Dm                  -Am
 voices to fight this..

 Bb        C
  speaking volumes
 if you're just being quiet..
 Bb        C            
  we don't need another 
 Dm          (Bb)
 moment of silence..

 Bb C Dm                      Bb     C
       don't need a moment of silence.. 
 huwooh.. don't need a, don't need a

 Bb        C
  we don't need another 
 moment of silence..
 Bb    C
  in a world where nothings
 Dm                     -Am
 wrong like the right is..

 Bb        C
  speaking volumes
 if you're just being quiet..
 (Bb)     (C)          (Dm)
  we don't need another moment of..

Chord salem ilese - Moment Of Silence

Lihat semua :
  • Chord salem ilese

