Kunci Gitar Joji - Glimpse of Us

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-07-12T05:05:47+00:00 Kunci Gitar Joji - Glimpse of Us
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Joji - Glimpse of Us - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Joji - Glimpse of Us" yang dibawakan oleh Joji. "Kunci Gitar Joji - Glimpse of Us" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Joji - Glimpse of Us" oleh Joji. Kunci Gitar Joji - Glimpse of Us

Note :
Capo fret 1
change re-chord Am7 D7

Intro : Am D G Em
        Am D G Em

she'd take the world off my shoulders
if it was ever hard to move..
she'd turn the rain to a rainbow
when i was living in the blue..

why then, if she is so perfect
do i still wish that it was you..
perfect don't mean that it's workin'
              G  D
so what can i do.. (huuu)

when you're out of sight..
in my mind..

Reff :
            Am                  D
 'cause sometimes i look in her eyes
                    G     -D/F#       Em
 and that's where i find a glimpse of us..
       Am                  D
 and i try to fall for her touch
                  G     -D/F#   Em
 but i'm thinkin' of the way it was..

          Am                    D
 said i'm fine and said i moved on
          G           -D/F#        Em
 i'm only here passing time in her arms..
             Am       D       G
 hopin' i'll find.. a glimpse.. of us..

tell me he savors your glory
does he laugh the way i did..?
is this a part of your story?
one that i had never lived..

maybe one day you'll feel lonely
and in his eyes, you'll get a glimpse..
maybe you'll start slipping slowly
             G    D
and find me again..

when you're out of sight..
in my mind..

Reff :
            Am                  D
 'cause sometimes i look in her eyes
                    G     -D/F#       Em
 and that's where i find a glimpse of us..
       Am                  D
 and i try to fall for her touch
                  G     -D/F#   Em
 but i'm thinkin' of the way it was..

          Am                    D
 said i'm fine and said i moved on
          G           -D/F#        Em
 i'm only here passing time in her arms..
             Am       D       (Am)
 hopin' i'll find.. a glimpse.. of us..

Music : Am  D   G   Em
        huu.. uuu.. u..
        Am  D  G  -D/F# E
        huu.. uuu..u u..

Reff :
            Am                  D
 'cause sometimes i look in her eyes
                    G     -D/F#       Em
 and that's where i find a glimpse of us..
       Am                  D
 and i try to fall for her touch
                  G     -D/F#   Em
 but i'm thinkin' of the way it was..

          Am                    D
 said i'm fine and said i moved on
          G           -D/F#        Em
 i'm only here passing time in her arms..
             Am       D      (G)
 hopin' i'll find.. a glimpse.. of us..

Outro : Am D G -D/F# Em
        Am D


Dominan change re-chord A#m7, D#7

Intro : A#m D# G# Fm
        A#m D# G# Fm

she'd take the world off my shoulders
if it was ever hard to move..
she'd turn the rain to a rainbow
when i was living in the blue..

why then, if she is so perfect
do i still wish that it was you..
perfect don't mean that it's workin'
              G# D#
so what can i do.. (huuu)

when you're out of sight..
in my mind..

Reff :
            A#m                 D#
 'cause sometimes i look in her eyes
                    G#    -D#/G       Fm
 and that's where i find a glimpse of us..
       A#m                 D#
 and i try to fall for her touch
                  G#    -D#/G   G#
 but i'm thinkin' of the way it was..

          A#m                   D#
 said i'm fine and said i moved on
          G#          -D#/G        Fm
 i'm only here passing time in her arms..
             A#m      D#      Fm
 hopin' i'll find.. a glimpse.. of us..

tell me he savors your glory
does he laugh the way i did..?
is this a part of your story?
one that i had never lived..

maybe one day you'll feel lonely
and in his eyes, you'll get a glimpse..
maybe you'll start slipping slowly
             G#   D#
and find me again..

when you're out of sight..
in my mind..

Reff :
            A#m                 D#
 'cause sometimes i look in her eyes
                    G#    -D#/G       Fm
 and that's where i find a glimpse of us..
       A#m                 D#
 and i try to fall for her touch
                  G#    -D#/G   Fm
 but i'm thinkin' of the way it was..

          A#m                   D#
 said i'm fine and said i moved on
          G#          -D#/G        Fm
 i'm only here passing time in her arms..
             A#m      D#      (A#m)
 hopin' i'll find.. a glimpse.. of us..

Music : A#m D#  G#  Fm
        huu.. uuu.. u..
        A#m D# G# -D#/G F
        huu.. uuu..u u..

Reff :
            A#m                 D#
 'cause sometimes i look in her eyes
                    G#    -D#/G       Fm
 and that's where i find a glimpse of us..
       A#m                 D#
 and i try to fall for her touch
                  G#    -D#/G   Fm
 but i'm thinkin' of the way it was..

          A#m                   D#
 said i'm fine and said i moved on
          G#          -D#/G        Fm
 i'm only here passing time in her arms..
                  G#    -D#/G  (G#)
 but i'm thinkin' of the way it was..

Outro : A#m D# G# -D#/G Fm
        A#m D#

Chord Joji - Glimpse of Us

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Joji

